Review Summary: Music to kill yourself by.
As with any decent review, I'll begin by saying that I have no words to describe the contents of this album. This isn't for a lack of trying, but because written language completely fails to convey the magnitude of the foulness of this album, or the scope of the error inherent in its creation. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that there is no language, no manner of description at all, that exists under the watchful gaze of the sun's eyeless face that can properly describe exactly how terrible this album, and by extension this band, is. Frankly, I'm awestruck.
None of this is news to you, of course, gentle reader. Curiosity is ever the downfall of man; your thirst for knowledge has drawn you to the well of folly before, from which you've drawn lessons hard-won. BrokeNCYDE is an error once heard, and a tragedy twice listened to – there's no need to dredge through this album looking for anything new, because the band has only one thing to teach: do not listen to them.
There's no point to this collection, it's just the best of the worst. If you feel a need to hear it, to bend your ear to this disastrous pile of mongrel music, you'll not forget it easily. Ever after will you hear it in your mind, this atrocity of the industry, ringing in your ears like a steeple's crashing bell. How can you forget this thing, you may wonder. How may you be free?
Death will cure what ails ye.
Death will set your soul free.