This is financially and critically Weezer's best album. Their debut with 3 huge singles and a full set of great songs. On the Top 500 Albums of all time, just a great CD.
Grecat lyrics, great opening acoustic riff, some cool power chords. No solo in this one but a bridge with some chords, a riff and a harmonica, which helps flow into the ending of the song, which ends with the openign acoustic riff. Really good song, great album intro, 5/5.
Kicks off right away with a mini breakdown then goes to a catchy and classic verse, supported by a chorus that sports the same aspects but including some backup vocals that we hear for the first time done by their first bassist. Catchy and fun song, fun lyrics, good solo leading right back to the final chorus finishing the song. it gets 4.5/5, great song.
starts off with some power chords backed by another acoustic riff. Kicks off right away with the chorus, which includes the same chords and some backup vocals. The song goes right into the verse after that which is well-written and has a background riff. The pre-chorus is awesome, goes really well. Solo sounds good, goes right into the final chorus then into an outro like that of the intro. This song gets 5/5, just a really good song.
Ah, Buddy Holly, what a song. Won 4 MTV awards, huge video. Starts right away with a powerful and catchy verse, including some effected keyboard/guitar fills. Fun pre-chorus and chorus, chorus has catchy lyrics (he really does look like Buddy Holly). The song sports a solo that doesn't over-do it but goes perfectly from chorus to chorus then the end of the song. The song gets 5/5.
This was Weezer's very first video and first single. Starts off with a neat acoustic riff overlayed with 2 people tlaking at a party. Rivers then comes in with acoustic guitar and subtle drums and some backup vocals. The chorus has a 3-chord structure and just makes the song really funny with its lyrics and style. ("If you want to destroy my sweat, pull this thread as I walk away". The solo is different, using a deeper scale. They also go to the point of changing the final chorus lyrics and timing which leads into an outro with different effects and the main acoustic riff. The song gets 4.5/5, good song, funny.
Right away it starts off with a great clean riff, then Rivers come sin with the drums and starts singing until the power chords start, really bringing in the song. The chorus has great lyrics and goes well with the song. The second verse is like the first and sounds jsut cool. This song does not have a solo but has a bridge where all 3 vocalists sing different parts of the song at different times backed by simply bass and a bit of subtle guitar. We then go through a final chorus and instrumental break that ends the song well. This song is just awesome, cool beat, music and lyrics, gets 5/5.
The song starts off with an intro and verse based on funk chords, riffs and fills, while Rivers sings somewhat sadder lyrics.The chorus is powerful with different power chord pauses and quick bend fills in the second and third choruses. The singing has good range and adds a good element to the song. The bridge is dark and goes really, building up to an awesome solo then a final chorus and an outro like that of the intro. gets 5/5.
Starts off right away with finger-picked acoustic guitar and nicely played harmonica resembling the chorus vocals. The song jumps then into a catchy verse with more funny. The chorus is good, but not as good as the verse. We hear more form the harmonica in the second verse. The solo is also a downer compared to the rest of the song. Cool song, some parts aren't as good, gets 4/5.
Starts right away with what could be an Elvis style guitar riff, including different bends and quick pull-offs. Amazing lyrics, great range in the chorus, some fills resembling the lyrics in the second verse where we here more great lyrics. The song dies in the middle with just bass and a catchy and well sung vocal bit, which then builds up to a final chorus with an added riff and is a great climax and finish to the song. It gets 5/5.
This is pretty much one of Weezer's best songs and probably the ebst on the album as well as the longest. We hear a bass opener then drums and acoustic guitar come in. The verse is sung well and has the same aspects as the intro. The chorus is powerful and goes well. After the second chorus the song really cuilds up with an insane chord set that really gets you going, but then dies down to a quick little clean riff bit. The guitar then starts building up the song from there to the same driving chord set topped by a great solo. The song ends how it started, and there ends one of the greatest albums of all time. The song gets 5/5.
This album gets 5/5, no question, not 1 bad song, great all the way through, just an amazing album, pick it up if you haven't already got it.