Red (USA)
End of Silence



by Yuma310 USER (9 Reviews)
July 3rd, 2011 | 12 replies

Release Date: 2006 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Its already over...

In the dreary summer of 2009, things were looking bleak for my music choice. I had The-All American Rejects on my iPod and was undergoing a shortage of a thing I needed, good mainstream Nu-Metal. My Breaking Benjamin worship was nearing its end and something had to change. That’s when one of my friends showed me Nashville rockers Red. I heard the single ‘Breath into Me’ and fell in love. Despite the odd name choice (To which band members claim stand for strength) it still made good music to subside my teenage angst. Of course the question is not whether I was listening to ‘good’ music back in the day. It’s whether Red was capable of making good music on that important debut album.

Now something that first caught my attention is that this album was almost entirely written by, Rob Graves. A quick look up on Wikipedia shows that Rob is an accomplished producer, and it undoubtedly shows, as the debut is fairly good considering that this is their first real album. So expectations are high, although you can’t rub up off the feeling of disappointment that a majority of the record was written by Rob Graves. As I hit play, I am greeted with an Intro of sorts. I think Intros are fun but find them rather meaningless, although it sets up and flows beautifully into the first single, ‘Breathe Into Me’. This song was a great first single choice. As it has a catchy chorus with soaring vocals by lead singer Michael Barnes, also the drumming by Andrew Hendrix is superb (Who manages to keep up the entire album and makes the blandest songs interesting). This song carries with it your stock Nu-Metal sound, and is by far not the heaviest on the album.

Enter, ‘Let Go’ this song really shows off Michaels screaming ability. It is a real hard rocker; occasionally you can hear the strings that are present on a majority of the album. Which leads me to the strings and piano use on this album; it really adds to the music beautifully and is most notable on ‘Already Over’ and the amazing ‘Pieces’. Although starting off slowly ‘Already Over’ morphs into a beautiful hard-rocker. Including the strings that are so expertly included and some great vocals, this song clearly steals the show and proves that this band has some great talent going on. On the other hand, ‘Pieces’ slows down the tempo and gives you the best ballad I’ve ever heard. Including a haunting piano and heartfelt vocals this song keeps the energy going, after the slight miss that was ‘Lost’.

As soon as we bump over those two masterpieces we hit ‘Wasting Time’ and ‘Gave It All Away’. Enter the phrase “Linkin Park Worship”. Although very good heavy rock songs, with some metal influence, they come off as losing the uniqueness that was notable on a majority of the first six songs. The vocals and screaming really shine but they lose points after such a stellar beginning lineup. We then hit ‘Already Over Pt. 2’. A great ending to an album that lost some of its shine thanks to some bland music towards the end. It slows down, almost like ‘Pieces’. It stays that way throughout, never picking up like its name sake. It manages rather well to end this album on a good note.

Overall the debut byRed is fantastic. Fans of mainstream rock should undoubtedly pick this up and enjoy.

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1 of
  • Mateo Ottie CONTRIBUTOR (3.5)
    Solid, but unoriginal debut that barely escapes being borderline cheesy at times....

    scarsremain (4)
    RED releases a great debut. But they really do need to cut Rob Graves out of the picture...

    jason_f90 (4)
    Quite possibly the next big thing in the Christian rock scene. Highly recommended if you'r...

    JustPressPlay (4.5)
    Why reinvent the wheel when you can either add to it or improve upon it?...

  • latervol (4.5)

    ninjuice (3)
    An 'ok' hard rock/nu metal band trying to sound bigger and better than they really are....

Comments:Add a Comment 
July 3rd 2011


Hopefully this is will redeem me from my mis-step that was Every Teardrop... As always all help is welcome. And checking ou tmy other reviews and saying if im getting better or worse is helpful!

July 3rd 2011


Pretty good review... Some of the sentences were a tad bit long, however. A few others read awkwardly.

July 3rd 2011


^ Thanks for the feed back. I think I just need to spend more time on my reviews. I'm still trying to get the flow of the sentences and paragraphs.

July 3rd 2011


Album Rating: 3.5

Not bad, you seem to be improving, but there's still some issues. Definitely cut down on the first person use.

"As I hit play, I am greeted with an Intro of sorts. I think Intros are fun but find them rather meaningless"

This kind of conversational line makes for an awkward read in a review.

Also, you should try to move away from track-by-track reviews and start doing reviews that describe the overall sound, with paragraphs devoted to strengths and weaknesses, using specific tracks as examples. That reads a lot better than the "journey through the album" approach.

But still, not bad. Keep it up.

July 3rd 2011


Album Rating: 3.5

omg i look on the front page and there's a review for Red?!?!?!?! What a good day =)

Bit like a track-by-track, but it's not too shabby. They might never top I&I though, that album is insane. I'd 5'd it's ass so hard.

July 4th 2011


"In the dreary summer of 2009, things were looking bleak for my music choice. I had The-All American Rejects on my iPod and was undergoing a shortage of a thing I needed, good mainstream Nu-Metal"

stopped reading after that lol-worthy sentence

July 4th 2011


Its already over...

Stopped reading

July 4th 2011


Thanks ties, I will deffinetly do that, and pwalcher thanks!

MrGunslinger that was pretty funny actually ha ha ha

Could someone explain their neg. That'd be much appreciated.

July 4th 2011


I should listen to this sometime.

July 4th 2011


^ its really good I would deffiently do that

August 16th 2011


Album Rating: 3.5

Pos, but 4,5 is a bit too much for they're second, which was their best, so it's way too high on their first. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy listening to this guys.

January 20th 2015


Album Rating: 4.0

Red's one of my favorites, love the album, decent review, pos. Yeah just improve sentence flow and do less of a track-by-track, but again, decent review.

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