Dedicated to Chaos



by Trey STAFF
June 23rd, 2011 | 180 replies

Release Date: 2011 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Queensryche fly too close to the sun – sometimes ambition can prove fatal.

Fans of the band know that, for better or worse, Queensryche have never created the same album twice and they haven’t reversed that trend now. Dedicated to Chaos is not an extension of American Soldier or a forced attempt at reliving the band’s glory days, in fact it’s a whole new chapter in the band’s sound. Unfortunately, it’s a chapter that most long-time fans will probably wish was never written. Granted, the band have never made things easy on their fans, but even when they were at the top of their game and making unexpected changes to their sound, they never did anything like this. In fact, this is probably their biggest stylistic leap since Hear in the Now Frontier, and the transition has not been smooth. The largest problem with Dedicated to Chaos is that Queensryche tried to integrate dance pop into their prog rock formula, and they only ended up proving how out of touch they are with that particular style of music.

In all honesty, the dance pop itself isn’t really the problem because it can almost entirely be limited to an increased emphasis on groovy rhythms, and that aspect of the album isn’t bad. The problem is that, indirectly, this influence has caused the band to simplify their music and approach each song with a forced swagger that could be described as nothing less than awkward. No one is guiltier of this forced persona than the band’s vocalist, Geoff Tate. His lyrics consist almost entirely of flat witticisms, false bravado and lines that attempt to prove that he is edgy and up-to-date on what all the cool kids are doing. The problem is that dropping buzzwords such as ‘world wide web’, ‘YouTube’, and ‘apps’ isn’t enough to convince anyone that you’ve done more than read the technology section of CNN. Also, misspelling song titles while referring to one’s self as a ‘hotspot junkie’ certainly doesn’t imply being on the cutting edge. Along those same lines, listening to songs of lust and sex as described by a middle-aged man does not have nearly the appeal that he might imagine it does. Instead, those lyrical ideas land squarely in the uncomfortably creepy category and give songs such as “Got it Bad”, “Luvnu”, and “Wot We Do” an extra reason to avoid them.

Musically the album doesn’t fare much better, but there are at least a few positive aspects. A majority of the songs are dominated by the band’s rhythm section, and they actually do a pretty good job of stepping up to the task and belting out the grooves. The main issue is that although the rhythm section is expected to drive each song, it wasn’t given the power and up-front placement in the mix to truly accomplish that task. The drum sound itself isn’t too bad, although it could have been given a little more punch, but the bass guitar is flat and very low in the mix. This weak placement seriously diminishes the rhythm section’s overall impact, which is a shame considering the fact that they’re one of the sole positive aspects of the album. Unfortunately, the guitar players don’t deliver the same amount of quality material as their rhythm section counterparts. The vast majority of riffs on this album are dull and serve as little more than additional pop-influenced sound effects. That’s not to say that all the riffs are bad, because there are excellent moments on here, but they are often overshadowed by lackluster vocals and cheap-sounding synths that are clearly (but for no discernable reason) trying to emulate the brass instrumentation of those nineties swing bands.

My attitude towards this album has changed many times over the course of multiple listens and hopefully the review reflects that. The problem is that just about every track has a few elements that grab your attention, but they’re almost always ruined by the band’s attempt at integrating dance pop influences. Whether that means dull, repetitive choruses, lifeless riffs or terrible synth effects (or any combination of the three), it just seems that there is always some negative element ready to bury any brief shining light. Those fans that have found enough to appreciate on the band’s last few albums will probably find enough on Dedicated to Chaos too, but it hasn’t been this hard to like a Queensryche album since Hear in the Now Frontier – take that for what it’s worth.

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Comments:Add a Comment 
June 23rd 2011


Album Rating: 2.0

I am a big Queensryche fan, I'll admit that right now. It is probably why the review ended up so damn long and bi-polar.

June 23rd 2011


Album Rating: 1.5 | Sound Off

Good review, terrible album. Was a major let down after the decent 'American Soldier'.

Still can't believe they described this as a more modern sounding 'Rage For Order'!

June 23rd 2011


American soldier was decent now?

June 23rd 2011


One of these days they are going to give a great album.

Saw them live and they were great...songwriting aside, they haven't lost it.

June 23rd 2011


Border not boarder in the last paragraph and fares not fairs in the fourth paragraph, but other than that, impeccable review. It definitely confirmed all my suspicions about the album, I don't know where they've been trying to go for the past 20 years. Like you said in your blog post, they may not have realized that Silent Lucidity pushed post-Mindcrime Queensryche, not the actual albums.

June 23rd 2011


no-one expected anything

this is no time to take Queensryche seriously-I haven't listened to this but since the Wot we do video I don't know if I feel frustrated or If I want to laugh

June 23rd 2011


Album Rating: 2.0

Still can't believe they described this as a more modern sounding 'Rage For Order'!
Yeah, no shit. When they were saying shit like that it got me a little excited, but I tried to tell myself that it was probably not true.

American soldier was decent now?
Always was... need proof??? ;)


It definitely confirmed all my suspicions about the album, I don't know where they've been trying to go for the past 20 years. Like you said in your blog post, they may not have realized that Silent Lucidity pushed post-Mindcrime Queensryche, not the actual albums.
I don't know if they even know where they've been trying to go for the last twenty years. I think a lot of that is the vocalist deciding that he hates metal and trying to turn Queensryche into his solo band.

no-one expected anything

this is no time to take Queensryche seriously
Knowing what they're capable of means that you can't just dismiss them 100%

Edit: Oh yeah, thanks for the grammar corrections, too.

June 23rd 2011


Album Rating: 1.0

saw them live about a year and a half ago, it was actually depressing because the venue was less than half full. I still rocked out hard except for when they played their new album (at the time), which sucked hard.

June 23rd 2011


Album Rating: 2.0

You don't like American Soldier either? I thought it was a great album. It was like Empire pushed through their more recent sound.

June 23rd 2011


Album Rating: 1.0

to be fair I only listened to it once before the concert and was pissed when they played it at the concert because I wanted to hear Queen of the Reich, The Lady Wore Black, Another Rainy Night, etc

June 23rd 2011


Album Rating: 2.0

Ah okay. That makes more sense. Those are all better live songs anyway.

June 23rd 2011


Album Rating: 1.0

My favorite Reich moment is the intro to Queen of the Reich where he unleashes that Halford-like scream and the awesome riff comes in at the same time.

June 23rd 2011


American Soldier was ok. Haven't heard this yet, not sure if I'll bother.

June 23rd 2011


Album Rating: 2.0

Yeah. It's a shame they never really tried that kind of music ever again because his voice was made for it.

June 23rd 2011


Album Rating: 1.0

Cmon ryche, what is your problem.

June 23rd 2011


Imo Dream Theater has aged far better than these guys, except for maybe LaBrie, Tate's vocal abilities are beyond his. I listened to Get Started on youtube a few weeks ago, really really bland and I don't think I'll be checking this one out at all, American Soldier was decent. Awesome live band though, I saw them live in Melbourne in 2009 and Tate was an amazing frontman, not to mention the rest of the band, their performance was top-notch.

Staff Reviewer
June 23rd 2011


Haven't bothered with Queensryche since Promised Land.

In Greece, all their albums after PL are sold for like 5 euros each.

I think they are way to expensive, even with this price.

June 23rd 2011


Album Rating: 1.5

Hi folks.

New to the site, and I guess my first post has to be a lament.



Just a terrible record, start to finish. Bummer, as I tend to hold a special place in my heart for Queensryche. Been a fan since Rage but I have lost all hope for a great record.

I'm glad I just recently discovered Amorphis, so I have some decent metal to listen to!

June 23rd 2011


"Retail Therapy?" You've gotta be fucking kidding me. This is the same band that gave us "The Needle Lies" and "Empire," and now we're going fucking shopping? Bullshit.

Good review. I don't know if I'll be able to bear listening to this. I was a huge Mindcrime fan, and seeing them perform the album live was amazing, so I wouldn't feel great about lumping pretty pink sparkly purses on top of that while Geoff parades around in guy-liner.

Also, one minor thing:

It seems the Michael Wilton’s only real chance

Should be "that." Just a little typo.

June 23rd 2011


good review dude, but what's the point in wasting time on this useless band that's ceased to be relevant for over 2 decades??

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