
In Utero



by br3ad_man USER (164 Reviews)
January 14th, 2005 | 465 replies

Release Date: 1993 | Tracklist

For In Utero, Nirvana hired hardcore stalwart Steve Albini to handle their production. Kurt said that he was never a big fan of Big Black or any other Steve Albini bands. For the most part, Kurt wanted Steve because he had happened to produce two of Kurt's favourite albums, Surfer Rosa buy the Pixies, and Pod by the Breeders. In Utero is much more raw than Nevermind and was rated the best Nirvana album by each of the band members. In Utero was the last album Nirvana recorded in the studio.

Serve The Servants- An awesome opening song, this song captures the raw punk rock sound Nirvana wanted for In Utero. Some good guitar work, but nothing in paticular to comment on, just an all round good song. 4.5/5

Scentless Apprentice- Possibly the heaviest track on the album, not one of In Utero's lesser moments, but then again, not exactly a higlight. Nothing really to comment on, besides Kurt's gravely and raw sounding vocals. 3/5

Heart Shaped Box- This song is possibly my all time favourite Nirvana track. The lyrics are Kurt at his best and the riff is excellent in capturing the mood that this song conveys. Courtney Love wanted this riff for herself, but when she asked Kurt if he was going to use it, he pretended not to know what she was talking about. The chorus of this song is very catchy, with some great lyrics, particularly in the chorus. This track was remixed by R.E.M. producer Scott Litt. 5/5

Rape Me- Personally, I don't like this song, but I have no problem saying that it is an excellent track. One of In Utero's best moments. The opening chords sound a bit similar to SLTS. The chorus in particular is the highlight, and again, the song captures the raw punk rock sound that Nirvana were aiming for. 5/5

Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle- This song has some very Cobainey depressed lyrics. The most catchy line is in the form of "I miss the comfort in being sad". This song would have had a lot of meaing for Cobain as he and his wife named their daughter after Frances Farmer.3/5

Dumb- I can't get enough of this song. There aren't the thick, distorted guitars in this song, which allows Kurt's poetic lyrics to come out very well. I prefer the unplugged version of this song, but the album version is excellent. The cello in the chorus is simply brilliant. 5/5

Very Ape- One of In Utero's lesser moments. In fact, the only good things I have to say about this song, is that Nirvana, again get the raw punk sound they wanted. The other good thing is that I like the clean guitar sound in it. 2/5

Milk It- This song, fights for the title of heaviest track off In Utero. This is another of IU's lesser songs. Kurt's vocals on this track aren't even anything to write home about. Basically, IMO, this song is just noise. 2/5

Pennyroyal Tea- Now this is a song! One of IU's best moments. The lyrics are about a strange subject, but, this song captures the raw punk rock sound Nirvana wanted. The vocals, bass, guitar and drums are all awesome, but I really have to compliment Dave's drumming. Great stuff. An enjoyable guitar solo towards the end. 5/5

Radio Friendly Unit Shifter- Some very nice guitar tones, feedback and basslines in here. I don't really like Kurt's vocals in this track. The lyrics are ok, but have nothing on Dumb or Heart Shaped Box. Dave Grohl's drumming is also great.

tourette's- Simply put, I think this song is terrible. There are no lyrics in the booklet, except for the words "tish" "cufk" "sips" (rearrange some of those letters and you'll see what they mean). I really hate this song, and I think it's the worst thing about In Utero. 1/5

All Apologies- Another IU highlight. This song gets the raw sound down. Everything about this song rocks, Kurt's vocals and lyrics are awesome, his guitar sounds great, Dave's drumming is great and Krist's bass line is excellent. The unplugged version is better though :). 4.7/5

Gallons Of Rubbing Alcohol Flow Through The Strip- This track is a strange one to pick to close the album. Kurt's vocals are wierd and don't sound much like any other tracks on the album. The song's lyrics aren't that great either. Personally, I would have prefered All Apologies to close the album. GORAFTTS is an ok song though. 3/5


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Comments:Add a Comment 
February 12th 2004


[QUOTE=br3ad_man]He [Cobain] and his wife decided to name their daughter Frances Farmer[/QUOTE]

No they didn't...they named her Frances Bean.

February 12th 2004


^^^ sorry, I meant to say they named her AFTER Famer, I'll fix it now.

February 12th 2004


well done on the review. :thumb:

as i have said in the "bleach" review thread, i'm starting to really like nirvana. a few of the songs i've heard on this are amazing, so i'll buy it soon.

February 12th 2004


[QUOTE=br3ad_man]tourette's- Simply put, I think this song is terrible. There are no lyrics in the booklet, except for the words "tish" "cufk" "sips" (rearrange some of those letters and you'll see what they mean). I really hate this song, and I think it's the worst thing about In Utero. 1/5

The live version from "Muddy Banks Of The Wishka" is much better. The IU version isn't a quarter as good.

February 12th 2004


Heart shaped box and all apologies are probably one of my favourite nirvana songs. Its a great album, i think the worst song is probably milk it though, and the rest is pretty much great

February 12th 2004


i like tourettes alot, its not like any other song on the album

And my In Utero doesnt have Gallons Of Rubbing Alcohol Flow Through The Strip, it ends with all apologies

February 12th 2004


I don't like the review because it's exactly what a fan of Nevermind would have said about the album. You simply liked the singles that were used for radio air play. I personally like the mess that In Utero is with it's lesser known tracks. Those songs were the 'true' Nirvana to begin with and really what Kurt Cobain brought in Steve Albini in the first place for. Albini was there to make it a mess and a glorious one with that. I disagree with alot of your ratings but I think as a whole In Utero is a classic and the best Nirvana album.

February 13th 2004


THE definitive Nirvana album is In Utero. Horrible review though. All you did (reviewer) was probe guitar riffs and drumbeats, whereas the real beauty of this album lies in Kurt's emotions and the motivation behind the music. I agree with calentes, you looked at this album like Gen X did......thats not a good thing.

(Although i cant say i dislike nevermind, it is a fantastic album, but far inferior to IU)

February 13th 2004


[QUOTE=Scythe404]THE definitive Nirvana album is In Utero. Horrible review though. All you did (reviewer) was probe guitar riffs and drumbeats, whereas the real beauty of this album lies in Kurt's emotions and the motivation behind the music. I agree with calentes, you looked at this album like Gen X did......thats not a good thing.

(Although i cant say i dislike nevermind, it is a fantastic album, but far inferior to IU)[/QUOTE]



February 13th 2004


Thanks for your honesty, I appreciate it, really. I think that when I reviewed it, I saw it differently to when I'd just listen to it. The biggest reason for my liking Nirvana, it's Kurt's emotion that he puts into his music. The unplugged performance is my favourite NIrvana recording, because it does away with all the noise and just allows Kurt's raw emotion to come out. Nirvana were never technically brilliant, but all of Kurt's passion makes up for that. I also agree, Nevermind is excellent, but has nothing on In Utero.

February 13th 2004


thanks for the great review though i didnt need to read ur review to know that in utero kicks ***

btw i love tourette's...its a noise track

February 13th 2004


And my user name is from tourettes:p

February 13th 2004


Actually they didn't name Frances after Frances Farmer. She is named after Frances McKee of the Vaselines

February 13th 2004


[QUOTE=ZEROthirtythree]And my In Utero doesnt have Gallons Of Rubbing Alcohol Flow Through The Strip, it ends with all apologies [/QUOTE]
Same here, what's the deal?

February 13th 2004


[QUOTE=Kaden]Same here, what's the deal?[/QUOTE]

You have a US copy.

February 15th 2004


this album kicks ***. It is lile the beginning of punk. My faves are Heart Shaped Box and Serve The Servants

February 15th 2004


[QUOTE=cobainism2003]this album kicks ***. It is lile the beginning of punk. My faves are Heart Shaped Box and Serve The Servants[/QUOTE]

While Nirvana was BEFORE punk, they really had nothing to do with it. Their entire lifestyle was grunge. not rock or punk as most people would say. Nirvana was just this really good band that got discovered on the off chance that Seattle suddenly became this huge music scene in the 90s. Trust me, I was there.

February 16th 2004


[QUOTE=A.Girl.Called.Kill]While Nirvana was BEFORE punk, they really had nothing to do with it. Their entire lifestyle was grunge. not rock or punk as most people would say. Nirvana was just this really good band that got discovered on the off chance that Seattle suddenly became this huge music scene in the 90s. Trust me, I was there.[/QUOTE]

How were Nirvana BEFORE punk? Since punk started in the 70's I'm finding it hard to see your point here.

February 16th 2004


This is definetly Nirvanas best album

February 16th 2004


[QUOTE=A.Girl.Called.Kill]While Nirvana was BEFORE punk, they really had nothing to do with it. Their entire lifestyle was grunge. not rock or punk as most people would say. Nirvana was just this really good band that got discovered on the off chance that Seattle suddenly became this huge music scene in the 90s. Trust me, I was there.[/QUOTE]


That's one of the funniest things I've read in a while.

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