Leftover Crack
Fuсk World Trade



by francesfarmer USER (49 Reviews)
June 30th, 2007 | 84 replies

Release Date: 2004 | Tracklist

Review Summary: "I know you might be searching for some meaning on this earth/Don't be stabbing nature in the back by giving into birth"

Playing shows on the vert ramp at the base of their squatter bulding, and of the lowliest area of life thought imaginable by Americans, Leftover Crack shared with one another a point of view that made their music into a counterpoint in itself. It was an interesting enough combination - hardcore/ska, and it gave Leftover Crack their signature style. The angry, rash, hollering punk resolved by the soothing ska made the band into a group of true musicians, real people - unlike generic hardcore, or generic ska. Now in their most recent, and finely crafted release *** World Trade, Leftover Crack grew away from their grinding sound, and put out something extremely musical. Inclined to inspire and move the listener, and make one think and believe, like great punk music should do. Which is a nice break, because punk doesn't do much for the public anymore. Punk is done, it's dead. It all had it's time and come to an end it has. The music was all initially a revolt against things like conservatism, greed, hunger, imprisonment, brutality, and the police. That area of songwriting is up and clear in the eye of the musician nowadays. And that's why it's all trashed, because everybody accepts it as something 'classic', and it's actually become a worthless mindset of modern mainstream 'leftist' mother***ers. Anarchy is a stupid ideal, and chaos leads to nothing close to reform, rather the destruction of all parties. Leftover Crack's mode of punk is much more down to earth, and realistic, than say, 'Anti-Flag' or 'The Casualties', a couple target poster-boys for recent 'punk' music. On *** World Trade, stza's lyrics are the message written in the concrete that is the instrumental side of the record. It's not a two part thing, they are molded together quite well. Leftover Crack create, from 'Clear Channel (*** Off)' to the massive closer 'Operation: M.O.V.E.' a politically drug-addicted rebellious form of gloom and realization, something that could come from the mouths and hands of nobody but brutally abused, utterly misshappen squatters with 'lackluster lives' being the grandest of understatements for them.

I think of the gloom and the realization going hand in hand in all of the songs. Stza's input to the record are without a doubt necessary for the whole thing to ride through correctly, but the interesting connection to be made is the pure ability of the raw instrumental side of *** World Trade. Like the better side of post-rock, the music without the lyrics and the vocals, all of that alone can indeed express the intended emotion and meaning all by itself. For example, the cool, swaying 'Soon We'll Be Dead', the tempo and instrument changes in 'Life is Pain', the three parts of 'Operation: M.O.V.E.', which in themselves can be thought to be all instrumental, if you count stza's monstrous screaming as nothing remotely humane. As stated, this is a very solid, concrete, written album, and the parting of one of anything could push it into ruin. This was not created at all in some random punk jam. As for the vocals, it's everything you heard from stza on Mediocre Generica, and then some more as well. For most of the record he's singing with that pushy punkish yell, with the occasional scream here and there - but the lyrics on this album make it into so much more. That's one of the reasons *** World Trade can be thought of as the band's finest work: is stza's punk lyrical mastery. If you read into them, you'll find the angriest of souls in the stza. Upset about most everything he's experienced, and seen, and read about, he writes with feeling - he makes real songs. Nothing makeshift, no forty-second screaming stints, no stiff arrangements. The stza is one of punk's greatest songwriters, because every one of the song's Leftover Crack writes is backed by the emotion behind that, behind this, fronting that, killing off this. There's no dilly-dallying on *** World Trade.

FWT is the essence of raw emotion, because that's all the band had. Their was no intricate mixing, and they didn't have modern production at it's finest in any way shape or form. They were homeless crackheads, what would they afford? I was personally surprised to actually hear violins. It is a record of catastrophe, and easiness, and pain. Every song on the album is an above average punk song, and then every song on the album is real. Leftover Crack were a representation of what punk is and should be, and the ways things have changed, and how the current epoch of disaster is growing into nothing aside from just that. That is all that can be said about Leftover Crack and their 2004 release *** World Trade, because if there were more to say, they'd have put another song on the album to say it.

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Comments:Add a Comment 
June 30th 2007


this is a genius album, my odl band used to cover "Gang Control".

June 30th 2007


Even with all the praise this album gets, I've yet to check it out. I'll think about it. Pretty good review.

June 30th 2007


That guy who wrote that soundoff is a dumbass. As far as I'm aware, the cover of the album isn't intended to make fun of 9/11. He also has Skrewdriver on his favorites list.This Message Edited On 06.30.07

June 30th 2007


Album Rating: 3.5

review is pleasing

and this album has been highly recommended to me before but idk i always ignored it

June 30th 2007


This album is in fact insulting. I think Leftover Crack is full of crap.

June 30th 2007


Album Rating: 4.0

I think you're a tool. ANd the band doesn't make fun of tragedy, they just use controversy to get attention. SHOOT THE KIDS AT SCHOOL was their album right around the time of Columbine. YOu can't take that shit too seriously.

June 30th 2007


"Life is Pain" rules.

July 1st 2007


Album Rating: 3.5

Finally a review of this - a good one too. This is a great album.

July 1st 2007


Don't trip on your ego, Cocaine. I know punk like the back of my hand and I think independently.

Their whole act is a joke, which is why I don't take them seriously. They're immature and another punk band whose radical notions are sewage in the streets of meaning. Sure, the music is good but the messages don't have to be serious to still reek of ignorance and a brash misunderstanding of how the world works. In the best case scenario they're releasing controversial music for the sole purpose of entertainment but in the process actually getting a number of people to hear this material and give a nod to some of the extreme messages. Even in an altered scenario that would benefit individuals with messages on "Gringos" or "Feed the Children," awareness is increased of serious issues. But in the end, outside of increasing awareness Leftover Crack is living in a fantasy land. It's another case of a band getting praise undeserved because they preach and preach and fans decide not to take the messages seriously yet they receive respect for putting extreme ideas on the table. I'm sure that takes a lot of guts, but I know it doesn't require much talent. It requires too much thought for these bands to put out meaningful material with messages worth hearing, considering they're a band concerned with social movement. It's the same "F-cops" and "Burn this institution to the ground" BS that kids will be writing into their notebooks after the shows. A lot of younger individuals who listen to punk don't even know what the real world is about and like hell Leftover Crack is pointing them in the right direction. I have a lot of friends back home who support Leftover Crack's extreme messages. It's not because they're short-sighted, it's because taking the extra step to practicing the music's messages from simply enjoying the music is not very far. It's really punk to them. It makes sense and they're able to "relate" when in fact they don't really know anything beyond the music. If you're a mature individual you should have a grasp of the aforementioned flaws. There's little middle ground. They're more than a waste of time. They're full of crap.

July 1st 2007


Umm..yea I still like this band. Your little rant was nicely written but it sounded like my rantreview for MMM.

Very nice review, love this album.

July 1st 2007


I downloaded this a while back, and didn't think much of it. It's just really not all that interesting to me. For a good mix of hardcore and ska, The Suicide Machines latest does it well for me.

July 1st 2007


Probably because I was so tired. I'm sure lots of people enjoy this album. The music's good.

July 2nd 2007


Yes dont worry.

July 2nd 2007


Alright you should make a thread for it, and we should stop spamming this review.

July 3rd 2007


No idea where his post went.

I love how Leftover Crack says on a better planet we'd "crucify the racists and be bashing all the homophobes." I'm sure that'd be a better planet, where intolerance is used to fight ignorance.

August 8th 2007


Album Rating: 4.0

This album is awesome, I love the remake of rock the 40 oz ( my favorite song ever). This album is not as good as the others though. Still amazing.

December 17th 2007


Album Rating: 3.0

Choking Victim's No Gods/No Managers is superior to this, but I have finally gotten to terms of somewhat enjoying both.

December 29th 2007


I disagree with all the shit I said 5 months ago. However, I think this band is still full of shit.

March 17th 2008


Album Rating: 4.5

Awesome band. Great musicians. They don't take themselves seriously, obviously some members of this site do. I think Stza writes some incredibly intelligent lyrics. If I'm honest, I love the controvery they create. Punk should be controversial. These guys aren't politically correct, and that's the way it should be.

March 21st 2008


Punk should be fairly controversial.

Ill-informed and made to sound like whiny 14 year old hot topic anarchists?

No, no it should not.

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