Gallows Gallery



by antihippy USER (6 Reviews)
June 1st, 2007 | 81 replies

Release Date: 2005 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Like what Mr. Bungle did on "California", Gallows Gallery does the whole genre-blending and unique song-writing thing while making it look easy and normal.

In the next 2 minutes, name all the East Asian metal bands that you can think off.

There's not really alot, is there? East Asians aren't really the most prolific practitioners of heavy metal in the world. Except for Japan (where the scene is mainly in Visual Kei anyway), and India, there really isn't a metal scene at all. Most of you probably would have heard of X Japan, probably the biggest metal band that Japan has ever produced. Another popular Japanese metal band is Dir en grey, and followers of Ozzfest would have heard of Taiwanese symphonic black/death metal outfit Chthonic.

However, most of you probably wouldn't have heard of the experimental thrash/black metal band Sigh. Which is a shame really, because they are probably the best band that will have ever come out of the region.

Sigh is
Satoshi Fujinami - Bass
Shinichi Ishikawa - Guitar
Mirai Kawashima - Vocals, Bass, Synthesizers/Keyboards/Piano, Sitar, Programming, Vocoder, Organs, Mellotron, Sampling
Junichi Harashima - Drums

Sigh are often credited as the first Japanese band to dabble in black metal (though they have changed into a more thrashier sound), which is a rather unfair label. They are so much more than just a thrash/black metal band. They blend prog, psychedelia, choirs, heavy, VERY heavy use of keys (pianos, synths, organs, etc.), hook-filled guitar riffs, and they manage to do it all while making the songs sound so NORMAL. They don't sound contrived and pretentious as most avant garde and prog bands are mostly associated to be. Take the song "Midnight Sun" on this album as an example. Dominated by what I think is an organ that is rocking out all the time, it's filled with hooky and galloping guitar riffs, alot of keys, Mirai's strangely normal computer effected singing/chanting, some atmospheric synths, vocal call and response, with a keyboard and a guitar solo thrown in the middle. It sounds like a song any regular band would make, yet it also sounds like a song like no other. Sigh certainly could make strange look very normal, and the avant garde sound very catchy indeed.

Gallows Gallery, the group's 6th album, abandons the black metal sound altogether. There's no shrieks and screeches trademarked by black metal bands, and there's no tremelo picking to be found at all. This is also the most keys-dominated metal album I've ever heard, sometimes even burying the guitars. However, it is used in a tasteful way, where instead of of creating a dark, symphonic atmosphere as most extreme metal bands are often doing, Sigh use it to create a rather rocking and psychedelic sound that wouldn't sound sound out of place on a blues/rock'n'roll album. The guitars sound alot like Venom/Mercyful Fate, and the guitarist don't go out of the way to be as technical as they can. The guitar solos sounded just like every other heavy metal band, and they always fit in with the song, like a key in a lock. In fact, this one of the reasons why Sigh seems so normal on this album. The song-writing might be strange and unorthodox, but the instruments sounds like any other band could have created them. Mirai does well at the vocal department too, ditching the screech and the growls in favour of using his computer effected singing/chanting.

With that being said though, the song-writing on this album is absolutely top-notch. Nothing sounds contrived and out of place. They could have put anything in their songs and it would still fit into the song perfectly. The guitars, bass, drums and keys all flows so well, it's hard to imagine them without the other. Even the saxophone in "In a Drowse" sounded like it's suppose to be there, like a piece in a puzzle, making it a whole. The fact that most of the songs are under 4 minutes is pretty amazing too, since it shows that they are able combine such a unique blend into a coherant and digestable length. They also have some pretty strange parts though, but they know how to make it flow with the song, either if it's building up a climax, or giving the song a certain mood. Like in "Confession to be buried", with the intro having the clanging of church bells and spoken vocals, giving the intro a sinister feel. At around the 4 and a half minute mark, it breaks down into what can only be described as a victory theme, which is pretty funny since it came after what is basically classic heavy metal (think Motorhead and Mercyful Fate). It then goes to with something that soundslike it came from the Ten O'clock News, and ending with an alarm ringing. The next song after this "The tranquilizer song", is even stranger. It starts of with something that sounds like it comes from a funeral service ad (very uplifting), and the rest of the song is rather atmospheric, using a variety of instruments (including, or at least credited to have, an organ, Fender Rhodes, Minimoog, Theremin, sitar, tabla, glockenspiel, sampling, and a brush snare), Mirai singing/chanting sadly, and it goes back to the funeral ad music again, which creates a rather sad and foreboding atmosphere. There's also a song simply titled "-", which, after a minute and a half of silence, goes into what sounds like a hybrid of telephone rings and tubular bells. Those are the only truly weird interlude parts though, with the rest being their trademark experimental metal sound.

So, in the end, Sigh created a rather unique musical paradox; they made one of the most unique albums to have ever came out, yet it sounds as if any band could have done it, while it is apparant that no other band could have done it. I know I've been banging on about the "makes unique look ordinary" line for awhile now, but I just can't emphasize enough on what an amazing sound it gives. Like what Mr. Bungle did on "California", Gallows Gallery does the whole genre-blending and unique song-writing thing while making it look easy and normal. It makes strange music seem normal and coherant and, in the end, much more digestable for people not familiar with the whole avant garde thing. So, for people looking for avant garde music that is fairly rocking and not a burden to listen to, I recommend this album to you.

Recommended songs
Midnight sun
In a Drowse
Silver universe

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user ratings (188)

Comments:Add a Comment 
June 1st 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

argh, this review isn't really that good, and it took longer to write then i expected too.

might fix it up later.

edit:actaully, screw that. liked it as it is right now.

feel free to comment.

and voteThis Message Edited On 06.01.07

Tarantino's Tarantulas
June 1st 2007


Check out Rudra, a decent death metal band from Singapore (I think).

June 1st 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

what do you think of the review btw?

and i'll give rudra a try. my home country is singapore.

June 1st 2007


I liked the review alot, it had a solid introduction which led into a punchline, and the instrumental part was well described. I would have like to know a bit more about the band though, and your writing style could do with some more techniques in general etc.

June 1st 2007


Album Rating: 3.0

I almost bought this yesterday but I want the safe rout and bought Rainbow by boris instead.

I might have to head back to relapse records to get this.

June 1st 2007


Album Rating: 3.0

Love the album/review. It was a huge suprise that they dropped their BM sound completely on this record. I honestly can't decide whether Sigh or X Japan are my favorite band from East Asia. They're both just so freakin' awesome.

June 1st 2007


Album Rating: 4.0 | Sound Off

thrash/black metal band Sigh


hey manage to take prog, psychedalia, jazz, a heavy, VERY heavy use of kepboards, samples, even a choir, and blend them all with hook filled metal riffs, and they manage to do it all while making the songs sound so NORMAL.

no jazz, and you forgot organs

You gotta stop saying "keyboard dominated". It's a mellotron and an organ.

It starts of with something that sounds like it comes from a funeral service ad, and the rest of the song is rather atmospheric, using only a keyboard, with Mirai singing/chanting sadly, and it goes back to the funeral ad music again.

Tranquilizer song actually uses, and I quote: Subharmonic Singing, Organ, Fender Rhodes, Minimoog, Theremin, Sitar, Tabla, Glockenspiel, Sampling, Brush Snare.

I can't vote, too much false information and some awkward sentences. This Message Edited On 06.01.07

June 2nd 2007


Album Rating: 4.5


really? they might be avant garde, but the guitars are sound thrash(or at least NWOBHM) and they've always been tagged as black metal in their earlier sound.

no jazz, and you forgot organs

You gotta stop saying "keyboard dominated". It's a mellotron and an organ

arrgh, i knew it. i just can't be sure if it's a synthenizer or a MIDI.

Tranquilizer song actually uses, and I quote: Subharmonic Singing, Organ, Fender Rhodes, Minimoog, Theremin, Sitar, Tabla, Glockenspiel, Sampling, Brush Snare.

really? the song is pretty subtle though, so it's pretty hard to hear the instruments out.

thanks for the info by the way. i'll probably go back and change a few things today.

June 2nd 2007


Album Rating: 4.0 | Sound Off

arrgh, i knew it. i just can't be sure if it's a synthenizer or a MIDI.

it's neither

really? they might be avant garde, but the guitars are sound thrash(or at least NWOBHM) and they've always been tagged as black metal in their earlier sound.

their guitars are straight out of the Venom/Mercyful Fate era so I dont know where you get NWOBHM from. And their first release is their only black metal one, so no, their earlier albumS are not tagged as black metal and if they are it's false.

Also, avant-garde isnt a genre. That very notion goes against the idea.

June 2nd 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

nwobhm because they sound like a thrashier iron maiden. i was trying to cover all bases btw. after all, as you said, they're early sound was black metal. i don't have their early discog, so i couldn't be too sure about it.

plus avant-garde is just a pigeonhole genre for bands whose sound can't be pigeonholed. much more easier to describe the sound. kind of ironic in a way.This Message Edited On 06.01.07

June 2nd 2007


Album Rating: 4.0 | Sound Off

nwobhm because they sound like a thrashier iron maiden. i was trying to cover all bases btw. after all, as you said, they're early sound was black metal.

But they dont sound like that at all.

June 2nd 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

fine, i just couldn't think of a better way to describe the guitar sound. not too familiar with Venom and mercyful fate.

btw, i edited my review. what do ya think?

June 2nd 2007


Album Rating: 4.0 | Sound Off

Better but there are still some awkward sentences.

They manage to take prog, psychedalia, a heavy, VERY heavy use of keys (organs, synthenizers, piano, etc.), samples, even a choir, and blend them all with hook filled metal riffs, and they manage to do it all while making the songs sound so NORMAL.

You could just say:

They manage to blend progressive and psychedelic rock with hook filled metal using everything from organs, synthesizers, piano all the way to choirs and sampling.

I dont know, something like that.This Message Edited On 06.01.07

June 2nd 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

ah, maybe later. too hungry now.

June 2nd 2007


Album Rating: 4.0 | Sound Off

yeah the review is fine content wise i guess, though i disagree with some stuff, but most of the issues i have with it are from an english standpoint.

June 2nd 2007


this review is so awkward.

June 2nd 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

yeah, this review was kinda rushed when i wrote it.

which is why i said i would edit it later.

June 2nd 2007


Album Rating: 4.0 | Sound Off

If I were you I'd just get rid of the intro, it's not really necessary.

June 2nd 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

i like the intro. gives the review a kind of dramatic introduction.

June 2nd 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

hmmm, strange. there' a song called "-" that appears on my Itunes but apparantly doesn't exist.

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