
Reviews 14
Approval 91%

Soundoffs 40
News Articles 3
Band Edits + Tags 185
Album Edits 166

Album Ratings 1649
Objectivity 85%

Last Active 11-05-17 6:54 pm
Joined 06-02-12

Review Comments 7,503

musical taste

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  • Michichachi s*** shokran review
    June 19 12:31 PM
  • Get Low Yo what I didn't even know that they released another album lol, I gotta check that
    March 25 04:22 AM
  • Michichachi Nay, eu era bastante edgy e cringe. Agora só cringe de vez em quando.
    March 14 01:37 PM
  • Michichachi :'(
    March 6 09:56 AM
  • Michichachi And one year later, The New Reign came out. And then came its challenged little cousin A Higher Place. And finally, The Discovery... Which is better than anal - Thank you Rosecrance.
    March 5 04:52 PM

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