evilford Will check. Not in the db? October 5 02:31 AM
evilford Have not. Band? Album? October 4 10:59 PM
Mort. oooh i feel like board games have become really popular these days, literally had a mate ask if i wanted to play some board games in late october just today! and theres a board game cafe opened up near me. weird music wise i was wondering whether youve listened to Mamaleek at all? pretty interesting metal band, got some blues, jazz, black metal, ambient. really strange mix October 2 04:22 PM
Mort. yeah im good thanks man, hows it going on your end? and yeah i thought i didnt see you too often anymore (especially considering how much ive surpassed your comment count). and oh my god im jealous of you seeing Ken mode and imperial triumphant. IT were playing with couch slut and pyrrhon at one point and i wish i could have traveled to see that show but it wouldnt have been justifiable October 2 01:26 AM
trilo all that said, i would recommend checking out the headphone advice subreddit and doing a lil research. i've only tested so many and tbh it has been many many years since i was buying in the price range (i got sucked down the audiophile rabbit hole) so there may be new cans i haven't checked out. no matter what you buy tho always try them out first or buy from a shop with free returns. there's so much subjectivity with headphones you never wanna get stuck with your purchase! October 1 02:52 AM