Reviews 84 Approval 82%
Soundoffs 137 News Articles 7 Band Edits + Tags 106 Album Edits 166
Album Ratings 5406 Objectivity 76%
Last Active 09-23-22 8:34 pm Joined 01-26-18
Review Comments 18,750
Underoath, My Chemical Romance, Opeth, Paramore, Linkin Park, Green Day, Armor for Sleep, Bring Me the Horizon, The Dillinger Escape Plan, System of a Down, The Cure, Devil Sold His Soul, Avenged Sevenfold, at least 100 more not named for brevity's sake, ,
 | Futures that was a decent first effort. dug the riffs and the harsh vox. production pretty rough tho, songwriting didn't feel natural. felt it drifted from part to part. i see the potential though!
 | Futures u would dig this me of like she watched the sky and a bit of royal ocean. rough around the edges but some great hooks and a good time. i know stuff like this is your jam.
 | budgie i know we are mortal enemies but im so proud of u for that circus trees rating. good s***
 | budgie i am trying so hard to send you link but the site just keeps ****ing me so i give up. but let the gods know that i tried. i ****in tried