figurehead of \"built different\"

Reviews 56
Approval 94%

Soundoffs 79
Album Ratings 2419
Objectivity 85%

Last Active 06-23-23 6:00 pm
Joined 11-28-15

Review Comments 9,489

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Twirl me around, and gimme somethin' to palpitate for!,

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  • AsleepInTheBack It?s like updog but tech
    May 8 06:25 AM
  • AsleepInTheBack Techdog listen yes when question mark
    April 27 10:18 PM
  • parksungjoon iktf
    March 17 02:30 PM
  • parksungjoon why emeritus
    March 16 01:56 AM
  • ReturnToRock Celine in 98 released the only song (one of the few pieces of media) that I still muster the word 'hate' for. I H A T E that song. 'Walk out of a room if I hear it playing' levels of hate.
    March 13 09:15 AM

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