Have you tried jamming Helcaraxe?

Reviews 138
Soundoffs 194
News Articles 2
Band Edits + Tags 27
Album Edits 37

Album Ratings 2315
Objectivity 62%

Last Active 03-15-20 11:11 pm
Joined 07-14-15

Review Comments 10,176

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  • clavier no I haven't, I assume you're talking about the phxc one
    July 22 04:41 PM
  • JayEnder You kidding? Send that s*** my way!
    July 21 07:57 PM
  • JayEnder Ah so you've noticed my hip hop kick haha. I haven't but will Czech at some point brother. I been stuck on this CunninLynguists album, what an incredibly produced record. Oneirology if you're looking for some of that good good
    July 16 07:45 AM
  • Hawks Will czech buddy!
    June 26 06:24 AM
  • JayEnder That's an incredible album title and I must check it on that basis alone lol. I will AS LONG AS you get on that Foreign Hands album asap. Absolute slap city.
    June 26 02:49 AM

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