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Last Active 01-06-23 12:48 am
Joined 02-27-13

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  • cylinder Nice! I'm sure it was worth it, seeing her live sounds amazing. I've still only heard Ys, I should get on her other albums. And yeah, right lol. I imagine them in the studio playing it back and going, "yeah, that sounds good" lmao. Looks like we've both been on a bit of a bdm kick lately. I def gotta check that new Regurgitated Entrails, the demo was sickkkk
    June 3 04:58 PM
  • cylinder oh btw, you might be interested in my most recent list
    May 17 07:43 PM
  • cylinder nice! how was Utah? and for sure, i get that. it (Necrobiology) is super addicting. lookin forward to those next reviews! and yeah, goregrind goes with booze quite well XD i've been trying to quit drinking, that sure was a fun night though haha. and yeah man everything about that album is hilarious lol
    May 17 07:34 PM
  • cylinder bask in the glory of this production job:
    May 13 05:16 PM
  • cylinder You know you got wasted last night when you wake up and find three goregrind albums in your 5s that weren?t there before looooool
    May 11 07:02 PM

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