
Reviews 7
Approval 98%

Soundoffs 55
Album Ratings 1341
Objectivity 67%

Last Active 06-06-19 1:04 pm
Joined 01-04-13

Review Comments 1,692

04.22.24 carl's top 50 metalcore 04.02.24 Q1 2k24 MELODIC DEATH + BLACK METAL
03.05.24 shitty myspace deathcore redemption arc01.02.24 FROZEN CARL'S FAVORITE METAL OF 2023
07.31.23 i saw Outer Heaven's new album release 07.14.23 SOILWORK LP RANKING (carl's version)
05.22.23 i saw The Halo Effect last nite05.18.23 A.I. metal albums on Spotify CONSPIRACY
04.14.23 i saw Obliteration last night04.12.23 April 13, 2023 -- most metal day in NYC
04.03.23 i saw Eluveitie the other night03.16.23 1000 ratings and 10 years on Sput
03.13.23 i saw Rotting Christ the other night02.17.23 metal men!!
02.11.23 i saw Horrendous last night01.30.23 melodic bm/dm and whatever other garbag
12.18.22 i saw Sunn 0))) last night12.07.22 MELODEATH NEWCOMERS
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1000 ratings and 10 years on Sput

been lurking since 2010, made the account right at the start of 2013. my taste in music has not improved in a decade. anyways, in honor of hitting 1000, I selected an album from each rating to highlight for whatever reason. starting with numero uno then working my way up.
1A Day To Remember
You're Welcome

Rating: 1

Twas the summer after freshman year in HS, 2009. had tickets to warped tour with a bunch of friends and was preppin myself by looking up bands I wanted to see. recognized ADTR on the list, checked em out, Homesick had just released earlier in the year. became obsessed. its been harrowing watch them get worse and worse over the years, but I didnt mind too bad cuz I just didnt care for that scene anymore. seen em like 3 or 4 times over the past decade though, they kill it every time.

this album fucking sucks.

Rating: 1.5

Sagas is one of the best metal albums period. its an album I'd bring to me on a deserted island or whatever. its amazing. so wtf happened?? Equilibrium just got worse over the years. there were some lineup changes, they lost the main vocalist who was a huge part of why I loved the sound of Sagas, and then somehow ended up releasing Renegades a few years ago. talk about a tragedy and a half (cuz its a 1.5, get it? lol haha).

album is abysmal, but the opener "Renegades - A Lost Generation" kinda slaps so there's at least that I guess.
3In Flames
Clayman (20th Anniversary Edition)

Rating: 2

Around the same time I was getting into ADTR, I was also getting into In Flames. heard Cloud Connected on a Pandora radio station I had made for Killswitch Engage on my mom's iphone (I only had an env3). was immediately hooked. I was big into metalcore at the time so I dug the newer stuff, but I czeched the old stuff and was impressed even more so. Clayman was a huge part of my rotation and probably the reason I got into melodeath in the first place, so consider my surprise when Anders & co. dropped this abomination on us 20 years later.

just not a good album, guys. redeemable only in that its Clayman.
4Aether Realm
Redneck Vikings From Hell

Rating: 2.5

American Wintersun baddies Aether Realm dropped one of my favorite albums in 2017 (Tarot) so I was hyped when they got picked up by a major label (gotta eat somehow) but oMg didnt see them SELLING TF OUT in the tarot cards now did I?? some people really dig this new sound, which I totally get, the production is nice and it still riffs. put it side by side with Tarot and this thing just screams mediocrity. these songs don't even sound great live.

album is average at best. listen to Tarot.
5Killswitch Engage
Disarm the Descent

Rating: 3

no more howard jones?? that kinda sux. I mean Jesse is dope and his albums before Howie joined slap but it just doesn't feel right, maybe its the nostalgia of End of heartache/as daylight dies KSE guiding me into heavy music. never got to see KSE with Howard (I also missed his new band touring with Jesse KSE and them doing songs together which kinda also sux but whatever I aint losing sleep over it) but I did see KSE's first tour with Jesse back and it was cool n shit.

album is just good. not sure how you can make this style of mealcore better tbh
Inhuman Rampage

Rating: 3.5

its 2006, I'm in 6th grade, and my friend group is starting to get into metal. the homie Mike B drops "Starfire" on us and we're just like yo sick! we become super into the band. then later in the year, Guitar Hero 2 comes out featuring our boys!! we were stoked!! I had like all these bangers on my iPod shuffle. looking back years later, its easy to see how Inhuman Rampage pales in comparison to Valley of the Damned and Sonic Firestorm. still better than Ultra Beatdown tho lmao.

album is GREAT!!! Operation Ground and Pound is like top 10 songs ever yo that shit rocks my socks off.
7A Life Once Lost

Rating: 4

hardest RIP of all time. I miss this band so much. got into these guys thanks to suppatime, who I went with to go see em play a tiny venue in DC in like 2011 or 2012. shoutout to backpack guy tearing it up in the pit. bonus story: back in undergrad, the small town my school was in had a relatively large music fest that used to feature bands that'd eventually blow tf up (Sufjan Stevens, Dillinger, Coheed, Poison the Well, Elliot Smith, etc etc for example). ALOL posted on their facebook page some tour dates, I noticed there was a gap between some shows so I commented "come play this fest!" and the band responded to my comment saying hook it up. So I reached out to the promoters and ALOL ended up being booked as the closer at the metal venue one of the nights! it was ebic.

this album is excellent af, truly. Vulture and Rehashed own so hard.
8Ethereal Shroud

Rating: 4.5

an entire decade on Sput, so gotta include a Sputbro album. everyone here knows it by now but this shit just slaps way too hard. was unemployed and broke asf when the vinyl went on sale so missed all that but hopefully I can catch the next round at the end of the year (thats still happening, right noct?). I remember in my sput infancy Noct was always a homie, they even shared their mixing of that shitty green Wintersun album. and who could forget all the :] in every thread? truly a homie.

album owns. you owe yourself a spin if you havent yet.
Above the Weeping World

Rating: 5

first rating on sput, October 11, 2013. took 10 months to rate something it seems. I don't remember how I found out about this band, but it was probably in the "related" section on itunes for In Flames or Dark Tranquillity. I remember at the time the top song for em on iTunes was Where the Last Wave Broke, so I had that song and Drawn to Black on my ipod nano (a huge upgrade from that shuffle). Drawn to Black was the second song I ever heard that had gutterals that I actually liked (first being Morphogenesis by Scar Symmetry). it took me forever to actually enjoy the sound of the vocals initially but when I did I was infatuated and Insomnium quickly became one of my favorite bands. they were basically my gateway drug into anything that had deep, low growls. anyyyywho, like many others this album is my favorite of theirs.

melodic death perfection. flawless album. Drawn to Black is top insomnium song ever
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