
Reviews 95
Approval 99%

Soundoffs 108
News Articles 2
Band Edits + Tags 334
Album Edits 409

Album Ratings 251
Objectivity 60%

Last Active 10-08-21 11:02 pm
Joined 05-22-12

Review Comments 6,594

05.22.22 10 years of fading in and out like a kn 10.08.21 Remember when Sput had integrat
11.11.20 pls rec me cosy jangly lady indie rock 09.06.20 10 more songs not to listen to while ri
10.06.19 Arche's great 2019 bm catch up 09.12.19 2019 ambient for comfy sleeps and peace
12.23.18 Arche's 2018 12.23.17 Arche's 50 from '17
10.29.17 Diddle Arche 6: math10.21.17 Diddle Arche 5: rec anything 2 (electri
10.14.17 Diddle Arche 4: Asia10.11.17 Diddle Arche 3: Musicals/OSTs/films
10.09.17 Diddle Arche Round 2: Finland10.08.17 (a comp) Diddle your boi Arche's earpie
10.07.17 NYP grabs / transferring ratings to RYM09.12.17 So I met CalculatingInfinity, and he me
07.03.17 Arche's best bits - Jan to Jun05.01.17 Arche's April
More »

10 years of fading in and out like a knackered TV
1The Chameleons
Strange Times

Time for a little self-indulgent ramble cos you only get one day with an account exactly 10 years old on reputable music website Sputnikmusic. List is digs
2The Coltranes
Visions of Terror and Bliss

Came here in 2012 initially because I'd heard about the site from No Heroes' Wikipedia page. Didn't really understand the point of the site, but I made an account, left a couple of comments probably on Sound Awake's page idk, and then forgot about it
3Talking Heads
Remain in Light

Roll on 2014 and I go to college (not a grand American institution, more a vocational centre in Canterbury. Nice place though). I think I was perusing Metal Sucks or something and as memory serves Body Choke had just come out by Lord Mantis. Before college one morning I'm in the library and Google search it and sure enough, there's a review on Sputnikmusic, that one website I signed up to a while ago. After remembering my password, I got sucked in by the community aspect of it, seeing folks with 50,000 comments everywhere and deciding that was where I wanted to be! (By the way, 50,000 is a LOT hey)
Gentlemen Take Polaroids

Shortly afterwards I figured I'd try writing a review or two. Didn't have a clue really what I was doing but it was fun and I didn't really mind only getting a couple of comments on each cos I think at that time I was terrified of rejection. Love you ScuroFantasma for cropping up quite a bit at that time - hope you're doing well :]
5Magnolia Electric Co
Magnolia Electric Co

Then I went to university and mysteriously had loads of free time for music listening. Started writing more and more, and making more friends and acquaintances than I thought possible on online forums. I think it was around this time that CalculatingInfinity showed me shady Brazilian websites and, despite my computer's best efforts, I did manage to download a few albums and so began the Gackt and Buck-Tick years. Still kinda into that Gackt body pillow. Fwaaaarrrrkkkkkkkk
Heroin Man

Loved making lists around this time of obscure and usually free shit you could pick up on Bandcamp, which was great as it introduced me to loads of new stuff which i enjoyed showing folks and simultaneously stroking my absolutely crippling ego to fill the void of academic underachievement. Therapy's great by the way if you can afford it.
7Sho Madjozi
Limpopo Champions League

In 2017, I became a very short-lived contrib! Between uni ramping up and the site going to heck (it was more unstable than a Weddell Sea ice floe) for a while, and a snazzy new technology called DISCORD which stole most of my internet friends, I asked Jom for a demotion. Regret that ever so slightly but hey, I've not written much since so it was the right call :]
8Tuning Circuits
No Compassion

Anyway I've largely spent the last 4 years to-ing and fro-ing from the site, got married, had a beautiful daughter, got a stable sensible job
Tiger Comet

Honestly there's not much point to this list but if I can say, fairly earnestly, I kinda love this place, or rather the people in it. Some of you folks have really brightened up sections of my last 10 years and I hope that maybe I made one or two of you smile as well. This site is like the raggedy cuddly toy with one eye missing that smells of hangover piss, even though it's been through the wash twice - something in the twinkle of that one beady eye and its arms in a particular waiting hug keeps you coming back. I'm sure, even as a vagrant nobody, I'll still be coming back in another 10 years.
10This Heat

Provided MX doesn't kill it
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