
Reviews 95
Approval 99%

Soundoffs 108
News Articles 2
Band Edits + Tags 334
Album Edits 409

Album Ratings 251
Objectivity 60%

Last Active 10-08-21 11:02 pm
Joined 05-22-12

Review Comments 6,594

05.22.22 10 years of fading in and out like a kn 10.08.21 Remember when Sput had integrat
11.11.20 pls rec me cosy jangly lady indie rock 09.06.20 10 more songs not to listen to while ri
10.06.19 Arche's great 2019 bm catch up 09.12.19 2019 ambient for comfy sleeps and peace
12.23.18 Arche's 2018 12.23.17 Arche's 50 from '17
10.29.17 Diddle Arche 6: math10.21.17 Diddle Arche 5: rec anything 2 (electri
10.14.17 Diddle Arche 4: Asia10.11.17 Diddle Arche 3: Musicals/OSTs/films
10.09.17 Diddle Arche Round 2: Finland10.08.17 (a comp) Diddle your boi Arche's earpie
10.07.17 NYP grabs / transferring ratings to RYM09.12.17 So I met CalculatingInfinity, and he me
07.03.17 Arche's best bits - Jan to Jun05.01.17 Arche's April
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Major catch-up on 2016

I have, in effect, missed the last three months or so of 2016's musical offerings; the first month (May) was spent mainly panicking for my exam and coursework deadlines, and the last two I've spent at my parents' house, which had until recently practically unusable internet (it's still not great, but a darn sight better than it was). So, the good people of Sputnikmusic, what have I missed? (inb4 nothing) Don't mind genre, reputation, etc. (although posting the genre would be nice), it'd just be cool to have some new music. List is shit I HAVE checked and a few I know I've missed.
1Bleeding Skies
You Can (Not) Die

Unremarkable but not bad djenty stuff. 3.0
2Abysseral Throne
Storming The Black Gate

Pretty awesome thrash/death/black metal (kinda bits of everything tbh). 3.5
The Grunewald Church Session

Really good, bleak modern classical. 4.0
The Fall of Hearts

Katatonia doing what Katatonia do well. 4.0

So this was released last year but the physical just came out (I think) and it was way to depressing having 4 albums I've checked so... here's a 5th. Almost unreasonably heavy hardcore with spacey vibes occasionally. 4.0

Really wanna check this.
Pleiades' Dust

Kept meaning to check this back in May but never got around to it.
The North Corridor

This came out at the peak of internet dogshittery, so kinda got waylaid by myself.
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