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Last Active 12-13-22 10:27 pm
Joined 03-13-12

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Emo Confessions

I gotta be real my guys, I've had a hard time jamming music for the past few months outside a few instances. But today I had a solid jam session of some great albums that just hit me right. Go figure it'd be emo coded shit. I always kinda hated how broad "emo" is as a tag because I never got on with the twinkly Midwest type and it's always a toss up if it's going to be some plodding nonsense or actually impactful tunes. The more I thought on it though, yeah I'm a fan.
1 Narrowhead
Moments of Clarity

Favorite tracks: Trepidation and Flesh & Solitude

It's a grungy shoegaze soaked affair but it riffs hard and it's catchy

I was introduced to "Youngest Daughter" some time ago and I only today listened to the whole album. Don't mistake this as some slowcore shit it actually has a lot of energetic tracks and is worth a listen even if you're ten years late to the bus for it.
3Title Fight
Floral Green

Heeeeeead in the Ceiiiiiling. That song always came up on the radio mix function whenever I jammed similar songs of this bands ilk. It's very emo and but I kinda don't hate it

Thursday actually introduced me to this band when these guys opened to them. Similar to Superheaven with grunge rock sensibilities and just a rock solid album. Jam Covet
5Pianos Become the Teeth
Keep You (Deluxe Edition)

This probably should've tipped me off I actually liked this style of emo if you wanna call it that. It's definitely not The Lack Long After anyway which either seemed to disappoint or pleasantly surprise people. I'm one of the latter. It's not so snoozer tier as drift and has some amazing highlights for the band. Enamored Me, Say Nothing, I even like Ripple Water Shine despite how twinkly it gets.
6The Dillinger Escape Plan
Option Paralysis

Oh yeah, also jammed this just to revisit. It used to be my least favorite and it still is but I see more merit to it outside widower now. It's back half is actually pretty solid and I enjoy Mona Lisa as a great opener even if it's a standard Dillinger track. It's hard to find faults in the music as a whole tbh but a lot of the front half still fails to entertain me.
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