
Reviews 31
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Objectivity 74%

Last Active 09-11-19 5:37 pm
Joined 01-13-12

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Lethal Weapon Ranked

A ranking of all the Lethal Weapon movies.
1Lethal Weapon

I give this one the edge because of the way we see the Riggs/Murtaugh relationship develop. They develop a strong bond throughout the series, but here you can tell they got off to a rocky start. I find the contrast between them quite interesting.
2Lethal Weapon 3

Although I prefer the first one to it, it's only by a slight margin. LW3 has my fave villain in the series: Jack Travis. He's a complete scumbag, and I like that about him. We also get a cool love story.
3Lethal Weapon 4

A fitting end to the series. Even though I do think the first and third are better, I kinda like Jet Li's villain. Jet Li imo isn't that great of an actor, but I feel he gets the job done. The scene at the dentist's office is quite enjoyable imo.
4Lethal Weapon 2

While I do like them all, and think this is a fairly consistent series, to me LW2 is the weakest of the four. I think the villain is forgettable, and the film kinda lacks some spice for me. I still like it, but prefer the others.
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