
Reviews 31
Approval 74%

Soundoffs 453
Album Ratings 470
Objectivity 74%

Last Active 09-11-19 5:37 pm
Joined 01-13-12

Review Comments 13,845

07.25.24 Queensrÿche02.09.24 Judas Priest
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05.25.15 Die Hard Ranked10.13.14 Rec Me Action Movies
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08.19.14 Some Bad Movies08.16.14 Toy Story Ranked
07.02.14 Rec Me Movies In French Or Italian05.22.14 10k Comments
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John Cusack Ranked

Ranked list of films with John Cusack I've seen front-to-back.
1Con Air

Pretty fun action film.
2High Fidelity

Cool romance flick.

Very entertaining animated film, even if the Anastasia legend is pretty much dead these days.
4Grosse Pointe Blank

Entertaining rom-com.
5The Butler

Don't remember his Nixon character too clearly, but this is a good historical drama.
6Sixteen Candles

He only has a minor role here, so not much to comment there.

Okay disaster movie, nothing too special. Had another guy had his role in it, I wonder if it really would have made any significant difference.
8The Prince

Somewhat passable action film, but nothing to write home about.
9Hot Tub Time Machine

Same thing with The Prince, but switch "action" with "comedy".
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