
Reviews 31
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Last Active 09-11-19 5:37 pm
Joined 01-13-12

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Quentin Tarantino Ranked

Ranked list of Tarantino (directed) films I've seen.
1Inglorious Basterds

What a movie! Brad Pitt kicking ass as Aldo Raine, Christoph Waltz stealing scenes as Landa? Just a brilliant film imo, and my favorite Tarantino movie.
2Pulp Fiction

I just love Samuel L. Jackson here, he's fantastic as Jules. Uma Thurman was epic as Mrs. Wallace. And this is simply a movie that begs to be watched again and again due to it's clever use of anachronism. Perfect movie, just not my favorite.
3Kill Bill

Probably his most gory film. This tale of revenge has Uma Thurman perfectly casted as the protagonist, and David Carradine (RIP) was a perfect choice for the role of Bill. Definitely not for everyone, but easily one of Tarantino's best films.
4Reservoir Dogs

Tarantino's debut is a pretty impressive film on it's own. The way in which separate character storylines are woven into the main story is clever, and this guy proved here that directing is what he was born to do.
5Jackie Brown

Yes, it's underrated, however to me the films above it are slightly better. The plot was well worked out, however the Melanie character was rather bland imo, and DeNiro just felt as if he was just there and nothinh more. Kudos to Samuel L. Jackson and Pam Grier for their work here though.
6Death Proof

Entertaining film. I especially enjoyed Zoe Bell and am looking forward to seeing her in The Hateful Eight. But I feel the first portion of the movie wasn't quite as entertaining as the second portion. Oh, and the Jungle Julia character didn't help much imo.
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