
Reviews 31
Approval 74%

Soundoffs 453
Album Ratings 470
Objectivity 74%

Last Active 09-11-19 5:37 pm
Joined 01-13-12

Review Comments 13,845

07.25.24 Queensrÿche02.09.24 Judas Priest
01.13.24 Metallica01.10.24 The Police
02.25.16 John McTiernan Ranked01.27.16 Richard Donner Ranked
12.22.15 James Cameron Ranked12.02.15 Lethal Weapon Ranked
07.12.15 John Cusack Ranked06.15.15 Quentin Tarantino Ranked
05.25.15 Die Hard Ranked10.13.14 Rec Me Action Movies
09.06.14 Tom Cruise Ranked08.26.14 Sandwich Fast-Foods Ranked
08.19.14 Some Bad Movies08.16.14 Toy Story Ranked
07.02.14 Rec Me Movies In French Or Italian05.22.14 10k Comments
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Tom Cruise Ranked

Just 10 Tom Cruise movies ranked. I haven't seen every rsingle one in which he's acted, but let's see how this goes.rI rmight redo this list later after I've done more watching.
1Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles
2A Few Good Men
3Jerry Maguire
4The Firm
5Top Gun
6Risky Business
7The Last Samurai
8Mission: Impossible 2
9War of the Worlds
10Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol
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