
Reviews 1
Approval 28%

Soundoffs 2
Album Ratings 173
Objectivity 81%

Last Active 08-17-11 1:02 pm
Joined 08-17-11

Review Comments 489

06.22.12 Bands That Are Cool To Say You Like.11.07.11 Making Fried Rice Tonight!
11.04.11 Progressive Rock: A Discussion11.03.11 Opeth Sucks (and Other Observations)
11.03.11 Amplifiers11.02.11 Guilty Pleasures Of A Hard Rock Fan.
10.26.11 Album Of The Day That Is Cool To Like10.25.11 My Taste In Music Is Awesome.
09.07.11 Bands Forced To Go Cannibal08.19.11 Great Albums
08.18.11 What Is Your Favorite Guitar Solo?08.18.11 Bands That Are Really Hard To Follow Wi
08.17.11 Top Progressive Rock Albums Since 2000

Bands That Are Cool To Say You Like.

Hey there you pretentious F%$#s. Here are some bands that suck that you probably pretend to (or somehow honestly do) like.
1Florence and the Machine

2Death Metal

Every band is the same so no need to pick one.

They only had one good album. Get over it. I know they make you feel better about
your own bands lack of ability, but... get over it.
4Avenged Sevenfold

OK, no one likes them... I just really hate them a lot.
5Fair to Midland

Overproduced shitty alt rock with new metal guitar tracks mixed way to loud over
top of every song. Perfect formula for sputnik homo's.
6Old stuff

yeah that's right. Almost all of it. Stop pretending to like Jethro Tull. He sucks.
Worst band ever. Stop pretending to like old folk people too. They all suck and you
just aren't as cool as you think you are. Give your sister her pants back and get a
job you hipster dips%^&.

If I wanted to watch some creepy pedophiles glorify themselves I'd go to an Opeth
concert.... hey... speaking of which...

They take the cake for "worst most pretentious band of all time" Congratulations
Opeth!!! *golf clap*
9Rap (Spoken Word Idiocy)

Stop pretending to like it. You're either with us or against us.

If I wanted to hear fat chicks whine about the guys they never get I would go hook
up with your sister again.
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