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Last Active 02-06-21 7:10 pm
Joined 03-11-10

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12.23.19 Pistol's 2019 12.18.18 Pistol's 2018
12.22.17 Pistol's 2017 10.26.17 Post-Metal Starter Pack
12.22.16 Pistol's 2016 01.13.16 Pistol's 2015
02.19.15 Pistol's 201401.05.14 Pistol's 2013
06.29.13 Top Moments (Vol II) 02.24.13 Chevelle Bonus Songs Ranked
02.09.13 Top Moments (Vol I)

Pistol's 2019

By far the biggest list I’ve ever attempted. Year for me was great, a noticeable change of pace from previous years. First half of 2019, I did a lot of travelling with my girlfriend (Cancun, Portugal, and Greece) before eventually moving in with her in June. She’s played quite a supportive role through everything the past couple years and I probably don’t deserve her, but it's working great. Second half of 2019 work just got very busy (but in a good way). Job is going well, they like me and I like the company. This list plays out like most of my recent year-end lists. It certainly veers away from what the charts would suggest, there’s lot of guilty pleasures. There’s also a lot of hip-hop and post-metal, the two genres that encompass most of my listening now. As the years go on, I care less and less about impressing the user base and make this more for myself to look back upon. 54-51 are EPs. 50-21 are loosely ranked. Top 20 I feel strongest about. Happy holidays to anyone I interact with frequently or even sometimes! Not sure I’d ever make a list this gargantuan again, it’s too much work and my pool of time to work on it is smaller than ever. But I’ll still be poking around the site like I always do.
54Ghost (SWE)
Seven Inches Of Satanic Panic

Nice bit of fun, nothing near as good as the best parts of “Prequelle” or “Meliora”.
53Elder (USA-MA)
The Gold and Silver Sessions

Tides me over until they blow my mind with another album of 12+ minute epics.
52Conjurer and Pijn
Curse These Metal Hands

The music Baroness wishes they could be writing right now.

EP OF THE YEAR: Fine Pvris, I suppose full-on pop isn’t such a bad look on you after all.
50Karen O and Danger Mouse
Lux Prima

Basically Broken Bells with Karen O as the singer. I thought the collaboration works overall and lets Karen O flex her vocals on some tasty Danger Mouse funky tunes. (Indie Pop, Indie Rock) Highlights: Ministry, Turn the Light
49Little Simz

Some grime in this list, no way! I liked this a lot. She has a great flow and holds her own in a genre that may never quite get the overseas credit it deserves. This album has some bite to it. (Grime, Hip-Hop) Highlights: Boss, 101 FM

My girlfriend was actually visibly upset upon hearing my first run-through of this list was missing this album. I wrote an admittedly mixed review of her earlier in the year, yet proceeded to go to her concert in July and even tacked on the VIP Meet-and-Greet without a second’s hesitation. I thought the concert I watched breathed life into a lot of songs I had previously shrugged off and over the remainder of the year I did feel this album came into its own a bit more. I think “Goddess” will always be her top album, but maybe I should rewrite my review for this? Opinions welcome. (Pop, Electronic) Highlights: Gimme (SOTY), Godless, The Fall
47Wear Your Wounds
Rust on the Gates of Heaven

After being fairly disappointed with Jacob Bannon’s first rounds of his solo project, I could finally hear him coming into his own on this one. He’s getting better slowly each time and working towards the vision he set out to do, not quite there yet though. (Post Rock, Lo-Fi) Highlights: Rust on the Gates of Heaven, Brittle Pillar

Not an album for the impatient, pretty much every song is over 10 minutes. But when this band connects, the post-rock they produce can be very mesmerizing and impressive. In particular, I thought the song “Deceiver” stood out, very fast-paced with a sense of urgency. Great driving music. (Post-Rock/Metal)
45With Our Arms to the Sun
The Mogollon Monster

Another solid offering from what is an incredibly lesser known band on this site. They make smooth post-metal for perhaps the listener who doesn’t enjoy harsh vox in their music. I liked their previous album more, but this has its moments. Definitely could have done without the grossly unnecessary cover of a Pink Floyd song though. (Post-Rock, Prog Metal) Highlights: Meet You in the Light, The Poacher
44Bon Iver

How typical of me to like his simplest and most electronic album yet. I actually can’t stand his old albums, even “22, A Million”. Folk is not my thing. But his voice is admittedly very good and even his past stuff always had at least one song I would come back to if only to hear his incredibly distinctive vocals. People can call me ignorant, but this is the first time I’ve felt actual “energy” in his music. (Folk, Electronic) Highlights: Hey Ma, U (Man Like), Jelmore
They Came with Sunlight

A pretty decent debut for fans who just wanna roll around in some tasty sludge metal for a bit. It reminds me of 90s Neurosis in some ways, but cranked up to top volume. It’s maybe too lengthy for its own good but the hits are massive and the walls of sound and screams are exciting as hell. (Sludge Metal, Post Metal) Highlights: I Vanish, How They Envisioned Life
The Origin Of My Depression

This was one of the more visceral experiences I had listening to music this year. Xandra Metcalfe crafts an inescapably haunting portrayal of the mental cage depression creates within one’s mind. The album makes you feel trapped and isolated, with maniacal shrieks that only momentarily snap you out of its bleak tone. It’s very experimental and arguably one of the more unique pieces of music out of 2019. (Noise Rock, Industrial) Highlights: An Angel of Great and Terrible Light, Lay
41Helms Alee

A band that never ranks high for me but always produces some great music whenever they do release something. This is a lighter affair for them, not so much on the metal side anymore. (Noise Rock, Post Harcore) Highlights: Spider Jar, Beat Up, Play Dead
Morbid Stuff

These guys are from Toronto so naturally I hear about them. They have great crossover appeal on this, it’s noticeably easier-listening than their past two offerings and quite catchy. In past years, I’ve raved about a band called Single Mothers who are also Canadian (from London, ON). These guys have a lot in common with them and it’s exciting to see a very innovative punk rock wave come out of my area of the country. (Pop Punk, Punk) Highlights: Kids, Bloody Mary Kate & Ashley, Full Blown Meltdown
39Pivot Gang
You Can't Sit With Us

I was in Chicago earlier this year for a quick weekend getaway. We got to know this very skillful bartender who operated a small speakeasy out of a closet room in the basement of the hostel we stayed at. That was ironically the weekend this Pivot Gang album came out and so it was on my mind and I spoke to him of how much I loved Saba (the ringleader of this crew). I was astonished to hear he knew Saba as a close acquaintance as well as the guys he grew up with. He even recounted in more detail the events that happened to Walter Jr. (Saba’s cousin who was killed in 2017 coming off public transit). This chance encounter was felt through the rest of my trip, as I could feel their company (in spirit) as we explored the city. When I listen to this album, I feel it is rooted in Saba’s sophomore album from last year but feels like the work of a group of friends who just enjoy spending time together. A definite must-listen for any fan of Saba. (Hip-Hop) Highlights: Mathematics, Mortal Kombat
Periphery IV: Hail Stan

Definitely more of a return to form after the disappointing Periphery III. I thought the longer bookend tracks were a bit bloated, but almost every song in between was on the mark. People can shrug them off for their dumb titles and over-theatricality from their lead singer, but the band is fun to listen to and I can’t wait to hear more from them. (Djent, Metalcore, Prog Metal) Highlights: Blood Eagle, Garden in the Bones, Sentient Glow (cover song)
37Big K.R.I.T.
K.R.I.T. Iz Here

Far too long, but not the disappointment people had led me to believe it was. I didn’t hear any outright terrible songs and the quality control was in check most of the way through this. His bass-heavy bangers are as good as they always were, and I like hearing that Mississippi drawl rattling off verses. (Hip-Hop, Jazz, Funk) Highlights: I Been Waitin, Energy, Learned from Texas

Another solid offering from these guys. It doesn’t surprise like the debut, but their musicianship is impressive and I still find they incite rich imagery and visions in my mind and spine-tingling moments when I listen to them, the real reason I love this genre in the first place. (Post Rock, Post Metal) Highlights: Hidden

Congrats to this band somehow still managing to slot into my lists despite settling on a sound I consider far inferior to their older material like “Bilateral” and “Coal”. There’s something to be said for reinventing your sound on each album and not delivering more of the same. This was by far the biggest grower I’ve had to endure from them yet. But once my expectations were laid to rest, I didn’t mind hearing a more Einar-driven album; his voice is still pretty good. If he wants this much control over the writing, he should honestly just go solo, but maybe the band is ok with this. I wouldn’t be if I were them. (Prog Metal, Prog Rock) Highlights: Below, Alleviate, At The Bottom
34The Black Keys
Let's Rock

This album feels more like an apology letter to fans than a piece of music. Apology accepted though…. (Blues, Alt Rock) Highlights: Eagle Birds, Get Yourself Together, Go
Nighttime Stories

This was a band I never felt very strongly for. Even though I have a borderline crack-addict obsession with post-metal, their instrumental take on it always felt very vanilla and indistinguishable to me. It’s funny that their most straight-forward album to date, with more of a rock flavor than metal would be the one that finally stood out as memorable. The record is heavily affected by the loss of both family and friends to the band members and you can feel it written with a more deft and purposeful hand because of this. (Post Metal, Sludge Metal) Highlights: Midnight and Mescaline, It Stared at Me
32The National
I Am Easy to Find

For such a well-renowned band, I find their albums quite a chore to get through. I think Matt Berninger’s voice is nice, but listening to over an hour of music centered around it gets old fast. This is why I appreciated the more prominent contribution of female vocalists on this album, it really is a much needed addition to a band that was definitely running out of directions to go. They’re always solid though and this is no exception. (Indie Rock) Highlights: Roman Holiday, I Am Easy to Find
Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost - Part 2

Despite feeling this was the weaker of the two parts, I thought the entire double album worked well and was a great achievement for the band after four years. I just thought Part 1 was a bit more ambitious. “Black Bull” jams harder than anything they’ve ever done though, what an absolute stomper of a song. (Indie Rock, Alt Rock) Highlights: Black Bull, The Runner, Into the Surf
Everyday Life

I guess it’s not hard to exceed expectations after producing some of the most diluted and washed out music of your career. This album probably comes off as better than it should be, but I thought the whole experience on this sounded very fresh and adventurous, even for a band that’s been around a while now. Those horns on “Arabesque”, the wild acoustic jam session of “Guns”, or even the influence of gospel on this work quite well. Their music has emotion again. (Indie Pop, Pop Rock) Highlights: Arabesque, Daddy, Orphans

I didn’t realize how much I missed these German animals until I was listening to them as I trotted across Portugal and Greece this past spring. I needed some Rammstein riffs in my life again and the self-titled album more than just scratches the itch. (Metal, Industrial) Highlights: Deustchland, Radio, Was Ich Liebe
28Charli XCX

Not an album I was envisioning I would enjoy upon first listen. I think in the past she’s veered too much on the euro-dance side of pop, but this music truly feels fresh and is something I can’t say I’ve heard something similar to of late. Her definitive album so far. Fantano rated it #1 though? Not THAT good. (Pop, Electronic) Highlights: Gone, Cross You Out, Blame It On Your Love
27The Raconteurs
Help Us Stranger

I’m always following Jack White, but The Raconteurs were not a band I enjoyed, at least not their first album. Their second album and now this roaring comeback are much more the style I expect from him. Comeback albums get a bad rap most times, yet here you can listen to a band playing the music they want to make. It’s not overly complicated rock, you’ve heard it before in many forms, but it kicks ass and has variety in it to appease different rock fans. (Alt/Indie Rock) Highlights: Bored and Razed, Help Me Stranger, Hey Gyp
Spiritual Instinct

Yes…it’s a more overproduced and mainstream sound. Yes…they can write more impactful music. Yes…the songs follow a bit of a formula. But I thought their first album under Nuclear Blast could have been a lot worse. Their sound, even dumbed down to its bare essentials, sounds pretty damn good. I liked the heavier edge this had, while still sneaking in an intriguing ambient piece near the end (Le Miroir). I figured they wouldn’t be topping “Kodama” anytime soon so something simpler isn’t the worst thing to grace our ears. (Shoegaze, Black Metal) Highlights: Sapphire, L’Iles des Morts, Le Miroir
25Dream Theater
Distance Over Time

I don’t have the history of this band to fall back on and compare to like most other fans. I have always been VERY aware of their existence and enjoyed a few moments here and there from their older works. All I can say is this album has some strong songwriting in it. The songs pace well here and don’t overstay their welcome like much of their material does. The vocal performances are stellar as well, I found myself singing to a lot of it in the same way I’d sing to something by Queen. Maybe they’re back on a roll again? Who knows, exciting stuff for sure though. (Prog Metal/Rock) Highlights: Paralyzed, Barstool Warrior, Out of Reach
Fear Inoculum

Finally, the haters can be silenced. No one can ever make a joke about Tool not releasing music again and there’s something oddly relieving about that. I certainly was expecting more from their comeback (and probably final) album. What we get here is thankfully not the late-career stumble or cash-grab many might have imagined. In the end, it was a carefully constructed album that neither tarnishes their legacy nor pushes it into new directions. Tool can get away with this because, quite frankly, it’s just nice to hear new music from them. The sub-genres they helped spawn back in the day are well worn by this point and Maynard’s voice has aged so nothing they could have concocted would ever feel new and fresh anymore (even 10,000 Days barely did back in 2006). I’m just glad they gave us one last album that stays true to their sound and can finally rest so Maynard can make his goddamn wine in peace. (Alt Metal, Prog Metal) Highlights: Invincible, 7empest
23Silversun Pickups
Widow's Weeds

I have a soft spot for this band. I can see why many didn’t enjoy the more aggressive bite they were going for on this. They had really delved deep into their shoegaze, hazier side on the last few albums and this seems cheap at first glance. I happen to think they were in need of something a little more direct in their sound though. Nobody wants every damn album from a band to be a chore to get through and take multiple listens; sometimes something that goes down easy more welcome. (Alt Rock/Shoegaze) Highlights: It Doesn’t Matter Why, Neon Wound, Straw Man
22Anderson .Paak

“Oxnard” was one hell of a frustrating album. There was so much hype after Anderson joined Aftermath and nestled under Dr. Dre’s wing. The first product to come out ended up straying away from what I thought this guy was about; carefree, breezy songs about love, drugs, and the state of California. Instead, we got Anderson .Paak performing over a mediocre old-school gangster-rap album Dr. Dre would have produced back in the day, and was oddly preachy about politics too. Just rubbed me the wrong way. “Ventura” is almost a polar opposite, not entirely back to his roots but much more laid back. It’s not as strong as his masterpiece “Malibu” but a step in the right direction once again. (Hip-Hop/R&B/Funk) Highlights: Make It Better, Reachin’ 2 Much, Good Heels
Love and Decay

I first found out about these guys from a concert I’d actually attended more to see an opener, not them. I figured I’d try some songs from the headliner too. They’re just an adorable travelling married couple (+ a third-wheeling drummer?) who jams some metal and their sound was precisely what I’d needed at the time: something right in the middle of post-metal and mainstream rock (like a heavier, fuzzier, sludgier Deftones…perfect). “Love and Decay” continues their impressive consistency with more drawn-out songs that really capture that crushing sound you want from this kind of music. I think some songs are a bit too long and they slip away from them, but excellent work once again. (Doom Metal, Shoegaze) Highlights: The Particle Noise, Xerox
20Post Malone
Hollywood's Bleeding

I understand he isn’t the most well-thought of artist on this site. “Beerbongs & Bentleys” came out of nowhere last year though and caught me off guard by how highly I thought of it. At first, this felt like a huge step down, but through repeated listens I once again warmed up to what he’s trying to do here. The man writes catchy music, and knows how to pick features. I can’t honestly say I despised a single song on this and while he’s certainly not winning awards for originality, I come back to this more often than other albums of similar genre. (R&B, Pop) Highlights: Enemies, Take What You Want, Wow.
Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost - Part 1

Four years since this band’s last album. “What Went Down” was also my favourite thus far from these guys so expectations were sky-high. I think a double album was ambitious for them, but I’m impressed Part 1 didn’t feel too stretched out with filler. I also liked the band exploring different directions, with a nice mix of shorter punchy tracks with ones that offered longer canvases to play with. (Indie Rock, Alt Rock) Highlights: Exits, White Onions, On the Luna
18Lana Del Rey
Norman Fucking Rockwell!

She finally did it. It took her almost a full decade but she broke into that elite echelon of critically acclaimed artists with her newest album. It’s funny because nothing on this album offers up a single new idea for her sound and treads ground many previous albums covered. But when it clicks, you have to kind of stand up and just slow clap. NFR is back-to-back torch songs, some of the best she’s ever written. (Pop, Indie Pop) Highlights: Cinnamon Girl, California, The Next Best American Record
17Downfall of Gaia
Ethic of Radical Finitude

Previous efforts from these guys veered too heavily on the black metal side for me. This album, I felt more in-tune with. It’s dense atmospheres and slow progression of songs is more my style. Some of the musical passages here are truly stunning (eg. the intros of “Guided Through a Starless Night” and “Of Withering Violet Leaves”). Even the bursts of black metal feel powerful and earned. Great piece of work. (Black Metal, Post-Metal)
Disillusioned Fire

The result of the two founders of Moth Gatherer veering off in different directions. Novarupta is Alex Stjernfeldt’s brainchild, and it doesn’t disappoint one bit. It’s full of Neurosis worship in heaps, with a whopping amount of collaborators filling each track. The opening half doesn’t feel too far off of what the older Moth Gatherer albums were trying to do, but the last half features a more prominent black metal influence that the old band merely scratched. It’s like a post/blackish “greatest hits” album in some ways, and feels very comprehensive despite running under 40 minutes. (Post-Metal, Sludge Metal, Black Metal) Highlights: Pyroclastic Flows, Tumskruvar, Only the Dirt Will Know Our Graves
We Are Not Your Kind

For a guy who was into nu-metal back in my teenage years, I’m surprised I was never really into Slipknot. The little I had heard wasn’t my thing I guess. Their last two albums were both incredibly underwhelming too. So when I saw the rave reviews this was getting, I rolled my eyes a little. I like being proven wrong though, it’s fun. “Birth of the Cruel” really fired me up the first time I listened to it. Repeated listens saw me warm up to “Nero Forte” and “Critical Darling” too, just lethal tracks. This is quite a statement from a long-standing band and doesn’t feel immature like a lot of their genre peers might make the music seem. (Nu-Metal, Metal)

I’m not even going to try to attempt to rank this album among their discography. But I will say I appreciate them making a shorter, more easily digestible album than their last couple. I get it isn’t groundbreaking by any means, but I think their songwriting on this was impeccable. The songs and choruses really pop and it feels consistently enjoyable. Massive hits on this! (Melodic Death Metal, Metal) Highlights: Arrival, The Nurturing Glance, Witan, The Ageless Whisper
Is He Real?

Every year, I sneak in a rap album at the last second that I had missed earlier in the year. If you can ignore the religious concepts, this is actually one of the more entertaining hip-hop albums I came across in 2019. I haven’t heard his older stuff but this Maryland rapper nails his vision more than a few times across this short tracklist. To be honest, everything up to and including “Porno” is an absolute blast to play through, hit-after-hit just delivered as if it’s nothing. The back half trails off only slightly in quality but balances the first half off in a nice way with more mellow tracks, some singing, and a very dark and personal closing track. As mentioned, if the religious themes are something that get on your nerves, you’ll undoubtedly be rubbed the wrong way, but the music itself is exciting and the Pusha/JID cameo on “Porno” is outstanding. (Hip-Hop) Highlights: 42 Hundred Choices, 24, Lilly, Porno
Lunar Falls

I wrote the review for this. Following her before the album, a lot of what I was hearing was promising (the gorgeous mix of black metal and dark folk). I’m pleased that her debut album lived up to the hype. Looks like she’s already writing another album, this time with more group collaboration! (Dark Folk, Black Metal) Highlights: Solus Ipse, The Elm, Catacombs
11Danny Brown

I don’t think this guy will ever reach the dizzying heights of his ambitious and pulverizing “Atrocity Exhibition” ever again, but this goes down pretty smooth with some vintage Danny bars over nice funky tunes. Maybe getting his own show calmed him down a bit, but I don’t mind what I’m hearing. (Hip-Hop, Experimental) Highlights: Change Up, Best Life, Shine

I was getting an X-Ray taken on my foot the day I listened to this. I blasted it on the way to the clinic and I don’t remember the last time I wanted to crank the volume in my car so damn loud. Stunning sludgy rock with even some pop leanings I’d say. (Stoner Rock, Sludge Metal) Highlights: Submission, Slide, Admission
9Cult of Luna
A Dawn to Fear

Oddly low in my ranking for them, but a wondrous listen nonetheless. I found it hard to really hold this up on a pedestal like others when it first came out. Nothing they’re doing on this is anything new for them, and I think for that reason I would hold an album like “Vertikal” or their other masterpieces (SATW and Salvation) in higher regard. But that’s just the level of quality they bring each time. When they release something, it’s always another crucial contribution to the post-metal universe. (Post-Metal, Sludge Metal) Highlights: Lay Your Head to Rest, Lights on the Hill, Inland Rain

Boy do these guys know how to play some goddamn post-metal. As the years go on, this genre excites me less and less but I’m always impressed by at least a few bands. On their new album, Degraey masterfully balance gentle passages with rewarding crashes of guitar just like their post-metal forefathers did. Not original by any means, but more than powerful enough to leave an impression. (Post Metal, Progressive Metal) Highlights: Nurture, Not So Far, Woven Conscience

A short and very enjoyable post-metal album that does a lot in a small span of time and even without vocals. Teamster rec’d me this btw. (Post-Metal, Doon Metal) Highlights: Khapra, Aas
6Ghosts of Glaciers
The Greatest Burden

For a fully instrumental album, this thing crushes. The four long-winded tracks on this spare no frivolity and just get straight to the point. Each song leads to satisfying waves of distortion and the album riffs harder than almost anything else I heard this year. (Post-metal, Post-rock) Highlights: Epigenesis, Primordial Waters
5Tyler, the Creator

A normal artist would have sat on the success of an album like “Flower Boy” for a while, just touring and raking up the cash for a few years. Tyler the Creator proves that he is more than that, an artist who will not compromise on their vision of what music they want to make at a given time. “IGOR” drastically veers away from the sound on “Flower Boy” and is even somewhat uncomfortable to listen to at first, especially for those who liked “Flower Boy’s” cleaner production. However, repeated listens unravels the story and vision he had, fully realizing his Pharell-influenced tendencies. There’s more singing, more tangents, just more spice in general. Tyler doesn’t give a fuck what kind of music you want him to make, and there’s something impressive about it. (Hip-Hop/R&B) Highlights: Running Out of Time, New Magic Wand, What’s Good, A Boy is a Gun
4Denzel Curry

I think I’d go and say “Zuu” was the most fun I has listening to an album this year. It made me laugh, dance, belt out choruses, and white-guy dance. My girlfriend even loves it. I think that’s what I find so impressive about Denzel, he can juggle many sides to his persona to cater to many different kinds of fans. You get the mic-shredding bangers, the darker gut punches, and the songs that…make you shake your ass…like you only live once *cough* *scampers away* *door slams*. (Hip-Hop/Rap) Highlights: Ricky, Birdz, Automatic
3Ariana Grande
Thank U, Next

Never in my wildest dreams did I see this coming. Another album half a year after her previous release “Sweetener”? A nagging part of me felt like, given the drama she was involved in last year (re: Mac Miller, Pete Davidson), this album was going to be a cheap knee-jerk response to the public. I thought it was going to be a cash-grab to capitalize on the attention. I should know better, sometimes when an artist is propelled to release music quickly, it’s because they’re inspired and just have that much to say. This album was a splendid surprise, oddly self-aware and honest and her strongest effort to date by far. (Pop) Highlights: Needy, Fake Smile, NASA
All My Heroes Are Cornballs

I was probably listening to the wrong artists, but 2019 felt a bit safe of a year to me. Some great albums I was hearing, but nothing groundbreaking or new; just a lot of bands/artists making more of the same. When this came out, I felt like that theory was finally thrown aside. This album became a part of my daily life for months, with so many quotables to recite I stopped being able to count them all. I think Peggy is a BIG deal and will be watching him closely now. (Hip-Hop, Experimental) Highlights: Forgive Me Jesus Christ I Am a Thot, Beta Male Strategies, Grimy Waifu, PTSD
1The Moth Gatherer
Esoteric Oppression

It’s weird to say, but I honestly can’t imagine my life were I not to have discovered the genre of post-metal. This music means everything to me, a perfect balance of heaviness and self-restraint. The Moth Gatherer have been releasing quality post-metal since 2013 and are one of the few bands incorporating elements like electronics that other bands stay away from (or are too “m/” for). Instead of diluting the sound, the songs harness everything to become absolutely massive and crushing. This band has always had a huge sound and “Esoteric Oppression” stands as perhaps their biggest contribution yet. Swedish post-metal still has a fire burning in it, even if the greats are long gone or coasting at this point. This album is a pleasure to listen to from front-to-back, a true contender for best of the decade in this genre and a testament to why it’s my favourite type of music to listen to. (Post-Metal, Doom Metal) Highlights: Motionless in Oceania, Utopia, The Phosphorescent Blight
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