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Last Active 01-06-23 2:13 pm
Joined 01-11-09

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05.19.24 2023 - Voivod's pseudo-random safari s212.25.23 2023 - Voivod's pseudo-random safari s1
12.25.23 2023 - Voivod's pseudo-random safari01.07.23 2022 - Voivod's pseudo-random safari s2
01.06.23 2022 - Voivod's pseudo-random safari s101.06.23 2022 - Voivod's pseudo-random safari
12.24.21 2021 - Voivod's pseudo-random safari s1 12.24.21 2021 - Voivod's pseudo-random safari
01.11.21 2020 - Voivod's pseudo-random safari s212.25.20 2020 - Voivod's pseudo-random safari s1
12.25.20 2020 - Voivod's pseudo-random safari12.27.19 2019 - Voivod's pseudo-random safari s2
12.25.19 2019 - Voivod's pseudo-random safari s112.25.19 2019 - Voivod's pseudo-random safari
12.23.18 2018 - Voivod's pseudo-random safari s312.22.18 2018 - Voivod's pseudo-random safari s2
12.22.18 2018 - Voivod's pseudo-random safari s112.19.18 2018 - Voivod's pseudo-random safari
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2023 - Voivod's pseudo-random safari

Well, it's that time of the year again folks :-). Rated or not, all albums listed are considered to be at least 3.4, meaning they're work checking out at least once, imho that is. Feel free to check anything out and drop a comment like whenever. List will progressively be filled with more noteworthy 2023 releases. Supplemental lists will follow, if need be.
Sånger För Den Kalla Modern

4.0 - black metal from Sweden.

Through the usage of classical chordal instruments instead of electric guitars, Swedes Nattfly narrate the Nordic/Central European folklore of "Cold Mother", and achieve multiple goals at once; they are a total black metal outfit as well as a total folk one, while maintaining ties to classical music every step of the way. The latter affiliation does not dilute the final outcome, as opposed to the work of most symphonic black metal outfits. Moreover, some of the rhymes heard, sound like latent loans from folk traditions, irrespective of country of origin. Stream: http://nattfly.bandcamp.com/album/s-nger-f-r-den-kalla-modern
Impii Hora

4.0 - death metal from Denmark.

If crossover death metal was a thing, it would sound like Impii Hora. Not only these guys are straddling both banks of the Atlantic, but they are hopping from one genre behemoth to the other in ways anything but anticipated. Killer sound work, excellent drumming, riffs for lethal moshing in venues, shredding but to-the-point lead guitar work, and vocals that sound as if they are expanding the legacy of Burton C. Bell, Chuck Schuldiner and others. Band and album add up to Denmark's pedigree in producing extreme metal that sets up a path of its own. Stream: http://asinhell.bandcamp.com/album/impii-hora
The End

4.0 - heavy/power metal from Paraguay/South Korea.

US heavy/power metal from Paraguay/South Korea, that rips the ripping shit of every other US heavy/power metal album that rips. Stream: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOb33zIGbjYfsRZ-dVFBV8-jERbPgQL49
4Ho Megas
Κή​ρ​υ​ξ Π​ῦ​ρ

4.0 - raw/folk/black metal of unknown origin.

Ho Megas' debut is all but a singularity in terms of raw/folk/black metal, but the album closer is by far the most epic, mind/body ripping piece of dark music released this year. Favourite track: the album closer. Stream: http://athegreat.bandcamp.com/album/-
.​.​.A С​м​е​р​т​ь В​в​і​й​ш​л​а У

4.0 - black metal from Ukraine.

Only two songs, but more substance than entire albums of the sort. Stream: http://svrm.bandcamp.com/album/--11
6Organ Dealer
The Weight Of Being

3.8 - grindcore from New Jersey.

Killer grindcore from the Garden State. Favourite track: Solitude is Death. Stream: http://organdealer.bandcamp.com/album/the-weight-of-being
Trample the Weak, Devour the Dead

3.8 - thrash metal from Canada.

Canadian tech thrashers Terrifier stand at the genre's Hot Gates, and do a whole lot more than keeping their increasingly arcane art alive and relevant. Favorite track: Bones of the Slain. Stream: http://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lKACqfLUm9iQrSI89XvWWbop9kVeAcY20
8Pest Control
Don't Test the Pest

3.8 - crossover thrash metal from Poland.

If the last few Municipal Waste albums appeared to be lukewarm affairs in hindsight, or if the untimely demise of Power Trip left crossover thrash fell in a moot point, or if the genre founders should still be up on their feet, releasing one killer album after another but they don't because time erodes everything in its path, all aforementioned hypotheses then Pest Control have everyone covered. Superb drive and technical chops through and through. Stream: http://pestcontroluk.bandcamp.com/album/dont-test-the-pest
9Fortress Under Siege

3.6 - power/progressive metal from Hellas.

Fortress Under Siege essentially reiterate a good part of the ideas implemented in their previous album, only now there's a departure from power metal towards groove metal, in terms of arrangements and sound production. Everything, including the vocals, has been improved, facilitating repeated listens. Although there are no standout tracks, the first half of the album feels stronger. Stream: http://roar-fortressundersiege.bandcamp.com/album/envy
10Hilary Woods
Acts of Light

3.5 - Ambient/folk/drone from Ireland.

First contact with this outfit, and I have to say that the dark ambient/folk/drone herein, is worth its while, especially since parts of it are reminiscent of past experiences with outfits such as Kreng and/or Black Swan. Favourite track: Vigil. Stream: http://hilarywoodsmusic.bandcamp.com/album/acts-of-light
11John Mayall
Live in 1967 - Volume Three

3.5 - blues rock from the UK.

It's been a long time since I've listened to the blues... Stream: http://musicmp3.ru/artist_john-mayall-and-the-bluesbreakers__album_live-in-1967-volume-3.html
12Suffering Quota

3.5 - grindcore from the Netherlands.

While Suffering Quota's third album lies well below the near-classic status of its immediate predecessor, however it manages to pack a good portion of the monumental punch Life in Disgust has been known for, since its release. Stream: http://lckr.bandcamp.com/album/suffering-quota-collide
13Century (SWE)
The Conquest of Time

3.5 - heavy metal from Sweden.

The Conquest of Time is not going to reinvent classic heavy metal, but it has the necessary might and fervor that warrants back-to-back listens. Stream: http://centuryswe.bandcamp.com/album/the-conquest-of-time
14Hanging Garden
The Garden

3.5 - gothic/doom metal from Finland.

The Garden stands some steps below its immediate predecessor, but these guys have a sound of their own that keeps things adequately interesting during each listen. Stream: http://agoniarecords.bandcamp.com/album/the-garden
15Zorn (USA-PA)

3.5 - punk/thrash/black metal from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Save for some recent Korgull the Exterminator albums, Zorn's debut is probably the closest a band has been to Voivod's Killing Technology. Stream: http://zornphilly.bandcamp.com/album/zorn-2
16Thy Darkened Shade
Liber Lvcifer II: Mahapralaya

3.5 - black metal from Hellas.

Few black metal bands, veteran or otherwise, can showcase the tech prowess of Thy Darkened Shade, also prevalent in this album. That much admitted though, the sound production is a bit too melodic and hifi (borderline "compressed") for the genre, detracting merit points. It's also clear that the Hellenes did not proofread their material enough, so as to
make it bloat-free and therefore memorable, even though there's not a single part in the album that?s not jaw dropping technically… Stream: http://thydarkenedshade.bandcamp.com/album/liber-lvcifer-ii-mahapralaya

3.4 - heavy metal from Seattle, Washington.

There must be something in the water of the Washington state that works as catalyst towards the emergence of superb metal outfits such as Heir Apparent, Fifth Angel, Sanctuary, Nevermore etc. Compatriot outfit Telomyras has a ton of work ahead in matching the aforementioned outfits, but the key ingredients to do so seem to be in place; proficient instrumentals that reek the special feeling US metal has been known for, and a great female singer who can only get better over time and more work. One piece of advice: next time, shed the growls completely! Stream: https://telomyras.bandcamp.com/album/telomyras-full-ep
18Devouring Famine
Haunting Echoes

Black metal from California.

Stream: https://devouringfamine.bandcamp.com/album/haunting-echoes
Storms of Empire

Black metal from Seattle, Washington.

Stream: https://vanagandrmusic.bandcamp.com/album/storms-of-empire
20Abyssal Worm
Kingdom Of Decadence

Death metal from Germany.

Stream: https://abyssalworm.bandcamp.com/album/kingdom-of-decadence
Savage Blood Domain (demo)

Death/doom metal from San Diego, California.

Stream: https://tumulation.bandcamp.com/album/savage-blood-domain
Simulation Eines Guten Lebens

Punk rock from Germany.

Stream: https://scheissediebullen.bandcamp.com/album/simulation-eines-guten-lebens
23Vampyric Winter
My Last Vampyric Winter Among These Ruins

Black metal from Spain.

Stream: https://vampyricwinter.bandcamp.com/album/my-last-vampyric-winter-among-these-ruins
24Zustand Null
Beyond the Limit of Sanity

Black metal from Norway.

Stream: https://dusktone.bandcamp.com/album/beyond-the-limit-of-sanity
25Arnaut Pavle
Transylvanian Glare

Black metal from Finland.

Stream: https://arnautpavle.bandcamp.com/album/transylvanian-glare
Заклинания Против Расколдованного Мира

Black metal from Russia.

Stream: https://mrakobes.bandcamp.com/album/--2
27Primitive Rage
Enemies Left to Crush

Metallic hardcore from Springfield, Missouri.

Stream: https://primitiveragehc.bandcamp.com/album/enemies-left-to-crush
Do What You Feel!

Hard rock/heavy metal from Mexico.

Stream: https://dyingvictimsproductions.bandcamp.com/album/freeroad-do-what-you-feel
29Love Gang

Hard n' heavy rock from Denver, Colorado.

Stream: https://heavypsychsoundsrecords.bandcamp.com/album/love-gang-meanstreak
30Oozing Wound
We Cater To Cowards

Sludge/noise rock/metal from Chicago, Illinois.

Stream: https://oozingwound.bandcamp.com/album/we-cater-to-cowards

Black metal from Pennsylvania.

Stream: https://mirthfulfate.bandcamp.com/album/mirth
Kronieken Uit de Nevel

Black metal from the Netherlands.

Stream: https://voidwandererproductions.bandcamp.com/album/kronieken-uit-de-nevel
33Bethexuhl Anxalthan
Bethexuhl Anxalthan

Black metal of international origin.

Stream: https://hiswounds.bandcamp.com/album/bethexuhl-anxalthan-bethexuhl-anxalthan
Dead Again

Crossover thrash metal from Brazil.

Stream: https://nucleador.bandcamp.com/album/dead-again
35Yakima Jera

Darkwave/gothic/post punk from Germany.

Stream: https://yakimajera.bandcamp.com/album/capture

Black metal from Spokane, Washington.

Stream: https://sirrohga.bandcamp.com/album/sirrohga
37Halott Kigyok
Halott Kígyók

Post punk from Hungary.

Stream: https://szegyenkazettak.bandcamp.com/album/s-t-4
38Drug Mother
Rise Witch

Heavy rock from Australia.

Stream: https://drugmotherband.bandcamp.com/album/rise-witch
Wanderer of Fiery Planes

Black metal from Denmark.

Stream: https://ildganger.bandcamp.com/album/wanderer-of-fiery-planes
Fumes of Funeral Pyres

Death metal from Finland.

Stream: https://soulsellerrecords.bandcamp.com/album/fumes-of-funeral-pyres

Atmospheric/progressive/thrash metal from Norway.

Stream: https://66crusher.bandcamp.com/album/limbo
Warlocks Grim and Withered Hags

Black/thrash metal from the UK.

Stream: https://hellripper.bandcamp.com/album/warlocks-grim-withered-hags
43Iron Curtain (ESP)
Metal Gladiator

Heavy metal from Spain.

Stream: https://dyingvictimsproductions.bandcamp.com/album/metal-gladiator-ep
Portrait of a Wasteland

Thrash metal from Italy.

Stream: https://adversorthrash.bandcamp.com/album/portrait-of-a-wasteland
45Jesum Christum
Svag Total

Black metal from Denmark.

Stream: https://dybdestegte.bandcamp.com/album/svag-total

Black metal from the States.

Stream: https://deathsbroom.bandcamp.com/album/quietus
47Narrow Head
Moments of Clarity

Alternative rock from Texas.

Stream: https://narrowheadtx.bandcamp.com/album/moments-of-clarity
48Cachot d'Effroi

Black metal from France.

Stream: https://cachotdeffroi.bandcamp.com/album/demo
The Last Laugh

Punk/hardcore from Buffalo, New York.

Stream: https://bbbrecords.bandcamp.com/album/the-last-laugh
50Horrible Earth
Weakened by Civilization

Grindcore from Boston, Massachusetts.

Stream: https://hpgd.bandcamp.com/album/weakened-by-civilization
Essenz I / II

Black metal from Germany.

Stream: https://flesia.bandcamp.com/album/essenz-i-ii
Sign Of The Antichrist

Black metal from Switzerland.

Stream: https://hexenkult.bandcamp.com/album/sign-of-the-antichrist
Periodical Fits

Punk/hardcore from Australia.

Stream: https://leechespunkrock.bandcamp.com/album/periodical-fits
54The Daltonz
Hier, Demain, Maintenant

Punk rock band from France.

Stream: https://uneviepourrienvinyles.bandcamp.com/album/daltonz-hier-demain-maintenant-lp
55Trespasser (SWE)

Black metal from Sweden.

Stream: https://trespasserxvi.bandcamp.com/album/--2
56Bloody Keep

Black metal from California.

Stream: https://grimestone.bandcamp.com/album/bloody-keep

Death/black metal from Poland.

Stream: https://hordaofficial.bandcamp.com/album/form

Experimental/jazz/metal/noise from Bulgaria.

Stream: https://turdomkean.bandcamp.com/album/nemesta
Om Hundrede År

Black metal from Denmark.

Stream: https://afsky.bandcamp.com/album/om-hundrede-r
60Bastard Sword

Doom metal from Athens, Hellas.

Stream: https://bastardswordgr.bandcamp.com/album/bastard-sword-i
61The Funeral March

Post punk/gothic rock from Rockford, Illinois.

Stream: https://thefuneralmarch.bandcamp.com/album/persephone
Of Existential Distortion

Death/black metal from Iceland.

Stream: https://darkdescentrecords.bandcamp.com/album/of-existential-distortion
Storming The Walls

Tech heavy/power/thrash metal from Athens, Hellas.

Stream: https://triumpher.bandcamp.com/album/storming-the-walls
False Lankum

Experimental/folk/drone from Ireland.

Stream: https://musicmp3.ru/artist_lankum__album_false-lankum.html
65JPEGMAFIA and Danny Brown
Scaring the Hoes

Hip hop from Baltimore, Maryland.

Stream: https://jpegmafia.bandcamp.com/album/scaring-the-hoes
Med Freden Kommer Hadet

Black metal from Denmark.

Stream: https://strangeaeonsrecords.bandcamp.com/album/med-freden-kommer-hadet
67Altin Gun

Folk/psychedelic rock from Turkey.

Stream: https://altingun.bandcamp.com/album/a-k
68Kommand (USA-CA)
Death Age

Death metal from California.

Stream: https://20buckspin.bandcamp.com/album/death-age

Folk from Portland, Oregon.

Stream: https://rivercascadia.bandcamp.com/album/regeneration
70Rotten Sound

Grindcore from Finland.

Stream: https://rottensound.bandcamp.com/album/apocalypse
Onwards to the Revolution

Thrash metal from Philippines.

Stream: https://bloodicide.bandcamp.com/album/onwards-to-the-revolution-ep

Black metal from Norway.

Stream: https://duplicaterecords.bandcamp.com/album/motstand
73Hello Mary
Hello Mary

Grunge/alternative/garage/indie rock from Brooklyn, New York.

Stream: https://hellomary.bandcamp.com/album/hello-mary
Machine Made God

Metallic hardcore from Canada.

75The Ragged Jubilee
Mulholland Overdrive

Psych/garage/rock n' roll from San Luis Obispo, California.

Stream: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_msYc8ClWp-auzaB8jk9B2lULmHoUJ8yD4
Live In Loveland

Blues rock from Boston, Massachusetts.

Stream: https://ga-20.bandcamp.com/album/live-in-loveland
77David Tattersall
On The Sunny Side Of The Ocean

Folk from the UK.

Stream: https://wiaiwya.bandcamp.com/album/on-the-sunny-side-of-the-ocean

Blackened punk/hardcore from Spain.

Stream: https://hasslig.bandcamp.com/album/deathlust
Cult Of Kukulkan

Tech death metal from Providence, Rhode Island.

Stream: https://alcyonepvd.bandcamp.com/album/cult-of-kukulkan
Arcane Paths of Resurrection

Black/death metal from Hellas.

Stream: https://decipherbm.bandcamp.com/album/arcane-paths-to-resurrection
81Hyper Tensions
Sick Soother

Psychedelic/punk/garage rock from Indianapolis, Indiana.

Stream: https://hypertensions.bandcamp.com/album/sick-soother
Legion of Honour

Black metal from Sweden.

Stream: https://kavallerie.bandcamp.com/album/legion-of-honour
Wished Eye

Psychedelic/blues/hard rock from Portland, Oregon.

Stream: https://dommengang.bandcamp.com/album/wished-eye
84Killer Kin
Killer Kin

Hard rock from New Haven, Connecticut.

Stream: https://dommengang.bandcamp.com/album/wished-eye
85Wynter Myst
Bitter Hymns

Black metal from Darlington, UK.

Stream: https://wyntermyst.bandcamp.com/album/bitter-hymns
86Legs On Wheels

Progressive rock from the UK.

Stream: https://legsonwheels.bandcamp.com/album/l-e-g-r-o-o-m
One Degree

Psychedelic/garage pop from Australia.

Stream: https://sunfruits.bandcamp.com/album/one-degree
Violent Creed of Vengeance

Heavy metal from Helsinki, Finland.

Stream: https://smoulder.bandcamp.com/album/violent-creed-of-vengeance
89Mortal Embodiment
Unbounded Emptiness

Death/doom metal from Brazil.

Stream: https://mortalembodiment.bandcamp.com/album/unbounded-emptiness
It's Only Midnight

Grindcore from San Jose, California.

Stream: https://deathgrave.bandcamp.com/album/its-only-midnight
91Penny Coffin
Conscripted Morality

Death metal from the UK.

Stream: https://pennycoffindeath.bandcamp.com/album/conscripted-morality
92Unholy Craft (NO)
A Blaze Of Tridents

Black metal from Norway.

Stream: https://1unholycraft.bandcamp.com/album/a-blaze-of-tridents
93Flesh Megalith
Beneath The Rot

Ambient/death/doom metal from Australia.

Stream: https://fleshmegalith.bandcamp.com/album/beneath-the-rot

Death/black metal from Athens, Hellas.

Stream: https://chthonband.bandcamp.com/album/eremite
Demo One

Black metal from Finland.

Stream: https://burgonet.bandcamp.com/album/demo-one
96Mahpiya Luta

Black metal from the States.

Stream: https://mahpiyaluta.bandcamp.com/album/wowahwala
97Spirit Award
The Fear

Lofi/psychedelic pop from Seattle, Washington.

Stream: https://spiritaward.bandcamp.com/album/the-fear
Dynasty ov the Darkened Evocations

Black metal from Brazil.

Stream: https://noldrofficial.bandcamp.com/album/dynasty-ov-the-darkened-evocations-ep
99Last Quokka
Red Dirt

Garage/punk rock from Australia.

Stream: https://lastquokka.bandcamp.com/album/red-dirt
100Mahtie Bush and Mon$rock

Hip hop from Sacramento, California.

Stream: https://coldtwelvers.bandcamp.com/album/foh-2
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