
Reviews 1
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Album Ratings 284
Objectivity 75%

Last Active 12-25-16 9:33 pm
Joined 07-30-07

Review Comments 389

08.13.13 6 Years, 365 Comments08.04.12 5 Years - Then And Now
11.08.10 Biting Social Commentary09.04.10 Albums Satan Might Listen To
08.12.10 Subliminal Message!08.04.10 3 Years At Sputnik, Like Anyone Cares
05.05.10 Rock Band: Good Edition02.10.10 Most Disgusting Album Covers Ever
08.15.09 2 Years At Sputnik - Top 1002.13.09 Children Of Bodom = Weezer?

3 Years At Sputnik, Like Anyone Cares

Yes, I remember it well. T'was the summer of '07, and I was on my uncle's shitty old eMac looking for Underclass Hero reviews online. That was when I stumbled across Sputnik, as well as a certain, less-than-favourable piece by a certain Dave de Sylvia, expressing his utter hatred for said album. Naturally I joined up so I could insult him thoroughly for badmouthing my beloved Sum 41 in such a way. Yeah that was a long time ago, I've matured slightly since then, though it's still definitely better than a 1. Anyway, as is tradition, here are my fave albums of all time for you all to not care about!
1Agoraphobic Nosebleed

Nice and spastic, good for disemboweling your enemies.
2Alkaline Trio

I prefer it t FHTI for some reason.
A Celebration of Guilt

Excellent deathy-thrashy-melodicy metal.
4At The Drive-In
Relationship Of Command

Quite a big Sputnik cliche, but people obviously like it for a reason.
5At The Gates
Slaughter of the Soul

'Gothenburg' metal at its finest. But I'm sure you already knew that...
Unquestionable Presence

No joke, the only reason I originally got this album is because I'm an atheist myself and wondered what they sounded like. The answer is 'very very good indeed'.
Ghost Reveries

At least I can say I resisted Blackwater Park.
8Bad Religion
Against The Grain

This is probably my 4th or 5th favourite album in existence. Everything about it appeals to me perfectly. That said, I'm a total bitch for Bad Religion
9Bad Religion

Almost as fantastic as ATG.
10Bad Religion
The Gray Race

Not quite as good as the other BR albums here, but contains a lot of strong individual tracks, my favourites being 'Punk Rock Song' and 'Come Join Us'. Haters are gonna hate...
11Bad Religion
No Control

Another gem from their golden age. (I understand if you're getting sick of them by now ;)
12Bad Religion

Great album, blah blah, single-handedly revived the California punk scene, blah blah blah. You know the drill

This guy can make more weird sounds than should be allowed.

Is it death metal? Is it black metal? Or even blackened death metal? I know what I call it: awesome.

Who'd have thought the French could come up with such an excellent brutal death metal album? Not well known, but definitely well worth your time.
16Black Flag

Simply iconic, even if the production sounds like it was recorded from inside a shoe or something.
17Pig Destroyer

The perfect Grindcore album. Really.
18Bomb The Music Industry!
Album Minus Band

Their debut beats all, and also makes idiots out of all the punk twats who actually demand money for their music. (like Bad Religion lol)
19Say Anything
Say Anything

Sometimes you just need a nice mellow break from all the death metal vomiting.
We Are The Romans

Absofuckinglutely infuckingcredible. These guys shouldn't have broken up.
The Illusion Of Safety

I would quite like to have sex with this album. By the way, in case you're wondering why some of these albums are out of alphabetical order, fuck off.
22Brutal Truth
Evolution Through Revolution

You can't beat a good bit of Grindcore. And this is among the best.
Hvis Lyset Tar Oss

Really quite disturbing. In a good way.
24Cannabis Corpse
Tube of The Resinated

Fucking hilarious Cannibal Corpse parody. And the music itself is actually really good.
25Cannibal Corpse

Of course, you can't beat some original CC material. Definitely their best imo.

The original Melodic Death Metal album. I prefer it to their grind stuff to be honest.
27Children Of Bodom
Follow The Reaper

This was the album that got me into metal, full stop.
28Circle Takes The Square
As The Roots Undo

I'm sure this album has appeared on every single list ever made, but fuck it anyway.
29Scar Symmetry
Holographic Universe

All you haters know where to stick it.

Underrated band, underrated album. Also the EP kicks sphincter.
Axe To Fall

I FUCKING LOVE CONVERGE! FUCK ALL YOU FUCKERS WHO DISAGREE! everything about this album is almost perfect. Only my second fave Converge album though, I think you can guess which one takes it...
Jane Doe

Sputnik cliche no. 3. Did I mention this is my favourite album of all time? And that's a scientific fact.
None So Vile

Yeah, they used to be good and everything.
34Cyanide Breed
Shoutout to Satan

I'm convinced I'm the only human on Earth who has heard of/likes this band. I would like that to change some day. Don't let the stupid album name fool you, this is death metal at its finest!
Traced In Air

I prefer it to Focus. (Don't get me wrong though, they're both brilliant)
36Dark Tranquillity

Fuck Yeah motherfuckers! Prepare to get fucked by the awesomeness of DT.
The Sound Of Perseverance

RIP Chuck Whatzisface.
The Stench Of Redemption

39The Dillinger Escape Plan
Option Paralysis

Fuck me, this album is fanfuckingtastic! Made of awesome.

This was my favourite album for a long time. It's probably 5th or 6th now.
41 Godspeed You! Black Emperor

I dare you to find someone who a) doesn't like this album and b) doesn't like cock.
42In Flames

What got me into metal, along with Follow The Reaper.
43Judas Priest

Simply Classic. Lyrics are a bit last century though
44King Crimson
In The Court Of The Crimson King

The original prog album.
Rust In Peace

The best thrash album. Better than anything Metallicock will ever come up with.
46Nick Drake
Pink Moon

Quite haunting, really. As if the ghost of Nick Drake is strumming to you from somewhere in the other realm. Or something.
47The Ocean

Fucking epic progressive-y metalcore-y music. Germans kick ass!
48Rage Against The Machine
Rage Against The Machine

Damn, I'm running out of slots. Should've done a top 100
The Shape Of Punk To Come

The second best album in existence. Deal with it.
50Sum 41
Underclass Hero

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