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Last Active 02-25-23 1:34 am
Joined 02-25-23

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02.25.23 Best Power Metal Albums of 2021

Best Power Metal Albums of 2021

This List shows my favorite and in my opinion best power metal albums of 2021.
20Fierce Deity
Power Wisdom Courage

Even if there are three Songs, two of them are more than 10 minutes, which makes it 32:19 minutes, in other other words an album. The songs have a slow and deep sound, the melodies/solos are very fiting with guitars and keyboard. This album also has very good ambience and good bridges in between it also has some stoner vibes. If you want to expirience an more different style, than this is a nice pick.
Union Gives Strength

Since it is Galneryus I couldn't let this out of my list, even if from the tracks it isn't enough to be considered an album, since 2 tracks are covers from their older songs. Anyways it has very beautiful songs and if you like Galneryus you know what you get.
Call of the Wild

Powerwolf is a band I learned more about after going to one of their shows, they played 4 songs from this album, since it's their recent release. I personaly think it's one of their most balanced albums. It has a very tight sound, but on the same time the melodies are very beautiful.
Violence of the Skies

One my favorite cover arts and thats how it got me to listen to it, which shows how important art work is on making an album more interesting. Further on the music is as great and the riffs are SUPER they use alot of different styles from galop to more progressive and a lot of leads. Guy Miller's vocals also very special. If you want a more positive and full power album then this is what I recomend.
11 Trajectories

MinstreliX is a band from Japan, this is their fifth album and it's quite the banger, it has some similarities with Galneryus I would say since the lyrics are in japanese, but also the music and writing reminds me a lot of those kind of bands, like Sonata arctica, Rhapsody, Galneryus and so on... because there are also many symphonical parts in the songs. It is prety fast and the solos are fantastic, but well it's to be expected in such kind of music. I hope they put out more music like this in the future.

I have to say that the first time I listened to this band, I wasn't amazed. But when I saw one of their shows live, the feeling was extraordinary and very fun. So afterwards it grew on me. Also a very clean and heavy sound, in the live I went this one was one of the remarkable things I enjoyed, even if my ears vere bursted. The theme in this band is also that each member has a character, which is connected to ancient cultures like:

The Viking Bass, Backing Vocals
The Spartan Drums
The Crusader Guitars
The Tribune Vocals

the songs also follow those factors like, Sparta pt.II, Ave Roma, Kill for the King... the ambience of the vocals and melodies is also one of the things that sticks out.
Entering the Abyss

Paladine is a Greek band and also a new power metal band, since this album is their second release. Entering the Abyss has such a classic vibe of power metal, that I see a lot lately. The riffs, leads, vocals, everything here is pure metal, you cant go wrong with such an album. The Production is very good and clean, every instrument has a clean sound but at some passages also crunchy, which fits this style. For me it is difficult to rank all this albums, but well 2021 was a hell of a year with a lot of good releases.
13Marius Danielsen
Legend Of Valley Doom, Part 3

This is probalby the bigest collab band in total. Each song features a lot of vocalists, with various tones, like - Ralf Scheepers, Daniel Heiman, Alessandro Conti, Elisa C., Herbie Langhals and so on. I would recomend this album to someone that likes, a variety of singers and melodies. The song structures change every time as for example, Mines of Eloroth which is a classic fast paced song, then Journey to the North is like a hymn, The Ballad of Arnoth the Wild is a ballad as the title says, Battle of Eloroth is like a marching song and then it has a growling breakdown... So you see this album offers a bit of all.
Creatures of the Dark Realm

Creatures of the Dark Realms, is again a Bloodbound classic sounding album, with nice synths/guitars and new fresh melodies, I wont dive much in the description of this album, but I think it''s one of the best albums they have released from their catalog, also the song structure seems more tight and like one story, compared to the previous album.
11Frozen Crown

Winterbane's release was a change because guitarist (Thalìa) drummer (Alberto Mezzanotte) and Bassist (Filippo Zavattari) left alltogether the band. This album featured their new lineup with all the spots covered, all the new members alredy feel to fit well to the band, so has the music with the fast beat and the handfull melodies that never get boring, also the short solos inbetween are more than in the past albums. I recomend this album because it is so outstanding and if you have listened to their previous stuff, than you surely have to listen to this since it follows the same good patern.
10Timo Tolkki's Avalon
The Enigma Birth

For people that don't know, this band is timmo tolkki's (ex-stratovarius lead guitarist) new metal opera project, where different musicians are featured in every song, especialy vocalist's. It's like avantasia. The style of tolkki is obvious in this album and he has stated that he wanted to make albums with classical music influence, since it is what he likes and finds to have a lot of creative potential. The Enigma Birth is the fourth album and has guest vocalist's like Fabio Lione, James Labrie and so on, only Lione is featured in two songs. A symphonical album.
9Lords of Black
Alchemy of Souls (Part II)

Lords of Black are an interesting band and a bit different than what you would expect. The songs follow a good patern, sometimes at slow passages it reminded me a bit of Viosion Divine, but also in the fast parts. Also the vocals in this album are very impressive harsh and soft which brings everything well together. On the Instruments I can't describe how well done they are, just perfect mixing and sounds in all. However the melodies are outstanding, the guitar riffs/solos and keyboards especialy, also at some songs the keyboards change to a moody like outer space music, which gives this album this distinct flavor. This Album realy is no joke, highly recomended.
V (Praeparatus Supervivet)

Insania is a power metal band from early 2000's as most bands, but sadly they didn't realese anything from 2007th album - Agony - Gift of Life. Then suddendly I stumbled on their newest album at a music store, I couldn't believe my eyes, then I did go back home and listened to it entirely and it surely made my day. Well I think Insania made a very good comeback, so I reccomend to listen and support this album.
7Black Soul Horde
Horrors From The Void

A very outstanding album released also in 2021, I liked how this band experimented with other styles and this album still was a very fine outcome. They basicaly have also traditional metal, mixed with ambient sections in several songs. I'm not sure if it deserves such high place ranking, but this year had lot's of amazing albums and I had simply listened to this album quite often. A reccomended one for sure.
Wall of Skulls

I found about this band from recomendations and Wall of Skulls took my interest. So I sat down to listen and actualy I liked it very much, and so lately I started to listen to this bands previous albums, Wall of Skulls surely is one of their best works until now. It a very good structure all around and is just heavy, but also melodic obviously.
5Edu Falaschi
Vera Cruz

Since Edu Falaschi left Angra I didn't know what new stuff he did, until I found out he did solo projects and surpsingly this album was very enjoying. Also the work from the whole band, from aquiles priester, Fábio Laguna, Raphael Dafras, Diogo Mafra and of course Roberto Barros was phenomenal. its a strong album that should not be forgotten.
4Rhapsody of Fire
Glory For Salvation

Glory for Salvation established from my opinion Giacomo Voli's position in Rhapsody and this album was even better than the previous, honestly I don't get the hate toward's the new vocalist, yes it's surely difficult to replace Fabio Lione, but still I think Giacomo did everything right as a new vocalist. The music improved too kind of since the last albums. Overall I think this is a well writen album.

The Reunion finaly released a new classic!!! I was hyped when the new album was announced and then released, my expectations where fullfiled. Kai Hansen and Michael Kiske make a strong comeback with their presence being important in the band. The songs feature Kiske and Deris together and some songs have either one of them, also Kai sings in some parts too. Well the musicianship is very good and leaves nothing behind that was needed, I dont know what to say besides that it is a must listen.
2Warrior Path
The Mad King

When I saw that Warrior Path released a new album I was excited, but when I saw that the new vocalist would be Daniel Heiman I couldn't believe it XD, one of the best vocalist I have heard in my life would come back since so many years for another record, and yes I was right this album would be a Masterpiece every song was a blaster. Definitely one of the best writen albums of this last decade's. Also not to forget that Bob Katsionis and Andreas Sinanoglou wrote sick stuff. Just perfect to round up.
Eternal Flame

For me NorthTale brought me the Classic Power Metal vibe with this album, pure epicness from first to last track, I enjoyed every bit. I consider this to be on of the best albums I have heard in all. Bill Hudson with his impresive guitar skills made this an eargasm, also vocalist Guilherme Hirose is another beast I never heard before and he makes this album so outstanding. Also a nice feature was Kai Hansen and his son Tim Hansen which played in song: Future Calls. For 2021 NortTale's and Warrior Path's Albums are my top most favorite albums.
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