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Last Active 12-24-22 6:15 am
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05.21.24 I have no cred and am a complete poser05.11.24 Fowl Work Playlist May '24
05.06.24 A Fowl 25 GOAT Black Metal Albums04.19.24 All Guitar Music Is BAD
03.27.24 Redundigz02.18.24 High on Listicles
01.14.24 Menacing Music 12.21.23 Songs to pick your nose to
12.17.23 8 Bad A7X Songs12.04.23 Quick Digs
05.11.23 Ranking the Slayer albums worth discuss
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I have no cred and am a complete poser

List is the butt-rock albums I listened to as a teen that I still occasionally want to listen to as an adult. Heard none of these albums? Avoid them all!
1Red (USA)
Innocence and Instinct

Yeah this album is just great
Wonder What's Next

As is this one
3Sick Puppies
Dressed Up as Life

I had a massive crush on Emma Anzai as a teen, album is pretty good
4Nothing More
Nothing More

Fiercely melodramatic, some of the heaviest 4/4 riffs ever, and garnished by the occasional tinge of metalcore flair, damn near perfect butt rock
5Three Days Grace
Transit of Venus

Bad band overall (especially including the post-Gontier albums), but this, One-X, and the s/t debut have enough good songs for a playlist. Transit of Venus is surprisingly the TDG I return to most often, the first half is quite bad but the back end picks up considerably. Misery Loves My Company is one of the only butt rock songs to remain in many of my modern playlists, I like Expectations too, despite it's godawful lyrics
6Alter Bridge

Fortress > Blackbird, but Blackbird is more butted. Some real bangers here still, t/t remains massive
All I Was

Hell, might as well go back to back with Tremonti. This guy is basically the Marty Friedman of butt rock, his entire discog qualifies for this list ofc. Check 'Brains' m////
8Avenged Sevenfold
Avenged Sevenfold

Truly horrific album I return to like a beat dog returning to the master and his stick

This band is really really bad, and how bad they really are is only accentuated by how badass Comatose is. It isn't perfect (too many insipid ballads), and it certainly lacks the edge of its prior, Collide, but the interjection of strings into the butt rock formula makes for some of the catchiest butt rock ever farted out. t/t is obviously massive, but 'Rebirthing', 'Falling Inside the Black', and 'Whispers in the Dark' all hold up quite well too
10Linkin Park
Hybrid Theory

Classic 3/5
11Thousand Foot Krutch
Welcome to the Masquerade

I suppose its time to address the elephant in the room: the religious tendencies of butt rock bands. The genre is almost exclusively a well of angst for church-going teens who need an escape but fear blaspheming. For most bands, Christianity was an entry into a frothing market of broke teens...

...except sometimes it granted Christian butt rock more depth than more secular peers. Ask yourself, would you rather listen to P.O.D. or Salvia? Neither?? Oh phooey on you
13Breaking Benjamin

The only good BB by my estimate, it has hooks without the artificial slickness of Dear Agony and is somewhat heavy while not becoming hilarious like We Are Not Alone. Personally prefer it to Phobia but that argument is less straightforward so take your pick
All Hope Is Gone

Slipknot have worn a lot of different masks, but AHIG is straightforward butt rock aimlessness. vol. 3 could qualify, but even tho 'Before I Forget' is very butt rock, it can't hold a candle to the radio groveling of 'Snuff'. At least we got 'Psychosocial' too
15Limp Bizkit
Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water

Fred Durst is the butt and Wes Borland is the rock

Worst band ever makes one alright album
White Pony

Essential butt rock
18Rise Against
The Sufferer and the Witness

Butt rock masquerading as punk rock
19Foo Fighters
Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace

2010 Years
The Autumn Effect

Album is just great [x3]

The ass that started it all, except I don't think I'll ever listen to this again
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