
Reviews 7
Approval 100%

Soundoffs 54
Album Ratings 2961
Objectivity 85%

Last Active 07-07-22 1:23 pm
Joined 06-28-21

Review Comments 2,008

12.03.24 Looking for Obscure Early Metal / Hard 10.01.24 Unemployed Again....Rec Me Your No. 1 A
04.02.24 DissoDeath Has Captured My Soul03.26.24 Having a Tough TIme Right Now
07.20.23 Lost My Job Today Boys and Girls06.05.23 Top 20 Motorpsycho Songs (so far)
12.27.21 Top 10 Albums of the Year

Having a Tough TIme Right Now

I don't normally throw it all out there but on this site I feel comfortable being myself and it seems the community is responsive to this sort of thing. I'm having a really tough time right now. My brother passed away recently, my family is in shambles because of an ongoing dispute between my parents, my wife and I. My other brother's barely talk to me because nobody knows how to deal with their grief in my family. I am seeing a counselor for the first time in a long time and it seems to help whenever I get together with him. I lack empathy entirely and it is affecting my marriage one incident after another and I can't seem to get my arms around it so who knows the damage that all is causing. It's ingrained in me to not share my feelings with the outside world but I think if we can't be honest with ourselves things can't get any better. I could use some uplifting thoughts/advice/music recs, whatever you feel like tossing my way. Couldn't feel any worse right now.
The Seer
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