03.26.24 | I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling right now my friend. I'm in the same boat where I have a difficult time talking about my feelings especially with my wife and family which creates issues. Personally, I have found that going on a walk with my wife or a small hike on a local trail offers me a sort of solitude where I feel more vulnerable and I find it easier to just talk about what's on my mind. I had a difficult time after my grandfather passed and I ended up becoming very sick for a couple months because I didn't know how to handle the grief. It's such a difficult thing to navigate especially when you include other people and other moving pieces, but in the end, just talking has helped me the most. I'm lucky to have a very kind wife who takes my emotions seriously. I wish you the best of luck my friend and just know this community always has your back. |
03.26.24 | In hard times it's especially important to be kind to yourself, you are appreciated even if it doesn't feel like it ATM, hugs |
03.26.24 | Interesting to see you acknowledge lack of empathy. I’ve suspected a few people Ive known to not have empathy but I’m quite certain they’d never cop to it. I’d say it’s a good start to be self aware of it and work on being compassionate and considerate through your counselor even if you’ll possibly never truly experience empathy. Sorry about your brother and your family mate. I would do what I can to reconcile with your loved ones and this may make it easier for everyone to move on |
03.26.24 | Binning Swans is the first step towards happiness |
03.26.24 | Lmfao zak
Sorry to hear about your family, dude. Absolutely brutal in this world without having proper support. Not sure what the dispute between you and your parents is about, but I would work on fixing that if it’s worthwhile and matters to you. As for the empathy thing, eat a chunk of shrooms and look inward. |
03.26.24 | Telling people having a hard time to do shrooms is such bad advice haha |
03.26.24 | I feel for you, my brother passed last year, it was insanely traumatic and difficult for us. Good work getting professional help, I did the same many years ago and it made all of the difference. No shame at all in posting here about it.
Devin Townsend - Terria
Alcest - Shelter
Disillusion - Ayam
Hang in there.
03.26.24 | @anode I’m not sure what other advice to give someone who lacks empathy, potentially the single most essential emotion to the human experience |
03.26.24 | all the best. life's silly sometimes. |
03.26.24 | I might recommend a facilitated Ketamine treatment under observation over dosing yourself with shrooms, especially in a vulnerable state. But honestly don't listen to a bunch of people on a music site in regards to that, ask your therapist. |
03.27.24 | Sorry to hear this man. Therapy can definitely help in a lot of situations. And at least you admit that you lack empathy. Step 1 of correcting a problem is acknowledging that it exists. And I'm sorry for your loss. There's no way around it that dealing with loss is difficult.
I've been to hell and back mentally/emotionally in my life. I'm in a great spot now thanks to many years of therapy and psychiatry. They can help, if you're honest with them and with yourself.
As cheesy as it sounds, Pink Floyd - the dark side of the moon, and wish you were here have helped me immensely with my mental health over the years. And also if you haven't heard slint - spiderland it's just a really cool album that I rec anytime I get the opportunity to.
Best of luck my friend. |
03.27.24 | Thanks everyone, this is all really heartwarming. It's nice to know I am not alone, and the whole lack of empathy thing is something I have tried to get more in tune with these last ten years of my life especially once I realized that it was affected nearly every interaction I have with my wife. I can be selfish, cruel, disregarding, and absent in my marriage but it's not something I am doing intentionally. If I could flip a magic button I would, but what I have realized is that it takes time and effort to be a better human being. And although my brother is always on my mind I am having a better time of it today and will be checking the music recs while I work. Thanks again everybody! |
03.27.24 | Also Evilford, I am currently listening to Slint. I am familiar with the record but haven't given it a fair chance. Diving back in now |
03.27.24 | Nice! Hope you dig it |