
Reviews 1
Approval 100%

Soundoffs 19
Album Ratings 1223
Objectivity 84%

Last Active 05-01-18 6:13 pm
Joined 04-23-18

Review Comments 692

02.29.24 I need recs for music like this02.28.24 Essential Metalcore Classics of the 90s
02.24.24 least overrated albums on sputnik07.15.23 the definitive list of the best metalco
11.21.21 2021 core trashcan05.23.21 Something of Everything, Anything of No
01.24.20 Progressive Metalcore12.30.19 Post Hardcore Diary
12.11.19 DECADES BEST METAL ALBUMS07.17.19 overlooked but good post-hardcore
07.14.19 most overrated bands of all time07.13.19 Is this really Post-Hardcore?
07.08.19 recs06.27.19 real metalcore for real cool dudes & du
01.21.19 Real Post-Hardcore: 2000-201801.21.19 Real Metalcore: 2000-2018
01.18.19 Idk men just wanted to make a damn list01.14.19 Rec me something like this
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I need recs for music like this
1Think Again

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