Reviews 1 Approval 37%
Soundoffs 4 Album Ratings 70 Objectivity 47%
Last Active 03-09-17 3:48 pm Joined 03-09-17
Review Comments 48
| Bands I wish hadn't broken up | 1 |  | Isis In the Absence of Truth
One of the most innovative bands of the last two decades, pushing boundaries with their vast and epic arrangements. They also hold a special place in my heart as they were one of the first bands that got me into heavy music. | 2 |  | Catharsis (US) Samsara
Some amazingly frantic hardcore with some of the best lyrics of the style. Unfortunately, they only released two albums and a couple splits before sadly calling it quits. | 3 |  | Agalloch The Mantle
Pioneering folk metal into a force to be reckoned with. I unfortunately got into these guys super late which really sucks, but I've loved everything I've heard and wish I could have heard more. | 4 |  | HIM Razorblade Romance
Awesome goth rock band with one of the best singers I've ever heard at the helm. | 5 |  | The Dillinger Escape Plan Option Paralysis
The first band that I was a huge fan of that broke up right at the height of my fandom. Amazing music that will surely be missed by many fans like myself. | |
04.12.17 | well at least 5 look like they're going to be touring well through the rest of the year | dctarga
04.12.17 | Love seeing a HIM mention on here. | tellah
04.12.17 | i have a feeling DEP will come back in 3-5 years, at least for some shows if not new music | Deathconscious
04.12.17 | Catharsis is the only one i agree with here. dont care about TDEP, HIM is...uhh...and Agalloch had reached their end anyways. it would have likely all been downhill from Serpent and on. even John said he was low on inspiration. as for Isis, while all of their albums were fantastic, they called it quits because they had said everything they felt like they needed to say under that moniker. if they kept going it probably would have been subpar music anyways.
Catharsis, however, couldve easily released another album as they already were and still been great, though i dont know why they broke up so idk, maybe im wrong. | InFlamesWeThrash666
04.12.17 | Kyuss | Artuma
04.12.17 | off minor | Spec
04.12.17 | your nhl list is too hard to find make a play of version pls | rodrigo90
04.12.17 | I'm starting listening yellowcard and they're pretty good...shame they never came to Argentina.... | dctarga
04.14.17 | Fingertight, early 2000's Bay Area alt/rock band. They had a really great singer and made some interesting music, definitely had a unique sound. Even had a single on an EA NASCAR game. | ShaquilleONeal
04.14.17 | Agalloch honestly ran past its prime. A part of me is glad that they are doing other things now.
ISIS and TDEP are ones that make me really sad, both bands were still producing tremendous albums when they decided to call it quits. |