
Reviews 4
Approval 100%

Soundoffs 58
Album Ratings 459
Objectivity 57%

Last Active 06-05-16 11:55 pm
Joined 06-05-16

Review Comments 70

12.09.23 Power Metal Digs/Recs04.18.22 Modern Thrash Recs
08.08.19 Metal Spotify Playlists03.16.19 Icelandic Black Metal Digs/Recs
05.23.18 Swancore Recs?12.01.17 Krallice Ranked

Krallice Ranked

Krallice is a band that gets pretty good press overall, but is disliked by what seems like a large portion of the metalheads on Sputnik. Oh well nerds! They're one of my favorite black metal bands, if not my favorite. They just really scratch a lot of different itches for me. Here are their albums ranked from favorite to least favorite.
Years Past Matter

Years Past Matter is perhaps my favorite black metal album of all time. I've listened to it dozens of times and my jaw continues to drop at some points. Heavenly, cosmic, melodic, chaotic black metal. The dual guitar climax that ends the album is absolutely insane.
Dimensional Bleedthrough

Krallice's sophomore album is quite close to YPM in quality, but lacks the same level of consistency. It's a bit more drawn out with fewer unexpected twists and turns. The second half of the title track is especially phenomenal.
Ygg Huur

With Ygg Huur, Krallice began to drift towards a more chaotic, dissonant sound. This is more explosive and compact, and it works really damn well.

The debut album! Has plenty of outstanding moments, but a couple of tracks drag on a bit. Still gets my heart racing.
Go Be Forgotten

Krallice's 2nd album of 2017. It marks a bit of a return to a more atmospheric, melodic sound, but it's still pretty weird and off-the-wall.

Diotima has some of my favorite riffs, but Litany of Regrets is a really poor track. Deleting it from my iTunes was an effective solution though. Plenty of fantastic material.

I love the musicianship here, but I don't think that Dave's (from Neurosis) vocal patterns and lyrics really fit the music that well. Would be much higher on the list if the band used their real vocalists instead.

An EP, but an excellent EP nonetheless. The tracks are really good but none of them really seem to hit a true climax. Probably Krallice's most chilled-out work.

Don't get me wrong, I love this album. However, nothing here really sticks with me as much as the music from albums higher on the list. Love that album art though!
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