
Reviews 7
Approval 17%

Album Ratings 10
Last Active 02-20-17 10:50 pm
Joined 05-31-16

Review Comments 65

08.01.16 Brand New Ranked

Brand New Ranked

Brand New has become one of the most important bands In my adult life, I connect to them on a deeply personal level. I love Brand New.
1Brand New
Deja Entendu

In high school I heard a large majority of Deja Entendu "Okay I Believe You, But My Tommy Gun Doesn't" was unlike anything I'd ever heard before, Jesse's sweetly soft vocals and the starting line of "I am heaven sent..." the slow driving, builidng strum of the guitar the pure emotion in his vocal performance. The lyrics. This song was an introduction to both the band and album to me. I would listen to it every morning before school. My cousin had put it on my ipod and told me about it and "The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows" I remember first hearing the quiet things that no one ever knows. I remember playing about it ten times in a row the first night I heard it, playing it as I rode my bike in my state of isolation, I felt what Jesse felt, his frustration and emotion I felt as though I was in his shoes. Later on in my life I would buy ever one of their albums but back then this was all I knew, when I first heard deja in full I was blown away.
2Brand New
The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me

I listened to this album on repeat for nearly a month when I got it, well when I got into it, at first I wasn't too crazy about it, but after repeated listens I was hooked. Millstone was the first song (Besides "Jesus Christ" and "Sowing Season") on the album. That bass line and transition from "Sowing Season" to "Millstone" is absolute brilliance. I was lying down in a state of depression following along with this album the first time I'd heard it, it much more than Deja Entendu spoke to me in a very deeply personal manner, the luca bomb the shit out of me, "Handcuffs" and "Jesus Christ" had me nearly in tears, and Vincent wrote Handcuffs proving he has some damn interestingdepressing things to say in the band. This album showed me things in music I had never seen or heard before, it introduced me to new bands just as Deja did. I respect and love the hell out of this album.
3Brand New

I still don't care for the vocal sample on "Vices" nor the closing vocal sample on "Noro" but despite that I love Daisy, quite a bit in fact, and admittedly it took a really long time for that to happen, but once Daisy clicked with me it clicked. "Sink" is one of Brand New's most depressing songs and genuinely made me cry.(Yeah I'm a pussy.) "You Stole" although a very slow song builds and explodes with furious guitars and drums. "Bought a Bride" although lyrically the most confusing Brand New song is so bad ass, like many songs on Daisy it start's pretty mellow and gets furious exploding in segments with Jesse's trademark wails, and more bad ass instrumentals. Although I love Daisy, I can see why some don't, it's unforgivably abrasive and loud for most of it's run time and really weird lyrically, but I love it it.
4Brand New
Leaked Demos 2006

That amazing opening riff on "1996" really grabbed my attention, and Brand New pens some pretty weird and personal lyrics on this song, "Missing You" has some of the best lyrics Brand New has ever penned and a really weird effect at the beginning. "'Brother's Song" an acoustic ballet is pretty catchy and heart breaking-ly sad. The leaked demos showed promise for what was to come, and it's really cool to see what The Devil and God Are Raging See would become, well at least it would have been if that material wasn't completely scrapped due to the leak, but all the same, the demos are a must listen to any fan of the band.
5Brand New
Your Favorite Weapon

I had nearly all of this album in high school, I remember singing all these pop punk songs on long rides home with me and my cousin singing at the top of our voices songs like "70x7" "Sudden Death In Carolina" No Seatbelt Song" The whole album is damn good, but definitely the weakest offering in comparison to everything else Brand New has done, but I still love Your Favorite Weapon, even if I'm not gonna stay 18 forever, excellent pop punk, I highly recommend listening to it if you like pop punk, like blink 182 and all that. It's a bit different from that and has more in common with Taking Back Sunday's debut than anything. Oh and those attacks TBS and Brand New did back and forth, is pretty great too.
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