Have you tried jamming Helcaraxe?

Reviews 138
Soundoffs 194
News Articles 2
Band Edits + Tags 27
Album Edits 37

Album Ratings 2315
Objectivity 62%

Last Active 03-15-20 11:11 pm
Joined 07-14-15

Review Comments 10,176

07.10.24 It's hot.05.08.24 what it means to me
04.19.24 Gimme nocturnal recs03.28.24 DEDES TOP 50-CORE OF IT ALL
03.18.24 DEDES TOP 50 BM-this time, with passion 03.04.24 DEDES TOP 50 DM ALBUM EVAH
01.14.24 The Year of Dedes 10.01.23 Whiskey and Music
08.24.23 Lookit07.31.23 One Piece and good jams
06.19.23 Break/Breakcore recs plx04.10.23 2k? 2k.
03.09.23 Oh how long it's been10.30.22 HAPPY HALLOWEEN LOSERS
10.02.22 NINE THOUSAND07.24.22 Beer recs
07.13.22 Poke Bowls07.07.22 Paladins
More »

what it means to me

Hey dudes, dudettes, fellow lovers and h8erz and all those in between. I’m gonna get GROSS and SENTIMENTAL and you’re gonna deal with it. I’m at 10k comments. That is 10,000 things I have said on this dinosaur ass website that are some variant of m/, slaps hard, or czech this COWARD. Truly this place has granted me a level of insight into the great complexities of human relations that the real world simply cannot because those people suck and sputbros rule. A nigh comical level of my music taste has been derived from this site, my favorite bands, my current on rotation jams, misfire names not withheld (Liturgy suck! Counterparts suck harder!!). So thank you for aiding in crafting this gloomy braindead degenerate. I love you all.
Death Is Little More

JayEnder- You own and are prolly my closest sputbro and have all the right Counterparts ratings so you are factually above 150 IQ and thereby eligible to hang at the dedes house of good vibes. To some you are daft, to others you are a wholesome goober. To both I say-Jay is just a bro.
2Cradle of Filth
Dusk and Her Embrace - The Original Sin

Hawks-Lol holy SHIT I never quite realized just how much we’ve shared jams in the past and how much short lived pitter patter bullshit we’ve had but as a dude with 15(ish) years on this site that’s probably hardly a rare occurrence to you. Emotional wild cannon aside you are a mega tier sputbro even if you haven’t checked Goreshit and it loops me in perpetual sadness.
3In Vain (NO)

ZippathaRippa-weird inclusion maybe but honestly I think my understanding of online teasing was absolutely rat-fucked because I was a truly, undoubtedly -dense- teenager, and thankfully while in part I just matured i’ll say this dude introduced me to a valuable concept-how not to be a little bitch on the internet. Also rules and is not on Sput anymore the plebeian.

EvilFord-Not evil, not a ford pickup. Just a chill sputbro who plays magic and probably weeps at MTG’s ridiculous power creep. Fuck Manamorphose burn fuck Monastery Swiftspear fuck anyone who plays Kaalia combo decks in commander. Probably the least dramatic and most reasonable being on the whole damn site and on god that alone is something to cherish.
5Amia Venera Landscape
The Long Procession

MarsKid-I don’t really interact with ya like I once did but ur a sweetheart and I think maybe it was you who got me into Amia but also you tried convincing me Core was good so how much can a man trust???

FrozenCarl-Interactions are fairly recent but like you dig that SWEET highest ov tiers melodeath and give me stoner wizard vibes so therefore you are verified ownage. Yeh.
7Blindfolded and Led to the Woods
Nightmare Withdrawals

Gnocchi-I’ve uh, actually almost -never- had a personal one on one with you but the amount of music I think i’ve scoured just by virtue of being sold on a million and one sick jams by your (quite impressive) library of reviews is unfuckwithable. You are deeply ingrained as a metal staple within the site itself but in an odd sort of way my own taste in tha metalz.
A Sire to the Ghouls of Lunacy

TheNoTrap-What I said about Gnocchi but upon revision maybe even moreso dude holy fuck lmao Gaerea, Cytotoxin, Veilburner, Vitriol, a handful more for sure are all bands that are in the upper echelons of RADICAL music and you got me into them so more big ups for the m/ society m/m/m/.
9Caladan Brood
Echoes Of Battle

GameOfMetal- Seldom active on this site but your reviews were my initial draw into this site so thanks for assisting in babies first steps into an abyss from which no light crawls forth. Also a leaguebro so probably hates being alive, probably a Yone main (degenerate!!!). Got me into Saor and Caladan Brood 2 of the greatest BM bands ever.

Sevengill jesus I almost skipped ya which is fucked since you're one of a handful of dudes i've interacted with aside from sput lmao. Chill hug a tree climb a mountain chant to norse pagan gods under the gleaming moonfall kinda guy, and that indeed is my kind of guy. Best BM tastes ov all time
A Eulogy for Those Still Here

Bellovd/Nash/Calmrose-all part of the Counterparts chaingang. You are all homies. Ty Bellovd for repping Ghost Chant if you guys haven’t check em they’re like Counterparts but uhhhhhhhhhhhh they’re like Counteparts!!!
Everything Is Fire

Pon-Lover of dissoriffs, stomper ov hooves. Just a fun dude whomst’ve I miss and prolly interacted with more before he dipped. Was more than likely my Ulcerate introduction.
Above the Weeping World

And big thanks to everyone else I assure you that unless I explicitly said you suck ass I probably love ya as well my memory is just mushy peas and I will never have full neurological function with how boggled my brain is from night shift at a printing press, the whirr of vacuums and rotating rolls and the explosive pop of splices going off has demolished any semblance of brain function as well as hearing! Thank u dudes for getting me into sick jams and for guiding me in this rollercoasting of melancholy and beauty that life can be hell yeah m/m/m/
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