Have you tried jamming Helcaraxe?

Reviews 138
Soundoffs 194
News Articles 2
Band Edits + Tags 27
Album Edits 37

Album Ratings 2315
Objectivity 62%

Last Active 03-15-20 11:11 pm
Joined 07-14-15

Review Comments 10,176

07.10.24 It's hot.05.08.24 what it means to me
04.19.24 Gimme nocturnal recs03.28.24 DEDES TOP 50-CORE OF IT ALL
03.18.24 DEDES TOP 50 BM-this time, with passion 03.04.24 DEDES TOP 50 DM ALBUM EVAH
01.14.24 The Year of Dedes 10.01.23 Whiskey and Music
08.24.23 Lookit07.31.23 One Piece and good jams
06.19.23 Break/Breakcore recs plx04.10.23 2k? 2k.
03.09.23 Oh how long it's been10.30.22 HAPPY HALLOWEEN LOSERS
10.02.22 NINE THOUSAND07.24.22 Beer recs
07.13.22 Poke Bowls07.07.22 Paladins
More »

Beer recs

I finally got my ID after a rather tenous struggle reclaiming my birth certificate and social and as a 24 year old man I feel goddamn liberated. Naturally, im stoked to try all sorts of new beers and liquors and the line. Always greatly enjoyed stuff like Lagunitas and Dos Equis and recently been trying to push a bit more into alt beers and IPA's. Stegmaiers IPA is greatly and surprisingly light and rn i've been dabbling with Susquehanna breweries orange ale and it's decent, doesn't hold a candle to their pumpkin beer tho. Any good beer recs are massively appreciated!
Where Blood and Fire Bring Rest

Oof these vocals are menacing, finally on the Zao train and man I am impressed with how dark and harrowing their atmosphere is.
The Well-Intentioned Virus
New Levels New Devils

Friend of mine actually gave me the push to finally recheck this. Definitely used to moderately dislike this as I dismissed it as...well wank. Now however I do greatly appreciate the level of proficiency/composition here, even if it kind of amounts to something that sounds like upgraded stock music for a youtuber cooking channel.
4And So I Watch You From Afar
The Endless Shimmering
5Misery Signals
Of Malice and the Magnum Heart
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