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Last Active 04-29-16 2:00 am
Joined 04-10-15

Review Comments 46

10.24.19 What are your fav Spooky Movies?01.20.19 RDR2
10.04.16 teach me black metal05.06.15 Jazz recs please??

What are your fav Spooky Movies?

Just a quick list on some of my favorite scary movies since we're getting closer to the big day. But I wanna know what your favs are, so lets see them. Albums are ones I usually spin around Halloween for whatever reason.
Static Age

Halloween - Obvious pick, obvious classic. Cheesy sometimes, but it's loveable.

Hereditary - This movie genuinely had me terrified. That's really the only praise I can give without spoiling. I always notice something new with each additional time I watch it.
Black Future

Aliens - Big stress on the "S" in Aliens. Personally, I found the first one to be a little slow paced. But THIS movie really clicked for me.
The Satanist

The Shining - I actually just watched this for the first time maybe a few months ago and I am kind of ashamed. Don't know how I let it slip by me for so long, but I fixed it.
5Paysage d'Hiver

28 Days Later - The only zombie movie on the list, you're welcome. I think this is the way to do a zombie movie. Make it more about the world just falling into oblivion rather than the stupid brain-dead zombies.
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