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Last Active 09-09-19 8:43 am
Joined 03-14-15

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Instrumental Math Rock recs?

Been listening to more HQ math rock while studying. Could use some under-looked "gems." I'm looking instrumental math rock that is in the style of below. Like I said in comments, trying to stave from the post-rock-infused and prog-rock-infused math-rock that's more prominent than the below.
1Don Caballero
American Don

2Don Caballero
What Burns Never Returns

The Book About My Idle Plot on a Vague Anxiety

Hold Your Horse Is

Too hype for what i'm asking for, but still great
5American Football
American Football

More like this, w/o vox
Sans Souci

Enjoying this so far, thanks PitchforkArms.

I’ll add to this list as I consume y’alls suggestions.
lava land

Thanks JohnnyoftheWell, great one
8Clever Girl
No Drum And Bass in the Jazz Room

Thanks Bedex. This one the horns are a little too busy and it takes me out of studies, but excellent music.
9dios trio
High on Bikes

Nother thanks to Johnny. This is incredible. Fast-lane to becoming one of my favorite math records.

Wow. This one's wild. Kinda scares me I could've gone my whole life never stumbling upon such HQ music.

Shouts out to cylinder.

Excellent and groovy, despite deviating a little from the general ask with the prog/post-rock. S/O to Ecnalzen for the rec.
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