
Reviews 8
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Album Ratings 1865
Objectivity 77%

Last Active 12-18-22 9:18 pm
Joined 08-24-14

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Pangea's 2022 [finished]
50Null (USA)

United States
Atmospheric Black Metal
Longing for Winter II

Tones down the folk elements of Hiraeth and goes for a more straightforward atmoblack album. It's very good, but funny enough the length bothers me a whole lot more as it did on Hireath even though it is significantly shorter. I guess with the folk element the feeling of the adventure also went for me. But there is still many great moments on here
49Cult of Luna
The Long Road North

Post Metal
Cold Burn

Feels very by the numbers for Cult of Luna. Luckilly, CoL by the numbers is still better than most bands so this kicks ass. Opener Cold Burn in particular is a scorcher and one of their best
48Domestic Terminal
All The Stories Left To Tell

United States
Indie Rock/Emo
All The Stories Left To Tell

Very nice and twinkly album from yoyo and co. Love the warm atmosphere and vocals
47Material Girl

United States
Hip Hop/Sound collage thing

I do really like the production here. Quite busy and energetic, but still focused as well. Rapping fits the vibe very well
46Honey Harper
Honey Harper and the Infinite Sky

United Kingdom
Alt Country

Honey Harpes moves away from the dreamy country and makes more regular (i guess) country. It's still good! The music is still very pretty and easy to listen to
45White Lung

If You're Gone

The weakest White Lung since the debut and it's still very good. Guitar playing is great as ever, still very catchy and fast-paced.
44Pi Ja Ma
Seule Sous Ma Frange

Indie Pop
Destination l'amour

Very cute and happy indie pop. Just let the good vibes flow through you
43Static Dress
Rouge Carpet Disaster

United Kingdom
Post Hardcore

Hey good sputcore! This is a very fun listen with a ton of energy and it's catchy as fuck. The chorus of fleahouse lives rent free in my head

South Korea
Post Rock
Until My Wings Turn to Ashes

Love Jambinai's style of post rock and this is a very solid addition to their discog. The South Korean instruments add so much to the atmosphere
41Saya Gray
19 Masters

Indie Folk/Psych Folk
Empathy 4 Bethany

I struggle a bit with these albums with a lot of tracks that are mostly short as the tracks often feel more like snippets of ideas rather than full fledged songs. This is not different here, but I can't deny that there are some great tunes here
40Otoboke Beaver

Hardcore Punk
I Am Not Maternal

Definitely one of the most fun gigs i had this year, and the energy they show on stage transfers very well on record too. Somewhat of a similar issue as with saya grey, but the chaotic nature does work well for them
39The Smile
A Light For Attracting Attention

United Kingdom
Art Rock
The Smoke

Radiohead side project that is quite good i think. Kind of a Moon Shaped Pool adjacent, but slightly better. I'll take it
MVDM: Magick Volumes Of Dark Madder

United States
Progressive Rock

Gospel goes full prog, including flutes! I enjoy it quite a bit, but it did tire me out a little after repeated listens
Promethean Pathology

United States
Black Metal/Industrial Metal
Seeing Silver In Shadow

Very cool and sinister industrial black metal. Closer Seeing Silver in Shadow is one of the year's best

Glass Shards

Goes hard and the string arrangements do a great job of adding variety and contrast to grind
Love Supreme

Neo Soul

Great soulful and well-varied album. Wonderfully produced too. Every track offers something a little different.

Nu Jazz/Downtempo
White Label

Mixing jazz samples and hip hop beats. Very cool and very chill. Love to put this on while lounging on the sofa
33Somewhere South of Here
Leave Me for the Crows

United States
Punk/Alt Rock

Great stuff from Pitchforkarms and co! Definitely reminds me a lot of the Menzingers, which is a very good thing. Has that great catchy anthemic quality to it
32Daniel Avery
Ultra Truth

United Kingdom
Breaks/Ambient Techno/Atmo D&B

Very different direction for Daniel Avery here, but it works really well. Very atmospheric and ethereal. I think that the melodies are really nice here and the album is varied enough to make the hour runtime work.
31City of Caterpillar
Mystic Sisters

United States
Post Hardcore/Post Rock
Mystic Sisters

Kind of went back and forth with this one, but final verdict is that is really good! They nail a pretty dark atmosphere here and the whole album feels quite intense
30Denzel Curry
Melt My Eyez See Your Future

United States
Hip Hip

Love the production here, the samples are used really well and makes the album feel very soulful.
29Tears for Fears
The Tipping Point

United Kingdom
Pop Rock/Synth Pop
Rivers of Mercy

The pop legends are back and their comeback is better as it has any right to be. MoreThe duo clearly hasn't lost their touch with melodies. It sounds beautiful and it is really catchy
Ik Besta Voor Altijd Zolang Jij Aan Mij Denkt

The Netherlands
Alt Pop
Adem Je In

Shortly after making international waves with the Eurovision entry 'De Diepte', S10 released this album that clearly shows her being one of the best things Dutch pop has to offer. She is a much better song-writer and lyricist as most others in the scene. This is a very moody album, but still really nicely varied. The latter can be a trap as well, as some tracks don't work as well as others. But most of this is really good
27Brutus (BE)
Unison Life

Post Hardcore

Banger band releases banger album. No suprise here. Brutus's mix of post hardcore intensity and post rock soundscapes is shown really well. I also really appreciate their pop sensibilities. Songs like Victoria and Storm work are real earworms and super fun listens.
26Black Country, New Road
Ants From Up There

United Kingdom
Indie Rock/Chamber Pop
Snow Globes

Feels like a mature outing as For the First Time with it's chamber instrumentals (although i may prefer the debut a little nonetheless). It's is a very pretty album often and keeps on growing on me. May have been higher if i would make the list even later.
Astral Fortress

Doom Metal
The Sea Beneath the Seas

You can always count on Darkthone with delivering quality. They continue with the slow doom of the previous one and it still works well. Nice moody atmosphere and the always great riffs.

Art Pop

Stromae has always been a very talented artist, but this is his first great album. It's by far his most consistent, and his only one with actually good production. The album takes inspiration from many sources with rich instrumentation that complement the songs perfectly.
Lucifer on the Sofa

United States
Indie Rock
On The Radio

Indie band playing boomer rock and it's a lot of fun. Certainly doesn't sound particularly unique but many of my favourite tunes of the year are on here.
22Al Wootton

United Kingdom
Ambient Techno

This is for both Wyre and Callers Spring as they are both eps of the same triology. Both excellent. Such a rich atmosphere and i love the deep feeling hard hitting beats
21Melt Yourself Down
Pray for Me I Don't Fit In

United Kingdom
Dance Punk
Pray For Me, I Don't Fit In

I was gonna review this but then I didn't, oops. Anyway this is a fucking blast like Melt Yourself Down always are. So much energy, chaos and this probably their catchiest album. Balance and t/t have excellent choruses

United States
Post Metal/Doom

Wonderfully executed post metal album here, certainly one of the best post-adjecent stuff of the year for me. The ambience is layered and beautiful. Some great riffs here too.
The Loser

United States

The more prominent prog keys makes this sound a lot more goofy as the Moon is a Dead World, but they are a lot of fun as well. The technical proficiency of the band is still immaculate and the drums still go super hard. It's not as an obivous classic as Moon, but it's excellent come back nonetheless
18Kendrick Lamar
Mr. Morale and the Big Steppers

United States
Hip Hop
Die Hard

Very introspective stuff from Kendrick Lamar here dealing with personal trauma and various other issues to sometimes controversial degree. I think this album gives the opportunity for his excellent story-telling to shine with a relatively minimal, but soulful production. Maybe a little uneven with its length, but songs are excellent i think.
17Rolo Tomassi
Where Myth Becomes Memory

United Kingdom
Metalcore/Post Metal
The End of Eternity

I didn't return to this too much during the year, but everytime I did it was a treat. A gorgeous album really. Rolo Tomassi at this have perfected the balance of the softer piano lead stuff and the harsher metalcore and it's a absolute joy to hear it.

Post Punk

Woo Preoccupations are back to being good again after their one misstep with New Material. We love to hear it. It has all the super catchy post punk shit that i love from them and it's such a fun listen
15Charlotte Adigery and Bolis Pupul
Topical Dancer

Art Pop/Tech House

Kinda peculiar art pop/house stuff with social-political lyrics. The lyrics are often serious, but in a fairly cheeky manner that are a perfect balance of getting the message across while being humorous. The quirky production super well here as well. So much personality in this album and it's a blast to listen.

United States

Another year, another Liz Harris album in my top whatever list. This is so tranquil and quiet that the soft piano notes are often the largest disturbers of the peace. Reminds me the most of her Nivhek work with how spacious it is, but much more pretty and relaxing.
13The Gathering
Beautiful Distortion

The Netherlands
Art Rock/Dream Pop
Black is Magnified

Album title is kind of a lie, because there is not much pronounced distortion, but it is also kind of not a lie because it is a beautiful. One of their prettiest and dreamiest albums, Beautiful Distortion really makes Silje's vocals shine and every song is a delight to listen to.
There's Always Blood at the End of the Road

Black Metal
FN Scar 16

Banging album. Album opener FN Scar 16 is one of the hardest hitting tracks of the year and kicks the door open with an intense force. Wiegedood doesn't let it's grip loosen afterwards throughout the runtime and delivers one of the most aggressive and filthiest album of the year
11Little Simz
No Thank You

United Kingdom
Hip Hop/Neo Soul/Gospel

Not nearly as extravagant as previous years' Sometimes I Might Be Introvert, but almost as good. Love the production, it has so much soul and the orchestral touches are lovely. Lots of identity between each track and they all offer something different.
Onryo II: Her Spirit Eternal

United States
Punky Black Metal
Queen of the Haunted Deli

Most fun i've had with a black metal album in a while. Full energy, punky bm with super fun riffs and catchy as well. First three tracks is one of my favourite runs of the year and the second half is still very good. Extremely fun!
9Natalia Lafourcade
De Todas las Flores

Chamber Folk
De Todas las Floras

Gorgeous album with perfect laid back atmosphere. Just want to dim the lights, lay on the sofa and play this on repeat. Feels super romantic to me too, will play this to a future partner
8Gang of Youths
Angel in Realtime

Indie Rock/Chamber Pop

I dig the more restrained approach for them this time. Go Farther in Lighntess had it's great moments, but to me it felt somewhat overblown in its larger than lifeness, certainly with it's length. This doesn't mean Angel In Realtime isn't corny and saccharine, it is! But to me David Le'aupepe's voice and lyrics always feel sincere and warm, which makes for this beautiful, uplifting album.
7Chat Pile
God's Country

United States
Noise Rock/Sludge Metal

Certainly one of the nastiest and most frantic album of the year. Loud and perpetually angry at the world, God's Country is one of the hardest hitting albums on the year. A track like 'Why' would sound too on the nose in the hands of most bands, but Chat Pile's ugly anger, makes it sound all the more poignant.
6The Soft Pink Truth
Is It Going to Get Any Deeper Than This?

United States
Funky house shit
Deeper Than This

Lot of fun! Many super dancable house tracks with delicious funky bass, but also still very varied. There are also some great slower jams like 'Moodswing' and 'Sunwash' and some very nice uplifting string sweeps. Many flavours, all great!
5Melody's Echo Chamber
Emotional Eternal

Indie Pop/Psych Pop
Personal Message

The ultimate summer album for me this year. It's gorgeously arranged indie pop and every track is so dreamy and bright. An absolute joy
4Perfume Genius
Ugly Season

United States
Art Pop

I'm a huge Perfume Genius stan so this being among the top of 2022 shouldn't be a suprise. However this was definitely his most difficult album for me to get into, and I only did so about half a year after its release. Perfume Genius has always quite artsy pop but none of it has been as abstract and non-conventional as Ugly Season. But, eventually I did get sucked into its gorgeous and gripping eerie atmosphere, and I'm so happy that happened
Hostile Architecture

United Kingdom
Black Metal/Prog Metal
Cable Street Again

One of the more unique and intense albums I have heard in 2022. Wonderfully mixes black metal, aggressive strings and trumphet bits to create one of the more sound pallets of the year. Love the choice for the more spoken-word vocals as well. Fits the angry and somber mood perfectly and they have so much character. The crying bits in Cable Street Again were particularly effective to me.
Diaspora Problems

United States
Hardcore Punk/Skramz/Hip Hop
We Wants Revenge

Oh man does this album fucking HITS HARD. So much anger and energy with super cool instrumentals and some insane screaming vocals. Not sure what ekse to say other than that literally svery track is a fucking banger
1Ethel Cain
Preacher's Daughter

United States
Indie Pop/Slowcore
Sun Bleached Flies

I have been more and more drawn to narrative-driven albums lately and Preacher's Daughter might be my favourite. The story is paced perfectly within the album with strong lyrics and excellent song-writing to boot. It's a heavy story, but it's performed so beautifully that it becomes very cathartic. Seeing Sun Bleached Flies live was one of the best experiences of my 2022
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