
Reviews 1
Approval 100%

Soundoffs 18
Album Ratings 199
Objectivity 77%

Last Active 09-09-09 7:22 am
Joined 09-09-09

Review Comments 28

08.19.10 Got A New Car.05.17.10 My Happy Album Buying Trip
04.27.10 Albums I Own Pt 2 12.21.09 Got My O.p Today
10.27.09 Hill Albums09.09.09 Favourite Albums At The Moment

Hill Albums

So I'm a tad bit unfit, so I've been going up this hill. It's pretty steep but quite short...anyway it takes 10 - 15 to walk from my house to there, about 15 to go up and back down it and of course 10 - 15 to get back home. So I decided approximately 40 minutes is alright time in which to listen to new albums. Rec. me some based on what I've listened to.
...In Shallow Seas We Sail

Quite enjoyed this one. Wouldn't mind listening to something like it, the vocals are pretty cool in my books.
2No Man
Schoolyard Ghosts

This was an early morning walk so perhaps this album wasn't given a fair chance but I found this to be fairly standard, especially considering it's SW
Vain Glory Opera

Heh, this wasn't too bad. I was quite in the mood for some power metal and I didn't mind the cheese at all.
4Between the Buried and Me
The Great Misdirect

Ehhh, it's okay. I don't like the yelling (?) vocals, I'd prefer he screamed or did a better growl. I assume he's trying to growl but it's just not right for me. That said I don't mind his clean vocals though besides the vocals it's standard BTBAM-ness
5Neutral Milk Hotel
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea

Should I listen to this tomorrow?
6Paul Dempsey
Everything is True

Or this?
7Pure Reason Revolution
The Dark Third

Perhaps this?
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