Reviews 23 Approval 98%
Soundoffs 94 Album Ratings 1746 Objectivity 78%
Last Active 09-16-22 6:59 am Joined 01-18-21
Review Comments 3,307
04.15.24 | Correct ranking | budgie
04.15.24 | 5 is 1!!! etc etc | Muzz79
04.15.24 | 5 is a 5!! | Sharenge
04.15.24 | I should probably get around to the rest of this discog at some point | Muzz79
04.15.24 | y'know they haven't been to Australia since 2013 and that was a festival. Before that their last independent Oz tour was 2010 - outragearse | budgie
04.15.24 | metuuuhl mulISHUH! | Muzz79
04.15.24 | More about my Metallica obsession
First time I knew about them was in a metal mag in 1989 the first one I bought. It was a poster size band photo where they looked so menacing - loved it.
I heard One in passing but it wasn't till enter sandman that I really paid attention. From there it was straight to the back catalogue and every bit of info I could get on them.
I've owned more metallica shirts than any other band. First one was wherever I may roam, then unforgiven long sleeve. Current fav is my shortest straw with "in vertigo you will be" on the back - if you know that one.
I've collected the deluxe box sets of albums 1 to 5 which hasn't been easy.
Saw them first time in 1998 on the Poor Re-Touring Me tour which was a bit disappointing tbh. Also seen them at Reading festival in 2003 and a few other times | JKing92
04.15.24 | Cool stories. I've never seen them live, but I have buddies who saw them and said they were great in a live setting.
Onto my ranking, however:
1 > 2 > 4 > 3 > 5 > 7 > 8 > 6 > 10 > 9 > 11
The less said about Lulu, the better. 😌 | Muzz79
04.16.24 | You won’t catch me any more fanboyish than on this list lols |