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Last Active 02-01-22 6:56 pm
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Evil Dead Ranked

This was the hardest list I've ever had to make. This is by far my favorite franchise ever, horror or otherwise.
5Devin Townsend
Ziltoid the Omniscient

Army of Darkness

Ok, so I know this is ranked last but please remember that this is by far my favorite franchise of all time, and that includes genres outside of horror. I would still rate this movie a B+/A-, it’s just that sometimes this movie can be a bit TOO wacky for its own good. Most of the time, that just adds to the charm, but there are a few moments where I want to tap Raimi on the shoulder and ask him if he wants to take a breather and relax a little bit. Also, so much of this is trying very hard to be a PG-13 movie and in some scenes, there’s no need for that (especially because they eventually got the R rating anyway). This is Bruce’s most balls to the wall Ash performance, though, so for that alone this movie is basically the most rewatchable movie ever. Shop smart…shop S-Mart. YOU GOT THAT!?!?!
None So Vile

Evil Dead 2013

This movie is fucking MEAN. I don’t know why the hell Fede hasn’t done too much in his career thus far, but he knocked it out of the park here. The gore here is some of the grossest I have ever seen. The totally bleak atmosphere is exactly what a remake should be, and I commend them for almost going for the NC-17 rating here. I only have a few complaints with this one. One is that the book reading scene is a bit too weird for me and it seems even more ridiculous and stupid than usual. The dude literally skips past “LEAVE THIS BOOK ALONE” scribbled all over it, then he has the gall to trace over the book and read it outloud to no one for no reason. It just always struck me as annoying, and not in a fun way. Also, I love Jane Levy’s performance, but to me it never made any sense how she was able to be the main deadite and also the final girl? I feel like they wanted their cake and eat it too, which is fine but it’s just not really believable on a story level imo.
Pierced from Within

Evil Dead Rise

So this and Evil Dead 2013 are basically tied for different reasons, but I’m ranking this a little higher. Most likely due to recency bias, I admit, but still. The gore is def better in 2013, but I actually liked the characters overall much more in this one (other than Mia being the best character ever in anything) and I thought the overall tension was better here. I really appreciated how the apartment acted like the woods, and I thought the mother was one of the best deadites in the entire franchise, which is a big reason why this is ranked where it is (And that they didn’t backtrack and try and turn her back into the “good guy” like 2013). The callbacks were really fun and not obnoxious, the family aspect was fresh and exciting, and the hallway scene was a fucking 10/10. My only complaint with this one is the ending with the chainsaw as WAYYYYY too close to the 2013 version and I wish they did something a little different. Also, this score was beyond weak com
Scream Bloody Gore

The Evil Dead

This one is shockingly close to the number one spot for me. Everyone basically knows how ridiculously impressive it was how this movie was made, but the passion is still apparent even after 10000 rewatches. What Raimi did with his camera, and what the rest of the crew managed to pull off on that budget at that young age is absolutely astonishing. I’m not going to lie, part of my deep enjoyment from this comes from laughing at unintentionally funny scenes (“You bastards…why are you torturing me like this? WHY?”) or the very obvious inconsistencies (Headless Linda oozing blood on Ash’s face only for it to be totally clear the next shot), but it is also genuinely horrifying. The pencil scene and the leg scratching scene still make me cringe, and Cheryl Is STILL my favorite deadite in the entire franchise. I mean there is just so much to love about this that I could write an entire book, so I’ll just stop here before it gets too long. This might actually be my second

Evil Dead 2

This and Terminator 2 are both my favorite movies of all time. Both sequels, kinda weird how that worked out. But This movie is absolute fucking cheeseball perfection for me. It’s not Lawrence of Arabia, or 2001 in terms of film quality per se, but there isn’t a goddamn movie I like more than this. This is one of the few movies that manage to be both hilarious and absolutely terrifying at the same time. This is just happens be the scariest AND the funniest. The effects just make me so damn happy, the directing, the music, literally everything. I can throw this on four times in one day and still think “damn, I wish I had time to watch it a fifth.” Peak everything here. The grooviest. 10000/10
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