
Reviews 1
Approval 33%

Soundoffs 32
News Articles 1
Band Edits + Tags 34
Album Edits 25

Album Ratings 898
Objectivity 100%

Last Active 09-10-22 3:20 pm
Joined 03-31-13

Review Comments 6,860

04.28.24 The beauty of the blast beat12.04.23 SOTY 2023
12.01.23 Holy fuck I think I found bitterman at 07.20.23 Song I'm working on (midi)
11.16.22 20 of my favorite metal songs10.14.22 Top 10 Metallica songs
10.08.22 Worst metal sub genres09.28.22 Popular metal bands I can't stand
09.17.22 I just wrote the best song in history09.14.22 My cat died today
06.08.22 Song in process06.04.22 TV died in 2000
05.28.22 Metal died in 199301.25.21 Loneliness
10.07.20 Japanese metal??08.29.20 Top 10 In Flames songs
05.22.20 Death metal recs?!05.19.20 Dat riff
More »


Who else has become mentally crippled because of isolation since people are egoistic, awful assholes and not trustable in any sense? I think I'm almost dead now. Also this video taught me that I've probably aged to like 70 or something because of my chronic loneliness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3Xv_g3g-mA
200 km/H In The Wrong Lane
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