Reviews 50 Approval 86%
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Last Active 07-21-22 9:39 pm Joined 12-10-07
Review Comments 4,107
| November 2008 Is Going To Empty My Wallet, Light It On Fire, And Steal Its Soul To Ingest It.
Son of a Botch, how many awesome albums can come out within the span of a month? | 1 |  | Dir en grey Uroboros
I've been waiting for this one, and i'm excited. Mildly, but still. | 2 |  | The Faceless Planetary Duality
Ok, Akeldama didn't strike me as amazing, but i hear from everybody that this one is incredible. Hope they're right. | 3 |  | Light This City Stormchaser
Ooh, a posthumous album. Sad, but interesting. From what i've heard, the riffage is awesome, but Laura sounds awful...crap. | 4 | | Becoming the Archetype Dichotomy
YES!!! No one can deny that this will be flippin sweet. | 5 |  | Cynic Traced In Air
See above deion and multiply by a billion. | 6 |  | Abigail Williams In the Shadow of a Thousand Suns
Just getting into black metal and this looks interesting. Haven't bought it yet, but seriously considering it. | 7 |  | Cannibal Corpse Tomb of the Mutilated
ok, it came out like 10 years ago, but i'm gonna buy it as soon as i get my hands on it. period. | |
11.13.08 | 7 is really really boring
If your getting into black metal buy Dissection - Storm Of The Lights Bane. Much better use of your precious money | ThyCrossAwaits
11.13.08 | sorry, no job | thegodparticle
11.13.08 | 6 is okay. There's lots more bm out there that's better though. | BallsToTheWall
11.13.08 | The artwork for and 6 bugs me out. | jrowa001
11.13.08 | Dichotomy is going to be sooooo good!!! | ThyCrossAwaits
11.13.08 | the artwork for 6 bugs u? but 7 doesn't? | BallsToTheWall
11.13.08 | I'm talking about 2 and 6 together. The similar colro schemes give me a mind bounce. I'm used to 7. You want sick art, check up Carnivorous Erection from Regurgitate on the sputnik page and come back to me. | YouAreMySilence
11.13.08 | I so agree with you on 4 but im not much of a black metal fan. | VicariousIntent
11.13.08 | Oh good, another Dir En Grey fan! I thought I was pretty much alone on this site. They're very cool now and then. I'm not really like "HOLY SHIT IT'S FINALLY HERE" with this album, but I'm looking forward to hearing it because Dir En Grey are just fun to listen to as a band. | brandtweathers
11.13.08 | this actually has almost no relevancy to the month of november itself.
your list should be called: cds im gonna buy; like everyone else | asdemonsburn
11.13.08 | yes this is one of the best months ever.
Still waiting for BTA to leak, already have 2, 5, and 7 | jingledeath
11.13.08 | 2 is friggin awesome, although some poeple would say otherwise.
As you've heard the riffage in 3 is really great but Lauras metalcore vocals totally ruin it :(
the hype for BTA is going to kill me. | rasputin
11.13.08 | planetary duality is incredibly average | poweroftheweez
11.13.08 | i hope the new diru album is good. and i agree with rasputin. | ThyCrossAwaits
11.18.08 | oh, and the fact that all of them are released this november except for CC is just moot? | ThyCrossAwaits
11.18.08 | and holy crap, Regurgitate...that's not even cool. |