2015 - Voivod's Random Best Of (suppl04)
List consists of more noteworthy albums released in 2015. |
1 |  | Corsair One Eyed Horse
Old fashioned hard rocking metal from the States.
Stream: http://corsair.bandcamp.com/album/one-eyed-horse |
2 |  | Ahab The Boats Of The Glen Carrig
"Naval" death/doom metal from Germany.
Stream: http://play.spotify.com/album/5Qs3NoNL2jQMOGqXOIfP82 |
3 |  | Niche Heading East
'70s rock from Savannah, Georgia.
Stream: http://echoesanddust.com/2015/11/exclusive-album-stream-niche-heading-east/ |
4 |  | Slivovitz All You Can Eat
Jazz/fusion/progressive rock from Naples, Italy.
Stream: http://slivovitz.bandcamp.com/album/all-you-can-eat |
5 |  | Morphinist Fetish Support
Black metal from Germany.
Stream/"name your price" download: http://morphinist.bandcamp.com/album/fetish-support |
6 |  | Panic (USA-PA) Hang Loose
Thrash metal from Allentown, PA.
Stream/"name your price" download: http://panicthrash.bandcamp.com/album/hang-loose-ep |
7 |  | Embrace Of Thorns Darkness Impenetrable
Death metal from Greece.
Stream: http://play.spotify.com/album/7BhHMgDlIlHOPLLWjlIu8l |
8 |  | ZooN Deep
Psychedelic/blues/hard rock from the Nethelands.
Stream: http://lighttownfidelity.bandcamp.com/album/deep |
9 |  | Theory In Practice Evolving Transhumanism
Technical death metal from Sweden. |
10 |  | Ancient Cult Goddess of Solitude
Hard n' heavy doom rock from Italy.
Stream: http://ancientcult.bandcamp.com/album/goddess-of-solitude-ep |
11 |  | Goblin Rebirth Goblin Rebirth
Progressive rock from Italy.
Stream: http://goblinrebirth.bandcamp.com/ |
12 |  | Malady (FIN) Malady
Progressive rock from Finland.
Stream: http://maladyband.bandcamp.com/ |
13 |  | Sammal Myrskyvaroitus
Progressive/heavy/psych rock from Finland.
Stream: http://sammal.bandcamp.com/album/myrskyvaroitus |
14 |  | Pinkish Black Bottom of the Morning
Doomy gothic/synth from Fort Worth, Texas.
Stream: http://pinkishblack.bandcamp.com/album/bottom-of-the-morning |
15 |  | Satan (FRA) L'Odeur du Sang
Blackened grindcore from France.
Stream: http://satan.bandcamp.com/album/lodeur-du-sang-2015 |
16 |  | Satan Atom by Atom
NWOBHM from England.
Stream: http://listenable-records.bandcamp.com/album/atom-by-atom |
17 |  | Melechesh Enki
Extreme "oriental" metal from Israel. |
18 |  | Spidergawd II
Psychedelic/hard rock from Norway. |
19 |  | Kataklysm Of Ghosts and Gods
Melodic death metal from Canada. |
20 |  | Dendritic Arbor Romantic Love
Blackened grindcore from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Stream: http://grimoirerecords.bandcamp.com/album/romantic-love |
21 |  | The Membranes Dark Matter/Dark Energy
Post punk from the UK. |
22 |  | Iron Void Doomsday
Doom metal from the UK.
Stream: http://ironvoid.bandcamp.com/album/doomsday |
23 |  | Serpentrance The Besieged Sanctum
Blackened doom/death metal from Russia.
Stream: http://vaultofdriedbones.bandcamp.com/album/the-besieged-sanctum |
24 |  | 10000 Russos 10000 Russos
Psychedelic rock from Portugal.
Stream: http://fuzzclub.bandcamp.com/album/10000-russos |
25 |  | La Chudra Salvation / Decay
Punk'd thrash/death metal from Lithuania.
Stream: http://lachudra.bandcamp.com/album/salvation-decay |
26 |  | Ambush (SWE) Desecrator
Old school heavy metal from Sweden. |
27 |  | Satan's Wrath Die Evil
Black/thrash metal from Athens, Greece. |
28 |  | Stereo Nasty Nasty By Nature
Hard rocking metal from Ireland.
Stream: http://stereonasty.bandcamp.com/album/nasty-by-nature |
29 |  | Mion's Hill Torture
Black/doom/thrash metal from Norway.
Stream: http://mionshill.bandcamp.com/album/torture |
30 |  | Gus G. Brand New Revolution
3.4 - Melodic heavy rock/metal. Gus G. pays a solid homage to his all time melodic rock/metal heroes with an album that flows like crystal clean spring water. Every track has a different singer, whereas the guitar shredding is ever present albeit a bit restrained. This music works better when played in live venues, along with friends and the spirits of preference, but domestic listening is also rewarding. |
31 |  | Maieutiste Maïeutiste
Doomy black metal from France.
Stream/"name your price" download: http://maieutiste.bandcamp.com/releases |
32 |  | The Young Revelators The Young Revelators
Psychedelic/blues rock from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Stream: http://theyoungrevelators.bandcamp.com/album/the-young-revelators |
33 |  | Black Oath To Below and Beyond
Occult doom/hard rock from Italy.
Stream: http://blackoath666.bandcamp.com/album/to-below-and-beyond-2015-cd-d-lp-tape |
34 |  | Second Sun (SWE) Hopp/Förtvivlan
'70s heavy rock from Sweden.
Stream: http://secondsunswe.bandcamp.com/ |
35 |  | Ra (SWE) Scandinavia
Post-punk from Sweden.
Stream: http://ramalmo.bandcamp.com/releases |
36 |  | Wucan Sow The Wind
Psychedelic/blues/stoner rock from Germany.
Stream: http://wucan.bandcamp.com/album/sow-the-wind |
37 |  | Snowy Dunes Snowy Dunes
Psychedelic/stoner rock from Sweden.
Stream: http://snowydunesofficial.bandcamp.com/album/snowy-dunes |
38 |  | Electric Hoodoo Electric Hoodoo
Blues/heavy rock from Dresden, Germany.
Stream: http://electric-hoodoo.bandcamp.com/ |
39 |  | Inculter Persisting Devolution
Old school thrash metal from Norway. |
40 |  | Lifestream Post Ecstatic Experience
Black metal from France.
Stream: http://lifestreambm.bandcamp.com/ |
41 |  | Yonatan Gat Director
Crossover music from New York, New York.
Stream: http://yonatangat.bandcamp.com/album/director |
42 |  | Pleasure Leftists The Woods of Heaven
Post punk from Cleveland, NJ.
Stream: http://derangedrecords.bandcamp.com/album/the-woods-of-heaven |
43 |  | Hooffoot Hooffoot
Jazz/progressive rock from Sweden.
Stream: http://hooffoot.bandcamp.com/ |
44 |  | Death Dealer Hallowed Ground
Power metal from the States. |
45 |  | Apathie Incendium Excitare
Black metal from Germany.
Stream: http://apathiebm.bandcamp.com/album/incendium-excitare |
46 |  | Zugellos Horror Vacui
Crusty black metal from Switzerland.
Stream: http://zuegellos.bandcamp.com/album/horror-vacui |
47 |  | Kamchatka Long Road Made Of Gold
Judging from the album cover alone, one may think that Kamchatka have unfittingly become hillbillies; however, given the not-so-obvious similarities of the Vikings with the first people that set foot on North America, the concept is not so weird. Moreover, the southern rock elements have been carefully slipstreamed in the Swedes' retro hard rock, even though one might have a hard time pinpointing stand-out tracks from the album.
Stream: http://classicrock.teamrock.com/news/2015-05-20/kamchatka-turning-1973-into-2015 |
48 |  | Author and Punisher Melk En Honing
Industrial/drone metal from San Diego, California.
Stream: http://authorandpunisher.bandcamp.com/ |
49 |  | Voidcraeft Ἕβελ
Black metal from Germany.
Free download: http://voidcraeft.svart.nu/
Stream: http://i-voidhangerrecords.bandcamp.com/album/- |
50 |  | Grimirg MMXV - I
Funeral doom metal from Finland.
Stream: http://grimirg.bandcamp.com/album/mmxv-i |
51 |  | Corrections House Know How To Carry A Whip
Industrial/punk/hardcore from the East Coast.
Stream: http://correctionshouse.bandcamp.com/ |
52 |  | Deos ...To Depart
Funeral/shoegaze doom from London, UK.
Stream: http://funeraldeos.bandcamp.com/album/to-depart |
53 |  | Imperial Jade Please Welcome Imperial Jade
Classic hard rock from Pineda De Mar, Spain.
Stream: http://imperialjade.bandcamp.com/ |
54 |  | Martin Gore MG
Electronic music from Depeche Mode's principal song writer.
Stream: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfGw5jOl2sQ&list=PL3EymNxkWWW2ayQePtdUs-LR_aq9-nSTt |
55 |  | X Ray Cat Trio Out For Blood
Psych/surf/garage rock from Leeds, UK.
Stream: http://xraycattrio.bandcamp.com/ |
56 |  | Khthoniik Cerviiks SeroLogiikal Scars (Vertex of Dementiia)
Sci-fi death/black metal from Germany.
Stream: http://ironboneheadproductions.bandcamp.com/album/khthoniik-cerviiks-serologiikal-scars-vertex-of-dementiia |
57 |  | The Underground Youth Haunted
Post punk from the UK.
Stream: http://artrockermagazine.com/album-exclusive-the-underground-youth-haunted/ |
58 |  | A Forest of Stars Beware the Sword You Cannot See
Avant-garde black metal from England.
Stream: http://a-forest-of-stars.bandcamp.com/album/beware-the-sword-you-cannot-see |
59 |  | Wildlights Wildlights
Progressive/hard rock band from North Carolina.
Stream: http://wildlightssom.bandcamp.com/album/wildlights |
60 |  | Endless Recovery Revel In Demise
Thrash metal from Athens, Greece.
Stream: http://endlessrecovery.bandcamp.com/album/revel-in-demise |
61 |  | Wolvespirit Free
Psychedelic rock from Germany. |
62 |  | Natvre's Wrath
Black metal from Thessaloniki, Greece.
Stream: http://natvresbm.bandcamp.com/ |
63 |  | Domovoyd Domovoyd
Psychedelic/doom metal from Finland.
Stream: http://domovoyd.bandcamp.com/album/domovoyd |
64 |  | Hard Action Sinister Vibes
Hard rock from Finland.
Stream: http://hardaction.bandcamp.com/album/sinister-vibes |
65 | | Dolch I & II
Ambient/gothic/post punk from Germany.
Stream: http://dolch.bandcamp.com/album/i-ii |
66 |  | Whereswilder Yearling
Neo-psychedelic rock from Athens, Greece.
Stream: http://popaganda.gr/whereaswilder-exclusive-streaming/
http://sixdogsrecords.bandcamp.com/album/yearling |
67 |  | Human Serpent Inhumane Minimalism
Black metal from Lamia, Greece.
Stream: http://humanserpent.bandcamp.com/album/inhumane-minimalism |
68 |  | Nigredo Facets Of Death
Nigredo's disharmonic black metal is up the alley of Norwegian stalwarts Thorns and Satyricon, enough said. Favorite tracks: M L K, Nihilistic Iniquity. Stream: http://nigredogr.bandcamp.com/ |
69 |  | Rollfast Lanes Oil, Dream Is Pry
Psychedelic/heavy rock from Bali, Indonesia.
Stream: http://play.spotify.com/album/5GkpMFON5ZE6COgbbUA49p |
70 |  | Terra (CAN) Couldn't Save This
Noise/post punk from Canada.
Stream: http://terramusic.bandcamp.com/ |
71 |  | Bestial Invasion Act of Retribution
Technical thrash metal from Ukraine.
Stream: http://shellfire-attack.bandcamp.com/album/act-of-retribution |
72 |  | She Past Away Narin Yalnızlık
Gothic/post punk from Turkey.
Stream: http://shepastawayofficial.bandcamp.com/album/narin-yaln-zl-k |
73 |  | Soldier The Great Western Oligarchy
Thrash metal from Spain.
Stream: http://soldierband.bandcamp.com/album/the-great-western-oligarchy |
74 |  | Throaat Black Speed
Black/thrash metal from Brooklyn, New York.
Stream: https://throaat.bandcamp.com/album/black-speed |
75 |  | Eclipse (SWE) Armageddonize
Hard rocking metal from Sweden. |