Reviews 1 Approval 100%
Album Ratings 118 Objectivity 76%
Last Active 02-27-21 6:32 pm Joined 08-22-11
Review Comments 13
12.17.12 | nice username | paxman
12.18.12 | "(excluding the band I work with, Oak Pantheon)"
Is that a joke? | Thronewolf
12.18.12 | No? | demigod!
12.18.12 | i'm waiting until january to put my list up so that it doesnt get buried under all these lists lol.
cool list | Thronewolf
12.18.12 | Probably a good idea. I'm already regretting putting this up, Hierophant might be dropping a new album within the next week or so. Then again I had no idea lists were public, this is my first one. XD Did it mostly out of my own boredom. |