When you think of Post-Grunge, Alterna-Pop one hit
wonders many bands should come to mind. Among
them should be Nada Surf. In themid-1990s Nada
Surf came out of the blue with their Weezer-
influenced mega hit "Popular". It was different then
most of what was on the radioat the time, but its
strange spoken lyrics ("Make sure to keep your hair
spotless and clean/Wash it at least once every two
weeks") about howto break up with someone and
catchy choruses won the band many fans. But
before releasing their second album, the band was
dropped fromtheir label for lack of a potential hit.
This didn't stop the boys of Nada Surf who began
releasing records on indie giant Barsuk, some of
whicheven achieved more success than their major
label debut).