Enslaved is a progressive black/viking metal band from Bergen, Norway. They were formed in 1991 byguitarist/primarycomposerIvarBjørnsonand vocalist/bassist Grutle Kjellson when they were 13 and 17 years old. Though they began as aprototypical Norwegianblackmetalband, theyhave since explored more progressive styles, starting with Eld (1997) but not being fullyincorporateduntilMardraum -Beyond theWithin (2000).Below the Lights (2003) cemented the influences from 70's progressive rockintoEnslaved's sound, andmostalbumssince have received some level of positive reception with ...read more
Enslaved is a progressive black/viking metal band from Bergen, Norway. They were formed in 1991 byguitarist/primarycomposerIvarBjørnsonand vocalist/bassist Grutle Kjellson when they were 13 and 17 years old. Though they began as aprototypical Norwegianblackmetalband, theyhave since explored more progressive styles, starting with Eld (1997) but not being fullyincorporateduntilMardraum -Beyond theWithin (2000).Below the Lights (2003) cemented the influences from 70's progressive rockintoEnslaved's sound, andmostalbumssince have received some level of positive reception within the metal scene. They have released 13 full-lengthalbums in total, withtheirmostrecent effort In Times being released in March 2015. Their next album, E, will be released inOctoberof 2017.AlongsideBjørnsonand Kjellson, Enslaved consists of keyboardist/vocalist Hakon Vinje, guitarist Arve Isdal (Ice Dale), anddrummerCatoBekkevold. « hide