04-21 2nd Conjurer single 03-11 New Conjurer Album, July 1st
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'Like being bludgeoned and glassed at the same time as being kicked in the face.' - Maximum Volume'With an unerringly tight, punishingly heavy, and above all endlessly dynamic, sound, the unassuming Midlands-basedquartetbroughttheirabsolute A-game, positively bludgeoning the assembled audience with a gargantuan wall of savage, stunning noise.' - NoCleanSinging'Bands that impressed: Conjurer. First on the list and getting their own mention because they literallyredefinedintelligence,intensity,performance, songwriting, technical ability and passion in metal for me that show. Your band is never g ...read more
'Like being bludgeoned and glassed at the same time as being kicked in the face.' - Maximum Volume'With an unerringly tight, punishingly heavy, and above all endlessly dynamic, sound, the unassuming Midlands-basedquartetbroughttheirabsolute A-game, positively bludgeoning the assembled audience with a gargantuan wall of savage, stunning noise.' - NoCleanSinging'Bands that impressed: Conjurer. First on the list and getting their own mention because they literallyredefinedintelligence,intensity,performance, songwriting, technical ability and passion in metal for me that show. Your band is never going tobeatthat.' - Ant Giles(British AndIrish Modern Music Institute)'New boys with serious riffs, the sheer dissonance and diversity this band has to offer is both refreshing and captivating.Takinginfluencefromwhat they hear and not simply carbon copying, this band are able to experiment and deliver new and exiting sludge metalwithhints ofdoom andblack metal thrown in for good measure' - Smokin' Bones Club'Anyone expecting a laidback approach from the opening act quickly had any such whimsical illusions shattered when theMidlandsquartetdivedheadfirst into a pool of nihilistic darkness and desolation. Musically bleak, Conjurer threw down the kind of groovescapable ofderailing afreighttrain.' - Midlands Rocks'Vocals roar, elongated riffs and slow pummelling drums bring the sorrow. With 2 of the band sharing vocals there’s plentyofsubstanceaboutthings and when the track [Frail] really goes for it and batters away, it has the scope to knock you off your feet. This lotmaywell be afairly newband but they have been getting a lot of good support slots lately and tonight it was easy to see why.' - Ave Noctum https://conjureruk.bandcamp.com/ « hide |
Similar Bands: Primitive Man, Balina, Slugdge, Isis, Inter Arma |
LPs | | Pathos 2022
| Mire 2018
EPs | | I 2016
Contributors: Sowing, nylonhair, Voivod, DDDeftoneDDD, Hawks, rockandmetaljunkie, Willie, Asdfp277, Willie, Demon of the Fall, DDDeftoneDDD,