Loma Prieta   I.V.
Ranking: #67 for 2012

 Full ReviewRatings (713) Give your Rating

0.0 sniper | January 4th 12

loma prieta: laying waste to san francisco since 1989. now demolishing faces in 2012.

5 Bumps | Bump

0.0 someguest | January 3rd 12

I don't know much about Loma Prieta, but Lou Piniella is the greatest MLB manager of all time!

4 Bumps | Bump

0.0 Athom EMERITUS | January 3rd 12

2012 foregoes knocking and just goes straight for sticking the boot up your ass.

3 Bumps | Bump

4.5 superbYakNips | November 26th 13

"Children's letters to god obviously go unanswered. Kidnapped kids don't come home alive. My friend vanished when we were 12. I still miss her. It's with me everyday. I'll always be the child that can't sign the pardon. It's with me everyday. I promise to stay close to the memory. Life offers no answers."

2 Bumps | Bump

3.5 greatIluvatar | January 7th 12

Loma Prieta finally live up to their potential and create a great screamo record, and then Sputnikmusic lives up to its reputation and overrates the hell out of it.

2 Bumps | Bump

4.0 excellentWhatsgood | January 3rd 12

Sometimes you wonder just how far Screamo can go without being batshit insane like CTTS or
mellowing out and trying a more melodic approach like La Dispute. And then there's Loma
Prieta and they're like 'shut the fuck up and enjoy this quality Screamo' and you do. And
you don't think twice about it.

2 Bumps | Bump

0.0 jorgerodrigoallen | October 16th 15


yep sounds about right

1 Bumps | Bump

0.0 Xenophanes EMERITUS | January 3rd 12

Everything I wanted and more. This is the album Loma Prieta has always had in them, and it fucking rules.

1 Bumps | Bump

5.0 classicdjtypist | January 3rd 12

3 LP's of fantastic but similar sounding music and now a 4th LP that evolves with their signing to a major. rLoma has been a figure head for a more serious and adult sound of screamo and with this Deathwish release, rLoma raises the evolution of the sound they helped put them on the map.

1 Bumps | Bump

3.6 greatErwann S. STAFF | August 9th 19

Concise and abrasive screamo (bordering on emoviolence), which makes it both an awesome listen and a frustrating one, as some excellent ideas are not explored enough.


4.5 superbAlabaster Jones | November 10th 16

This record is truly the culmination of everything Loma Prieta had been working up to their entire careers. They steadily improved their craft on each release, took everything that was great about those releases, shed the fat off of them, and made I.V. as a result. The explosive, almost dirty production of Life/Less makes a return here to excellent effect, giving the same sense of power to the compositions even when more subdued in tone, as closer "Diamond Teeth" will show you. The juxtaposition of intense discordance on songs like "Trilogy 4 "Momentary"" with melancholic melodies reminiscent of Last City on songs like "Biography" really shows how far the songwriting quality of the band has come. It's all wrapped up in a quick twenty-four minutes, but compared to the other material the band has released, this is a long record for them, and it's structure and intensity is such that it's pretty much the perfect length. It's the final product of phenomenal screamo sound, and the defining moment of their careers so far.


5.0 classicThunderNeutral21 | December 7th 12

aoty 2012, the album in which Loma shits on all their label mates including converge


5.0 classicInsecureGorilla | June 25th 12

Currently my favorite album out of 2012's offerings. This screams "instant classic." glad to see them getting recognition. props to deathwish for picking them up too.


4.5 superbrokknroll4 | January 7th 12

Underneath all of the noise and aggression, there's some amazing melodies here. High 4, will almost undoubtedly 4.5 this before the year's out.


3.5 greatTrebor. EMERITUS | January 3rd 12

This is pretty cool I guess


4.5 superbkeyboardxmosh | January 3rd 12

Okay I might be ultra hyped here, but gosh durn. This album is frooting huge. Gigantic I tell you. I don't think there'll be an emo album this year that'll top this, goth violence for life.


4.0 excellenttigersuit1031 | January 3rd 12

Taking a large step into the hardcore/power-violence territory, Loma Prieta creates a record of nonstop in-your-face aggression unlike any other.


4.0 excellentAbove | June 13th 24
4.0 excellentWav0fmutilation | May 5th 24
4.0 excellentgreyofthedawn | April 10th 24
4.0 excellentpyroflare77 | April 7th 24
3.5 greatBilbodabag | March 1st 24
4.5 superbTool1 | February 26th 24
4.0 excellentSurette | December 27th 23
4.0 excellentJared Wegenast | October 13th 23
4.0 excellentLuna | August 17th 23
4.0 excellentindiemind14 | July 20th 23
4.5 superbJohnny Maccaroni | July 4th 23
3.5 greatBrian Meeth | June 26th 23
5.0 classicSiberiano | June 26th 23
4.5 superbFunJan | June 19th 23
4.5 superbMisterDoe | June 3rd 23
4.5 superbHalez | June 1st 23
3.5 greatNot being able to imagine myself as the subject of a love song spoils my enjoyment | May 19th 23
4.0 excellentVagueandBrief | May 10th 23
4.0 excellentmemnite | April 26th 23
4.5 superbcalmrose | April 25th 23
4.0 excellentKhaini | March 16th 23
4.5 superbzvaigzdele843 | February 17th 23
3.5 greatArvesynd | October 26th 22
4.0 excellentemmny | October 23rd 22
3.5 greatpollastrerostit | October 4th 22
4.0 excellentckssr1 | September 10th 22
5.0 classicslinkyslink | August 6th 22
4.0 excellentnash1311 | August 5th 22
4.5 superbautosacrifice | July 27th 22
4.5 superbBrendan Schroer STAFF | July 24th 22
4.5 superbflabbywhale | July 14th 22
4.0 excellentClefairy | June 27th 22
4.0 excellentSmokingHead | June 23rd 22
4.5 superbOobaloo | June 2nd 22
4.5 superbosmark86 | March 10th 22
2.5 averagefoxblood | February 22nd 22
5.0 classicTom R. CONTRIBUTOR | December 6th 21
4.5 superbportraitsofdecay | October 12th 21
3.5 greatxlev | September 10th 21
4.0 excellentSteakByrnes | September 2nd 21
4.0 excellentMyColdShoulder | August 10th 21
4.0 excellentRisodo | July 20th 21
3.5 greatRoidv | June 19th 21
4.5 superbWildcardbitchesss | May 28th 21
4.0 excellentanarchistfish | May 24th 21
3.5 greatNordicMindset | April 12th 21
4.0 excellentfathergascoigne | March 8th 21
3.0 goodMaverick821 | February 19th 21
4.5 superbMuhlysa | February 8th 21
4.0 excellentgnardude | January 17th 21
4.0 excellentcrankstrap | December 17th 20
3.5 greatkolektivpigeon | December 9th 20
4.0 excellenta plain figure with eight straight sides and eight angles. CONTRIBUTOR | December 3rd 20
5.0 classicbatstevens | November 25th 20
4.0 excellentsleepyeyes | November 15th 20
4.0 excellentSlothy Seconds | October 25th 20
4.5 superbgorp | September 29th 20
4.0 excellentRedBol | September 27th 20
3.5 greatAdoreSwancore | August 16th 20
4.0 excellentkogakun | May 10th 20
4.5 superbDavidPrincipe29 | April 25th 20
3.5 greatpaularrem | April 25th 20
4.5 superbTabulaRasa6 | March 16th 20
4.5 superbXXMurdaBeatzXX | September 5th 19
2.5 averagemikep87 | August 17th 19
4.0 excellentAxeToFall93 | August 14th 19
4.5 superbrc239 | August 1st 19
4.0 excellentSpluger | July 29th 19
4.0 excellenthazelnutsack | July 27th 19
3.5 greatWolfe | July 18th 19
3.5 greatdoofy | July 12th 19
3.5 greatloves uplifting twinkly bs | July 10th 19
4.5 superbPaul Quinones | June 26th 19
3.5 greatDolving999 | June 26th 19
4.0 excellentbig daddy bris. | June 26th 19
4.5 superbJake E. | June 23rd 19
3.0 goodMidnight Murda | June 12th 19
4.0 excellentPikazilla | May 30th 19
4.5 superbwhitebells | May 18th 19
4.0 excellentAdamn | May 8th 19
5.0 classicktjammin | May 7th 19
5.0 classicchilledpunkrock | April 24th 19
3.5 greatfrozencarl | March 29th 19
4.5 superbRedstag4 | March 10th 19
3.5 greatRyus | February 26th 19
4.5 superbcrab | February 16th 19
3.5 greatrandom lol | February 13th 19
4.0 excellentCormano | January 18th 19
4.0 excellentDead Bitch Alexis | January 12th 19
3.5 greatlobstice | January 11th 19
4.0 excellentsweethamdude | October 26th 18
4.0 excellentConcubinaryCode | September 27th 18
4.0 excellentdangerousdarrin | September 23rd 18
4.5 superbcloakanddagger | September 16th 18
5.0 classicEpilogue | September 14th 18
4.5 superbtoohightodie | August 20th 18
4.5 superbJamdbz | August 7th 18
3.5 greatAlphaNerdHero | July 22nd 18
5.0 classiciglu | July 19th 18
4.0 excellentbotb | July 18th 18
4.5 superbLee Whear | May 17th 18
4.0 excellentEmo | May 16th 18
3.0 goodSultan of the Martians | May 3rd 18
4.0 excellentDirEnMotionless | April 16th 18
3.5 greatSam C. | April 2nd 18
3.5 greatJonnunnery94 | March 24th 18
4.5 superbian b. | January 31st 18
3.5 greatMrlexiphanic | December 18th 17
4.0 excellenton December 14th, net neutrality may very well be repealed. I am posting this to acknowledge that my | December 5th 17
5.0 classicIndomitable | November 30th 17
4.0 excellentSinNanna | November 25th 17
5.0 classicsuppatime | August 9th 17
4.0 excellentJosh F. | July 14th 17
3.5 greatConfessed2005 | June 20th 17
3.5 greatJLR2DEG | June 19th 17
3.5 greatFossegrim | June 16th 17
4.0 excellentAutumnAur0ra | April 8th 17
4.5 superbswallowtales | April 6th 17
4.5 superbgrannypantys | March 23rd 17
5.0 classicPrancer | March 18th 17
4.5 superbPleb | March 17th 17
4.0 excellentp4p | March 11th 17
4.5 superbwidowslaugh123 | February 7th 17
4.0 excellentellagos | January 31st 17
3.0 goodporkchoppal195 | January 15th 17
4.0 excellentNervousBreakdown | January 6th 17
4.0 excellentAdamrk | December 16th 16
4.5 superbHangYourHead | December 14th 16
4.5 superbAlain0393 | November 23rd 16
5.0 classicJigglyPDiddy | November 9th 16
4.5 superbeliminatorjunior | November 4th 16
4.5 superbC0unterparts | November 4th 16
3.0 gooduhh | November 2nd 16
3.0 goodRuneii | October 16th 16
4.0 excellentGucciMange | September 25th 16
4.5 superbDaneleslie | September 8th 16
3.5 greatnolanzz | September 7th 16
4.0 excellentBlackGiraffe | September 6th 16
4.0 excellentJakeMartell | September 3rd 16
4.0 excellentjustanothername | August 16th 16
3.5 greatanalc | August 16th 16
4.0 excellentAndy H. B. | August 13th 16
4.5 superbguilouzzz | August 9th 16
4.0 excellentMa1ze | August 7th 16
3.5 greatmajordevlin | July 25th 16
4.5 superbSatelliteYears | July 24th 16
4.5 superbJoergsonVomWalde | July 22nd 16
4.0 excellentMistaCrave | July 5th 16
4.0 excellentJekub | June 2nd 16
3.5 greatLewisShaw | May 15th 16
3.5 greatEatingItchyButthole | April 17th 16
4.0 excellentthesaddestday | April 9th 16
4.0 excellentGMarques | March 30th 16
4.0 excellentRegulatorWatts | March 24th 16
3.0 goodAtrumCimex | March 16th 16
3.5 greatInsomniacDozer | March 7th 16
3.5 greatDatsNotDaMetulz | March 4th 16
3.5 greatTBH717 | February 23rd 16
3.5 greatbraspberries | February 11th 16
4.0 excellentUpwardSpiral | January 23rd 16
4.5 superbfurpa | January 22nd 16
4.0 excellentelliootsmeuth | January 12th 16
4.5 superbHenry | January 8th 16
3.5 greatSlowBrains | January 3rd 16
4.0 excellentclimactic | December 22nd 15
3.5 greatAtrophy | December 13th 15
3.5 greatmingochicken | December 11th 15
4.0 excellentrocktheboat | December 11th 15
4.5 superbithoughtyouwerejokin | November 30th 15
3.5 greatredtoaster99 | November 12th 15
4.0 excellentShadow93 | November 12th 15
3.5 greatHeckToPay | November 8th 15
4.0 excellentsotirakis123 | October 29th 15
4.5 superbnosebleed976 | October 19th 15
4.0 excellentTheTransmuted | October 19th 15
4.5 superbthewindwillcarryme | October 18th 15
3.5 greatiReturnToDust | October 15th 15
4.0 excellentBrady Hayes | October 14th 15
4.0 excellenttorts | October 14th 15
3.5 greatPunk is just alternative with attitude | October 12th 15
4.0 excellentAsspaiN | October 10th 15
3.0 goodBonJobey | October 10th 15
5.0 classicvegantacos | October 9th 15
4.0 excellentMatski | October 9th 15
4.5 superbStarlessCore | October 6th 15
3.5 greatcharlesdivision | October 3rd 15
3.5 greatlarrytheslug | October 2nd 15
5.0 classicscx | September 29th 15
4.0 excellentPrewDelisek | September 28th 15
4.0 excellentPavera | September 28th 15
4.5 superbblvckbloodysludge | September 27th 15
4.5 superbGrandpaSeth3000 | September 27th 15
4.5 superbWaiting around to die | September 25th 15
4.5 superbDaily101 | September 23rd 15
4.0 excellentDazSkunk | September 17th 15
4.0 excellentMendross | September 13th 15
4.0 excellentDan H. EMERITUS | August 19th 15
5.0 classicGeneralDisdain | August 12th 15
4.5 superbRecordedInAPyramid | August 1st 15
4.0 excellentAndrew | July 30th 15
4.5 superbdudemanbroguy | July 19th 15
4.0 excellenttheneedledrop | July 11th 15
3.5 greatYetAnotherBrick | July 2nd 15
4.5 superbnylertickel2 | July 2nd 15
4.0 excellentboab92 | June 22nd 15
3.5 greatElegantElephant | June 15th 15
3.5 greatTheFantasticDangler | May 25th 15
4.5 superbibul | May 24th 15
4.0 excellentleviegalapon | May 15th 15
4.5 superbCrocodile | May 11th 15
4.5 superbBandNewbac | April 8th 15
4.5 superbMy Name Is Mud | April 6th 15
4.0 excellentI. M. Gay | April 6th 15
3.5 greatRustune | April 5th 15
4.0 excellentMoltenBoron | April 5th 15
4.5 superbi agree with harris' policy of exterminating all yellowcard fans | March 25th 15
4.0 excellentkeshahatecrew | March 14th 15
3.5 greatrooby | March 13th 15
3.5 greatreportingbird | March 5th 15
3.5 greatNorwichScene | March 3rd 15
4.0 excellentYotimi | February 11th 15
3.0 goodfacetheslayer666 | February 11th 15
4.5 superbChin | January 22nd 15
3.5 greatbadtarnes | January 9th 15
4.5 superbfuzzbutt | December 30th 14
4.5 superbMetaltronic | December 24th 14
4.0 excellentslaps | December 18th 14
3.5 greatPunkMoon | December 17th 14
4.0 excellentKevinBaecon | November 21st 14
4.0 excellentSTARDESTROYER | November 10th 14
3.5 greataaronrkc | November 4th 14
3.5 greatDickens44 | November 3rd 14
3.5 greatefterljus | November 3rd 14
3.0 goodtacomoon | September 28th 14
3.5 greatInfamousGrouse | August 30th 14
4.0 excellenttyler | August 27th 14
4.0 excellentDeathbeds | August 17th 14
4.0 excellentfrenchtoastking | August 8th 14
4.0 excellentMatte | August 6th 14
4.0 excellentSnoopcow | August 3rd 14
4.5 superbfdrc | August 3rd 14
4.5 superbDefendMarkRicky | August 2nd 14
4.5 superbSwallowShotguns | August 2nd 14
4.0 excellentsappamato | July 30th 14
4.5 superbPajolero | July 29th 14
4.5 superbAdamk7861 | July 29th 14
3.5 greatDominationCheng | July 26th 14
4.5 superbShadow17 | July 12th 14
4.0 excellentfoxxxy | June 29th 14
5.0 classichsb | June 27th 14
4.0 excellentbotreezy | June 15th 14
4.5 superbleejs33 | June 15th 14
3.5 greatChortles | May 27th 14
4.0 excellentChuckyTruant | May 20th 14
3.5 greatYou say proto-this, I say post-that, lets call the whole thing skronk | May 4th 14
4.0 excellentrien333 | April 29th 14
4.0 excellentcalgarydude12 | April 14th 14
4.0 excellentpurezephyr | April 9th 14
3.5 greatSGGreenman | March 17th 14
3.5 greatthegreatwildfrontier | March 11th 14
4.0 excellentAtThePinery | March 8th 14
4.5 superbSithese | February 25th 14
1.0 awfulEpitaph | February 24th 14
4.0 excellenti want to mort. | February 23rd 14
4.5 superbhelpoemer420 | February 11th 14
4.0 excellentthediamondcanopy | February 10th 14
4.5 superblestcore | January 31st 14
4.5 superbGringoSuave89 | January 20th 14
3.5 greatboogs | January 19th 14
4.5 superbFindingEmo | January 18th 14
3.5 greatStarless | January 11th 14
3.0 goodVlacDrac | January 10th 14
4.0 excellentmortifierftw | January 6th 14
4.0 excellentParanoidTourist | December 19th 13
4.0 excellentcableguy | December 14th 13
4.5 superbzundza | December 7th 13
4.0 excellentlikeshad0ws | December 2nd 13
4.5 superbTobmast | November 19th 13
1.5 very pooronefortheroad | November 11th 13
3.5 greatadr | November 9th 13
4.5 superbExothermicTitan | November 9th 13
4.5 superbCoolCanoeRendezvous | November 2nd 13
4.5 superbjash14 | November 1st 13
4.5 superbCrimsonLies | November 1st 13
4.5 superbaflak7 | October 30th 13
4.5 superbSympathy | October 28th 13
4.0 excellentThis is literally the only website I've read more than one person say I was an "awful rapper" | October 28th 13
5.0 classicsonshynn | October 22nd 13
4.0 excellentEmperorRyker | October 21st 13
4.0 excellentyouvegotredonyou | October 7th 13
4.0 excellentcraigy2 | October 3rd 13
4.5 superbinlimbo | September 28th 13
4.0 excellentcraven | September 28th 13
4.5 superbthis is like the buttprog version of the gerogerigegege | September 24th 13
3.0 goodxedi | September 17th 13
4.5 superbbreadstick | September 13th 13
4.0 excellentpalusica | September 7th 13
4.0 excellentDistanceoftears | September 4th 13
3.0 goodKetchupsuicide | August 24th 13
4.5 superbTheScariestFish | August 12th 13
3.0 goodjesseprice | August 10th 13
3.5 greatComeToDaddy | August 8th 13
4.0 excellentRashandarei | August 5th 13
4.0 excellentVelcro | August 1st 13
4.0 excellentzombi666 | July 27th 13
4.0 excellentMosesMalone | July 22nd 13
4.5 superbakimbo | July 12th 13
4.5 superbRatKing | July 9th 13
4.5 superbUlshad | July 3rd 13
4.0 excellentaNameThatsNew | June 29th 13
3.0 goodSrightryEpic | June 27th 13
4.5 superbiwasnvrurbf | June 27th 13
4.0 excellenttheearthisnthumming | June 25th 13
4.0 excellentPrinceoftheDogs | June 23rd 13
4.5 superbtmthycnnlly | June 23rd 13
4.0 excellentEscain | June 21st 13
4.0 excellentpatternindroves | June 20th 13
4.5 superbRecklessAbandonment | June 18th 13
3.0 goodChanceJeremy | June 14th 13
4.5 superbtlhk | June 14th 13
3.5 greataexulans | June 10th 13
4.5 superbPox | June 9th 13
4.0 excellentpaintedhorse | May 30th 13
3.5 greatRollieQuibbs | May 28th 13
4.5 superbCallumQuinn | May 24th 13
4.5 superbitalianginge | May 20th 13
4.0 excellentcrassisdead | May 20th 13
3.5 greatnoisehead | May 19th 13
4.0 excellentcosmicnavel | May 19th 13
5.0 classicNightpatrol | May 15th 13
4.5 superbxxxMARKRICKYxxx | May 14th 13
4.5 superbCaelum | May 5th 13
4.5 superbsnowbbird | May 5th 13
4.5 superbghosofperdition | May 5th 13
4.0 excellentUqnivde | April 27th 13
4.5 superbKman418 | April 27th 13
4.0 excellentIHeardThat | April 26th 13
3.5 greatcjohns0912 | April 25th 13
4.5 superbkillerscene | April 22nd 13
4.5 superbHieron | April 19th 13
2.0 poordobs | April 18th 13
3.5 greatHuronPL | April 15th 13
3.5 greatOblivioncry | April 13th 13
4.0 excellentJustinKing | April 10th 13
4.0 excellenttheHedge | April 3rd 13
3.0 goodVanSchuldiner | March 29th 13
3.5 greatroemilca | March 26th 13
4.0 excellentskramzdealerjosh | March 25th 13
4.0 excellentjmh886 | March 19th 13
4.0 excellentBaphomet | March 18th 13
2.5 averagePOOTYMANE | March 16th 13
3.5 greatdeathproof | March 14th 13
4.0 excellentTacoMan4Life | March 6th 13
4.5 superbanyway dot | March 3rd 13
4.0 excellentcancerwolf | March 1st 13
4.5 superbZantera | March 1st 13
4.0 excellentNotAmused | February 22nd 13
4.0 excellentbadkarma765 | February 21st 13
3.5 greatUltraswagman6214 | February 18th 13
3.5 greatNeitherSceneNorHerd | February 17th 13
4.0 excellentDamus | February 17th 13
4.0 excellenttnd | February 16th 13
4.0 excellentCasinoColumbus | February 14th 13
4.0 excellentblacksealwhiteseal | February 14th 13
4.0 excellentlocustmanor | February 11th 13
4.0 excellentWolfCocoon | February 10th 13
4.5 superbdavygrohl | February 4th 13
5.0 classicjonahrockz | February 4th 13
4.5 superbkb36 | January 22nd 13
4.0 excellentTheAverageJC | January 21st 13
2.5 averagebutchinette | January 15th 13
3.0 goodthedearlydeparted | January 15th 13
3.0 goodLuigiPichardo | January 12th 13
3.0 goodmarlborowinston | January 11th 13
3.5 greatgrrrandre | January 4th 13
3.5 greatMetalshy | January 1st 13
4.0 excellentSkoj | December 31st 12
3.5 greatLenix | December 31st 12
4.5 superbresident kpop trash | December 29th 12
3.0 goodmistakenformagic | December 28th 12
4.5 superbtrevorpost | December 28th 12
4.0 excellentBreakfastCat | December 27th 12
4.0 excellentzackaimforthehead | December 27th 12
4.0 excellentALVL5LAPRAS | December 26th 12
3.5 greatLifeAsAChipmunk | December 24th 12
4.5 superbxStayxTruex | December 21st 12
3.5 greatShimana | December 20th 12
3.5 greatcuki92 | December 19th 12
4.5 superbHeycoolkid | December 19th 12
4.0 excellentGupsters91 | December 18th 12
4.5 superbEaglesBecomeVultures | December 17th 12
4.5 superbTrentsbest | December 15th 12
3.5 greatAnesthetize86 | December 11th 12
3.5 greatnedflanders | December 11th 12
5.0 classicScagsTheHobo | December 10th 12
4.5 superbshrek | December 9th 12
4.0 excellentexplosionsintheheart | December 8th 12
4.0 excellentRamires | December 7th 12
4.0 excellentwcatdoor | December 2nd 12
4.0 excellenthimynameisjames | December 2nd 12
4.0 excellentforeverburning | November 28th 12
4.5 superbMayYouRise | November 24th 12
4.5 superbSilhouetteCloud | November 24th 12
4.0 excellentMikeAdriatic | November 24th 12
4.0 excellentHelltorSkeltor | November 19th 12
4.5 superbdiscofucker | November 17th 12
4.0 excellentyeahyeahutah | November 15th 12
4.0 excellent4N4LB34D5 | November 5th 12
4.5 superbeviltime | November 4th 12
4.5 superbNationalRadio | November 3rd 12
4.5 superbBramladesh | October 30th 12
4.0 excellentlaxanodolmas | October 29th 12
4.0 excellentSunn177 | October 28th 12
4.5 superbibringyoufire | October 27th 12
3.5 greatPurpIe | October 23rd 12
3.5 greatYou Are My Everlovin' | October 21st 12
4.5 superbTurtlestlker | October 18th 12
3.5 greatApplicationToHeaven | October 14th 12
4.0 excellentChaosInACan | October 13th 12
4.5 superbSWAGBRVH | October 12th 12
4.5 superbmatt1017 | October 12th 12
4.5 superbStagnantWords | October 11th 12
4.0 excellentMelanin | October 9th 12
4.5 superbWeAreLegion | October 8th 12
4.5 superbDronach | October 7th 12
4.5 superbSeer | October 4th 12
4.0 excellentclavier EMERITUS | September 27th 12
4.5 superbcamaraderie | September 27th 12
3.0 goodPunchforPunch | September 20th 12
3.0 goodjetfuel | September 17th 12
4.0 excellentwackydelly | September 15th 12
4.5 superbTMobotron | September 12th 12
4.0 excellentwacknizzle | September 9th 12
5.0 classichermmess | September 8th 12
5.0 classicaboriginedreams | September 7th 12
4.5 superblydai | September 7th 12
4.5 superbjenmana | September 6th 12
3.0 goodtoastrock | September 5th 12
4.0 excellentcjo | September 3rd 12
4.0 excellentShukal | September 1st 12
4.0 excellentTrapThemAlive | August 29th 12
4.5 superbyourepidemic | August 24th 12
4.5 superbWinrar | August 16th 12
3.5 greatMattamatta | August 9th 12
4.0 excellentnalapoke | August 8th 12
4.0 excellentslaythedragon | August 8th 12
4.0 excellentfoxxxy | August 7th 12
4.0 excellentjoscharrr | August 2nd 12
5.0 classicredcapediver | July 27th 12
4.0 excellenttrilliamdean | July 19th 12
4.0 excellentTheCourage | July 16th 12
4.0 excellentJulio Babilonia | July 12th 12
4.5 superbmiyumim | July 12th 12
3.5 greatohyes92 | July 9th 12
3.0 good6chris15 | July 5th 12
4.0 excellentAdderallAdmiral | July 3rd 12
4.0 excellentbrnnnfrrll073 | July 3rd 12
4.0 excellentEverythingEvil2113 | July 2nd 12
4.0 excellentSAPoodle | June 30th 12
4.0 excellentDev518 | June 29th 12
4.0 excellentFetusCannon | June 27th 12
5.0 classicwelshcraigie | June 24th 12
4.0 excellentPsilocybeDreamer | June 22nd 12
3.5 greatDday | June 22nd 12
4.0 excellentDashy | June 22nd 12
4.0 excellentBobMcflum | June 20th 12
4.0 excellentOnlyAnchors | June 20th 12
1.0 awfulKILL7 | June 19th 12
3.5 greatDECCA | June 19th 12
4.0 excellentYankeeDudel | June 19th 12
4.0 excellentcvlts | June 17th 12
4.5 superbColliiiin | June 12th 12
4.5 superbTooLateToGoBack | June 11th 12
4.5 superbShvyin | June 11th 12
4.5 superbheartofchambers355 | June 11th 12
4.0 excellentVastAire | June 10th 12
4.0 excellentDeviant. STAFF | June 9th 12
4.0 excellentEclecticist | June 7th 12
4.0 excellentboopko | June 5th 12
3.0 goodCaptain North | June 1st 12
4.5 superbMartynas | June 1st 12
4.5 superbhesperus | May 31st 12
4.0 excellentBlackbelt54 | May 29th 12
4.5 superbTheDjehuty | May 29th 12
4.0 excellent9MgTar | May 27th 12
4.5 superbsilverleaves | May 26th 12
4.0 excellentSnazSpaz | May 25th 12
4.0 excellentMasonxmace237 | May 25th 12
4.0 excellentPleasantBusiness | May 23rd 12
4.5 superbwaterhouse | May 22nd 12
3.5 greatManiac! | May 22nd 12
4.0 excellentZebralingus | May 20th 12
3.5 greatliledman | May 20th 12
3.0 goodRail | May 18th 12
3.5 greatAcorn | May 13th 12
2.5 averageMendigo | May 12th 12
4.0 excellentwasteofpaint31 | May 8th 12
5.0 classicGuanoBumbershoot | May 8th 12
4.0 excellentpumi | May 7th 12
4.0 excellentjorsh | May 7th 12
4.5 superbShuyin | May 6th 12
3.5 greatSystemunfolded | May 5th 12
4.0 excellentSamuelLlewis | May 4th 12
4.5 superbTwoMonthsInTheCold | May 3rd 12
4.0 excellentWharrgarbl | May 2nd 12
4.5 superbBillybobvagrant31 | May 1st 12
4.0 excellentkanker | April 29th 12
4.0 excellenthahnchris15 | April 26th 12
4.5 superbjulespowell | April 23rd 12
4.0 excellentmoderndaydrool | April 22nd 12
5.0 classicemptyblackbox | April 22nd 12
4.0 excellentEvilCashew | April 22nd 12
4.5 superbmontaukpoint | April 22nd 12
2.0 poorDeadBeat | April 22nd 12
4.5 superbOfloveandwarmth | April 22nd 12
4.0 excellentbrandondittman | April 21st 12
4.5 superbDeathsThread | April 17th 12
4.5 superbstillill124 | April 14th 12
4.0 excellentsadderdays | April 13th 12
4.0 excellentMobiusStripper | April 12th 12
4.5 superbpaxman | April 11th 12
4.5 superbYakman | April 10th 12
3.0 goodTrey STAFF | April 9th 12
4.5 superbDuderino | April 8th 12
5.0 classicIgnimbrite | April 5th 12
4.0 excellentfsupride | April 5th 12
4.0 excellentJohn L | April 3rd 12
4.0 excellentAdamK | April 2nd 12
4.0 excellentblakedoc | April 2nd 12
4.5 superbvoodooramen | March 30th 12
4.5 superbmusicismybestbuddy | March 29th 12
3.5 greatGenusHomo | March 29th 12
4.5 superbDarb | March 27th 12
4.0 excellenthoneyjoy | March 25th 12
4.0 excellentgansosgrandes | March 24th 12
4.0 excellentRiano | March 24th 12
4.5 superbReaperOfLight | March 23rd 12
4.0 excellentKSK1 | March 22nd 12
4.5 superbILJ | March 22nd 12
4.5 superbextranoisy65 | March 22nd 12
4.0 excellentbcwarlock4352 | March 20th 12
4.0 excellentIsolation | March 20th 12
4.5 superbd00derz | March 20th 12
4.0 excellentZombieParty | March 17th 12
4.0 excellentimmortalizepain | March 17th 12
4.5 superbFranzSchubert | March 17th 12
4.0 excellentImpossibleInfluence2 | March 15th 12
4.0 excellentauberginedreams | March 15th 12
4.0 excellentBewilderedLemon | March 14th 12
3.5 greatMisguidedYouth | March 13th 12
4.0 excellentBillDauterive | March 12th 12
4.0 excellentWildorwhat | March 11th 12
4.0 excellentFoursmallhats | March 11th 12
4.0 excellentJohnOBrien | March 10th 12
4.0 excellentParEndParenthesis | March 10th 12
4.5 superbGapwick | March 9th 12
4.0 excellentITsHxCTOASTER | March 8th 12
4.0 excellentxenocide. | March 8th 12
4.0 excellentLegendofPittman | March 7th 12
4.5 superbDDconjoined | March 7th 12
4.0 excellentjlech | March 5th 12
4.5 superbtsundereSCIENCE | March 5th 12
3.5 greatUnnamedOcean | March 5th 12
4.0 excellentFrank - the rater of 3.5 | March 4th 12
3.5 greatxandermander | March 4th 12
4.0 excellentOrangeHologram | March 3rd 12
4.5 superbliteralsurrealist | March 3rd 12
3.5 greatDays of Future Passed | March 3rd 12
4.0 excellentsideburndude | March 1st 12
4.5 superbWendnarb | February 29th 12
4.0 excellentEmim | February 29th 12
4.0 excellentgrizzlybeard | February 28th 12
3.5 greatTheGreatGrandGeneral | February 26th 12
4.0 excellentDurzoBlint | February 24th 12
2.5 averageMike08 | February 24th 12
3.0 gooddownxbeat | February 22nd 12
4.0 excellentFilling | February 22nd 12
4.0 excellentSalander | February 21st 12
3.5 greataccompliceofmydeath | February 21st 12
4.0 excellentTijnmans | February 20th 12
4.0 excellentspwee1494 | February 20th 12
4.5 superbSnipeCity | February 20th 12
4.0 excellentpastlessness | February 18th 12
4.5 superbBloodhail | February 17th 12
4.0 excellentVeldin | February 16th 12
3.5 greatIrishJay91 | February 15th 12
3.5 greatCaptainOptimus | February 15th 12
2.5 averageJamieCreep | February 15th 12
4.0 excellentrmill3r | February 13th 12
3.5 greatquik40 | February 13th 12
4.0 excellentGreenKoopa1 | February 12th 12
4.0 excellentGhettoHmbrglr | February 12th 12
4.0 excellentAlmostSeriousOpinion | February 11th 12
4.0 excellentOaklandishMitch | February 11th 12
3.5 greatwizkhalifa | February 11th 12
4.0 excellenttnetennba | February 10th 12
4.0 excellentRaccoonology | February 9th 12
4.0 excellentShrapnel94 | February 9th 12
4.0 excellentcryMore | February 9th 12
3.0 goodasaf | February 9th 12
4.5 superbstayclassysd | February 9th 12
4.0 excellentKatechon | February 9th 12
4.0 excellentTheBuzzKiller | February 8th 12
4.0 excellentlazorblade | February 7th 12
3.5 greatmttgry | February 7th 12
4.0 excellentiPim | February 6th 12
4.5 superbWesMantooth | February 6th 12
2.5 averagejoyless | February 6th 12
3.5 greatfsharptrit0ne | February 5th 12
4.0 excellentNickelbackFTL | February 5th 12
4.5 superbDormition | February 5th 12
5.0 classicMrHotMoms | February 5th 12
4.5 superbTimmons | February 4th 12
4.5 superbpcar | February 4th 12
4.0 excellentAlexTM510 | February 4th 12
4.5 superbRunAmokRampant | February 3rd 12
4.5 superbBrumas | February 3rd 12
4.0 excellentbornthetravestyofman | February 3rd 12
4.5 superbMuZack95 | February 3rd 12
4.0 excellentwarrar1 | February 1st 12
3.5 greattheUWFBOY | January 31st 12
4.5 superbAntiheroX3 | January 31st 12
4.5 superbMonsterpoptart | January 31st 12
3.5 greatTheseRuins | January 29th 12
4.0 excellentTimon87 | January 27th 12
4.5 superbFearThyEvil | January 27th 12
4.0 excellentBlindsided | January 27th 12
4.0 excellentIAmHollywood | January 26th 12
4.0 excellentsportsboy | January 25th 12
3.5 greatLordpanch | January 25th 12
4.0 excellentSpec | January 25th 12
3.5 greatRemedyForLove | January 24th 12
5.0 classicthunderpcats | January 23rd 12
4.5 superbjoshuatree EMERITUS | January 22nd 12
4.5 superbihopeuchoke | January 22nd 12
4.5 superbAbyssalCreation | January 20th 12
3.5 greatCerbyrus | January 20th 12
4.5 superbOwlProwler | January 17th 12
4.0 excellentNikkolae | January 17th 12
4.5 superbStreetlightRock | January 17th 12
4.0 excellentohfoxxxycole | January 16th 12
5.0 classicthechodewarrior | January 16th 12
4.5 superbCrackTheSkye | January 15th 12
3.0 goodcarouse | January 14th 12
3.5 greatDestroyHim | January 13th 12
3.5 greatMikesn EMERITUS | January 13th 12
3.5 greatiluvtweepop | January 12th 12
4.0 excellentmrnic3 | January 12th 12
3.0 goodAliW1993 | January 11th 12
4.0 excellentpmmets07 | January 11th 12
4.0 excellentFruityCatOfDoom | January 11th 12
3.5 greatSymmetry | January 9th 12
4.5 superbIN64 | January 8th 12
4.0 excellentSharkEthic | January 8th 12
4.0 excellentHenchmanOfSanta | January 8th 12
4.0 excellentAids | January 8th 12
3.5 greatEons | January 8th 12
5.0 classicbabyhitch | January 8th 12
3.5 greatletsgofishing | January 8th 12
5.0 classicMonheim | January 8th 12
4.0 excellentSputniks #1 Cacti Hunter | January 8th 12
4.5 superbgosk8n | January 8th 12
3.5 greatJJwins | January 8th 12
4.5 superbeternium | January 7th 12
4.5 superbXingKing | January 7th 12
4.5 superbRevengeSoldier | January 7th 12
4.0 excellentSpritzSpritz | January 7th 12
4.0 excellentIgnored | January 7th 12
3.5 greatBLUEOmni | January 7th 12
4.5 superbRev | January 7th 12
4.0 excellentPentagon | January 7th 12
4.5 superbliketotallydude | January 6th 12
4.0 excellentGnarlyShillelagh | January 6th 12
4.5 superbBlueW | January 6th 12
4.5 superbFelixCulpa | January 6th 12
2.0 poorpatrickfannon | January 5th 12
4.0 excellentvakuola | January 5th 12
4.0 excellentDeathcar | January 5th 12
3.5 greatKrissWatts | January 5th 12
4.0 excellentScoot | January 5th 12
4.0 excellentjimmykidd | January 5th 12
3.5 greatMisterTornado | January 5th 12
4.5 superbUnderDaIce | January 5th 12
4.0 excellentYazz_Flute | January 4th 12
4.5 superbYea, my final legacy to this piece-of-shit site. | January 4th 12
4.0 excellentsteigi | January 4th 12
3.0 gooddelajetsetradio | January 4th 12
3.5 greatHep Kat | January 4th 12
4.5 superbAdabelle | January 4th 12
5.0 classicpoorzack | January 4th 12
4.5 superbTomAkaVeto | January 4th 12
4.5 superbMitch S. | January 4th 12
5.0 classicThane | January 4th 12
4.5 superbLolgical | January 4th 12
4.0 excellentelephantREVOLUTION | January 4th 12
4.0 excellentdjunior | January 3rd 12
4.5 superbDeadbeatDankity | January 3rd 12
3.5 greatDoubtGin | January 3rd 12
4.5 superbjayfatha | January 3rd 12
4.5 superbalexxkensebben | January 3rd 12
4.5 superbdansxdead | January 2nd 12

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