Get Scared   Best Kind of Mess
Release Date: 2011

 Full ReviewRatings (108) Give your Rating

2.0 poorJared Floryan | April 3rd 16

Generic can be executed properly and with swift justice, but man are these Layton, Utah natives unable to take the hint. American rock quartet Get Scared's debut studio album Best Kind of Mess exists just for the sake of adding more unnecessary firewood to the scene-oriented circle - and it's a circle that, mind you, was already huge in the first place. Catchiness and competence can't quite make up for lackluster songwriting, dated appeal, and an overall samey nature. I wasn't getting the bejeezus scared out of me so much as I getting exhausted by how extraordinarily derivative this group sounds. They aren't even subtle with their influences not one iota.

1 Bumps | Bump

2.0 poorPaul Quinones | August 10th 11

To let everyone on here know, the "angsty teen writing" of which you speak was the unfortunate matter of the lead vocalist who attempted suicide a couple months after it's release. It's heartfelt lyrics.

1 Bumps | Bump

2.5 averageblueskysailor | May 17th 17

I changed my rating from a 4 to a 2.5 because I realized Get Scared didn't even write most of this.
They were completely controlled by their label at this point, the label made lyrics that appealed to
edgy angsty teens, which is the target audience. not saying nick wasn't dealing with stuff, but hes
not even credited as writing these lyrics. the other releases, however, were definitely from him
and the band.


3.0 goodaurorak5541 | January 8th 17

It was mostly good i would say but the best 2 songs are sarcasm and drow but the rest is ok i guess


3.5 greatmerize9 | October 14th 14

catchy, awesome voice, but would like the band be more original.


2.5 averageNerfHerder | February 19th 13

Despite the dark subject matter, this is a surprisingly fun listen. The hooks are catchy rand the lead singer ain't too shabby in the vocal department either. But don't expect this ralbum to break any new ground lyrically or musically. I look at this band as a less rsubtle My Chemical Romance, or a The Used "lite", and that's not necessarily a bad thing. rFans of these bands will most likely find something to enjoy here. But anyone interested in rthis particular brand of alternative rock/pop punk, or those who like their post hardcore rwith a nice helping of pop should give this album a chance. rStand out tracks: Parade, Hate, Sarcasm


3.5 greatruggy_drumboy | November 7th 11

it has grown on me, but do agree its nothing the used or haven't done but i can do with more of that.


2.0 poorIAmKickass | July 22nd 11

Best Kind of Mess started good, the first few tracks were pretty catchy and worked well at getting my attention, but things took a change for the worse as the album progressed. Half of this album is whatever filler tracks, and when it's not filler, the rest of the songs only manage to be listenable. On the plus side, these guys have the ability to be catchy, but the whining and teenage emo lyrics do nothing to help them.


3.0 goodiGuter | July 22nd 11

They scream, crawl into your skin and mix the best elements of: MCR, and The Used. But most of the time, you'll have moments of deja and wonder why they don't just join those bands themselves. Still, this band at least embraces the "horrorcore" elements and has fun.r


1.5 very poorMidjicka | July 17th 11

why is each track title only one word? whatever. album is catchy, but has a lot of filler and plenty of generic lyrics. pre-teen scenesters will love it though. however i still think the band has potential.


0.0 SCREAMorphine | July 16th 11

What heavy roots???? I swear I've heard every song on this album before


3.5 greatrjb0499 | September 15th 23
3.0 goodbellovddd | September 15th 23
4.5 superbHalez | May 27th 23
3.5 greatKManoc1 | December 7th 22
4.5 superbYakkingYak | July 23rd 21
3.0 goodLuna | June 24th 21
2.5 averageAmputatedAbortionist | April 14th 21
1.0 awfulfathergascoigne | February 2nd 21
4.5 superbImmortalizedRyan | January 25th 21
4.0 excellentLassusFaultier | July 2nd 20
4.0 excellentRemcheck91 | May 20th 20
3.5 greatblitzmesser | April 10th 20
1.5 very poorWokenTheFall | February 14th 20
3.0 goodAdrianQuinn | October 1st 19
3.0 goodjosh | June 10th 19
4.0 excellentQuartcore | May 14th 19
4.5 superbAYakkingYak | April 21st 19
2.0 poorAdoreSwancore | April 17th 19
2.5 averagekarlulol | March 17th 19
2.5 averageMatthias812 | March 14th 19
4.5 superbxfortinx | March 10th 19
3.0 goodSputnik's Go-To Doom/Stoner/Sludge Guy | February 14th 19
2.5 averageUzumaki | December 19th 18
3.0 goodJunkered | October 28th 18
3.0 goodJosh | September 22nd 18
3.5 greatYour #1 Most Loved Semiaquatic, Egg-Laying Mammal | June 12th 18
5.0 classicSarah | March 29th 18
3.5 greathypocriticalcat | December 20th 17
3.5 greatDalton DuBois | November 26th 17
3.0 gooditsyaboicobby | October 27th 17
4.0 excellentKatarinaramsvatn | October 20th 17
3.0 goodAstoriaBoy | September 2nd 17
4.0 excellentORTCEZ | June 25th 17
3.5 greatqueerraccoon | May 9th 17
4.0 excellentJayTheZoomster | February 20th 17
4.0 excellentseamoose | February 20th 17
3.0 goodd3vianc3 | February 13th 17
4.0 excellentjpjpablo | January 20th 17
3.5 greatRIPGemmy | December 26th 16
4.0 excellentTim Hurst | December 3rd 16
3.0 goodEvoHavok | October 22nd 16
5.0 classicAshleyScared | October 20th 16
3.0 goodShamus248 CONTRIBUTOR | September 5th 16
3.5 greatjzzlrd | July 6th 16
3.5 greatIceDoesntHelp | June 6th 16
3.5 greatSnide | May 14th 16
2.5 averagescreamer2290 | April 24th 16
3.5 greatmackenzie45220 | March 20th 16
2.5 averageParkersCannon | February 19th 16
3.5 greatjayz0ned | February 1st 16
2.0 poor8genre | January 5th 16
3.0 goodcocopunk1486 | October 4th 15
3.0 goodLoLifant | April 4th 15
3.5 greatIneedabettername | March 9th 15
3.0 goodChin | January 13th 15
5.0 classicTsukuyomi95 | December 5th 14
3.0 goodASnideReturns | September 13th 14
3.5 greatweflyatnight | September 11th 14
2.0 poortitanslayer | August 22nd 14
3.0 goodRolling Girl | July 13th 14
4.0 excellentBunnyInAThong | July 5th 14
4.5 superbThatCynicalGuy | June 24th 14
3.5 greatlignimvite | March 30th 14
2.5 averageAmbushReality | March 18th 14
2.5 averageDoomstercry | February 2nd 14
2.5 averageSconza | December 17th 13
3.0 goodMayhemLord3148 | October 17th 13
3.5 greatDischi | October 13th 13
3.0 goodErick30stm | September 30th 13
5.0 classicDandelion96 | September 17th 13
2.0 pooreelooisee | September 6th 13
3.0 goodFrasc5 | May 20th 13
3.0 goodZoneOut | January 30th 13
2.5 averageCharlieG | January 30th 13
3.5 greatShimana | December 20th 12
3.5 greatKenboSlice | December 14th 12
4.0 excellentPinoyTater | September 23rd 12
5.0 classicJoshuafdts | September 11th 12
4.0 excellentfrozensoul10 | September 6th 12
4.0 excellentsfoln2012 | August 27th 12
3.0 goodCaptainMunch | August 15th 12
3.5 greatledzephead | August 5th 12
3.0 gooddiscovolante | July 16th 12
5.0 classicLucastrue | May 13th 12
4.5 superbCaraballo | May 10th 12
3.0 goodChaseCha | April 11th 12
5.0 classicEverRose | March 24th 12
4.5 superbthe666 | November 12th 11
3.5 greatOurNumbers | November 10th 11
3.0 goodyour2diefor | November 7th 11
2.5 averagebutchinette | September 29th 11
3.0 goodSingForTheDead | September 2nd 11
3.0 goodThomasTheCure | August 30th 11
3.0 goodOnlyInhuman | August 28th 11
2.5 averageILJ | August 6th 11
2.5 averageRyanprobro | August 2nd 11
1.5 very poorJom3 | July 15th 11
2.5 averageX3ni92 | July 14th 11

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