| Full Review | Ratings (552) |
Give your Rating |
4.5 superb | Furik | July 27th 11 | I would never normally rate an album this high but after one listen, i'm pretty sure it's even better than Uroboros - which I figured was their magnum opus. Such beautifully crafted instrumental work overall and Kyo's voice truly shines for the first time since their earlier days. This is going to be big.
3 Bumps | Bump |
4.5 superb | endtell | July 27th 11 | And they said UROBOROS was dark and unsettling. This album is simply DEG's best album, and undoubtly one of the best release of the year.
3 Bumps | Bump |
0.0 | Ire | August 2nd 11 | 4.5 superb Carnifex | July 28th 11
"I love this album so much, such a good blend of creepiness & heavy parts along with the
lighter tones of Kyo's voice at times. I love this record, their crowning achievement as
far as I'm concerned."
that means it sucks
2 Bumps | Bump |
0.0 | Xenophanes EMERITUS | July 27th 11 | It's Dir en Grey so it's cool in some respects, but overall it's largely a mess. Rough, unapproachable, and completely chaotic, this album isn't for everyone.
2 Bumps | Bump |
5.0 classic | Jared Floryan | November 15th 14 | (8/30/18): When a record like Uroboros was *and* still is oft-seen by many to be Dir En Grey's finest moment, the prospect of expectations being so high for the next official release would be inevitable. Enter the Japanese extreme/experimental metal band's eighth studio album, titled Dum Spiro Spero, which is a Latin phrase meaning 'While I breathe, I hope.' With an even larger emphasis on aggression, technical proficiency, and also orchestral elements thought to have been improbable when merged with the former two, Diru's eighth LP was another splendid success within their interesting discography. No tracks were ever really skippable thanks to the cool compositional twists taken throughout Dum Spiro Spero's 67 minutes, the production once again was crisp and filled to the brim with punch (plus the mixing of the instruments was *just* right), and the guys who make up the outfit performed marvelously as far as musicianship was concerned. Another mastahpiece, baybeeeeeee!!!!! Oh, and on a side note, this was the closest DEG ever came to putting out a full-fledged deathcore affair.
1 Bumps | Bump |
0.0 | extranoisy65 | August 26th 11 | If I could I'd actually give this about a 4.75, because my only thing is that for me, not every part of the album was mind blowing, but about 95% of the album was. There's very little room for improvement, but I believe these insane Japanese musical geniuses have the ability to make a record worth a 5 next time around
1 Bumps | Bump |
0.0 | BigSimo | July 29th 11 | honestly track 2 was going swell until he started singing. visual kei vocals will forever be
edit: ok on track 6 and luckily there hasn't been much visual kei vocals, just a lot of
inhuman noises
editedit: do not feel the need to listen to this again.....
1 Bumps | Bump |
4.0 excellent | ChrisWyatt | July 28th 11 | This is some truly unsettling psycho Japanese Metal, some of the darkest most fucked up shit I have ever heard. And I love every single moment of it.
1 Bumps | Bump |
5.0 classic | LiquidVelvet | July 28th 11 | Just insane. Dir en grey have always been one of my favourite bands out there, but they've completely outdone themselves with DUM SPIRO SPERO. Even in it's quiet moments, this is one of the darkest, heaviest, most unsettling albums I've ever heard. Really just a masterpiece.
1 Bumps | Bump |
4.5 superb | InFlamesDT | July 27th 11 | Superb blend of brutality, beauty and creepiness. Japanese music never sounded so good.
1 Bumps | Bump |
2.5 average | Erwann S. STAFF | February 1st 22 | Wah this has got everything metal, but separated into parts that follow one another in an extremely unsubtle manner.
Bump |
5.0 classic | Rik VII (sound-off ratings out of 10) | July 18th 19 | Deciding on the best album of DEG's unbelievable run from Uroboros to Arche is a hard task and my answer tended to change over years, but lately I've settled on Dum Spiro Spero and it has remained on that position for a long time. It's uncompromisingly gloomy and insane, their most atmospheric and most daring all at once. The best metal album? Definitely a contender. - 10
Bump |
0.0 | zetsumeisama | January 21st 19 | Favorite Tracks: Hageshisa To, Kono Mune No Naka De Karamitsuita Shakunetsu No Yami, DIABOLOS, DIFFERENT SENSE, LOTUS.
Bump |
4.0 excellent | TRMshadow | September 25th 14 | A great album, I just don't think I can pick up enough of the significant differences to throw this one on when I also have Uroboros to spin.
Bump |
4.5 superb | RedHorizon | February 25th 13 | is this our Japanese friends' best album? It all comes down to personal opinion. Is it their most artistic and well-crafted piece of work? Most definitely! DEG have shown us their ease of playing both heavy and melodic music. Dum Spiro Spero is no exception.
Bump |
0.0 | smexican | December 17th 12 | Dir En Grey turned deathcore. Damn. Different sense is absolutely loaded with pig squeals.
Bump |
5.0 classic | thelocalhentai | February 22nd 12 | Like every other dir en grey albums, this really had to grow on me. Once it did though, I do consider it their best work. There's so much here, enough of a variety not to sound like every other metal band with tracks sounding the same. Epic parts such as Juuyoku's break/solo that just fits so well together. Amazing album.
Bump |
4.0 excellent | redriverhautbois | August 17th 11 | I would rate this a 5 with all the cool experimentation these guys are doing. However some of the more metal sections bored me with very unimaginative low riffs that could have been much more interesting. Also I really must complain about the low tunings used as they cloud the music somewhat. When you have all three instruments playing in the bass range, it just sounds cloudy and unbalanced, there's no middle, only low tones and high screechy ones. Other than that though, everything else is superb, the choruses are well thought out and powerful. The guitar work is the most technical for them to date, as well as the drumming. While I still dont think it compares to Uroboros, this is a fine next step in an ever evolving band.
Bump |
5.0 classic | lliandriall | August 5th 11 | In my opinion Dir en grey are one of the finest and most talented bands on the planet atm, and Dum Spiro Spero is their finest album to date in a long line of very fine albums and singles. This for me is definitely the album of 2011.
Bump |
4.0 excellent | Comatorium. | August 2nd 11 | Am i retarded for thinking The Blossoming Beezelbub sounds like Opeth?
Bump |
4.0 excellent | astrel | August 2nd 11 | You BAKA GAIJIN can't possibly understand the true complexities in Kyo's pig squeals!
Bump |
4.0 excellent | Trebor. EMERITUS | August 2nd 11 | Not deathcore at all actually
Bump |
4.0 excellent | wretchedreflections | August 1st 11 | Your soundoff was too short, it has to be at least 50 charactersYour soundoff was too short, it has to be at least 50 characters
Bump |
4.5 superb | ProtestTheLegacy | July 31st 11 | Dark, disturbing, and chaotic as hell. If you thought UROBOROS was good, you'll love this. Diabolos is reminiscent of fan-favorite Vinushka, and Decayed Crow and Juuyoku really bring the frenzy. Some extremely proggy parts on here, and the entire band steps up their game; Shinya in particular has eye-popping drumwork in every song. If you're looking for milder music, search elsewhere, but for everyone else, this is your Album of the Year. Dir en grey responds to the darkness of the world and Japan's tragedy with an incredibly mature work.
Bump |
0.0 | ohfoxxxycole | July 29th 11 | what the fuck is that album name though reallyrfoxxxy
Bump |
3.5 great | JizzInMyPants | July 29th 11 | So close to the 4, but the singles that came with the album(minus amon) brings the album down, if you heard the singles, it in no way represents the album, if you like tracks like red soil, vinushka, Dokoku to Sarinu, Bugaboo from Uroboros, you will love this album, if you are looking for their hard rock side like dozing green and glass skin, you will not be getting it this album. rIf you haven't heard DEG before, this this album is a mix of a less chaotic unexpect, a sprinkle of meshuggah and tool, being fronted by a Japanese Mike Patton. this might seem contradictory stating that i did not dig the singles much, but this is their most focused album since vulgar. This is a like it/love it/ hate it album, there will not be any OK's or alrights
Bump |
4.0 excellent | Dismantle | July 29th 11 | da bes abum eva if u disgre ur rong
Bump |
4.5 superb | JDane07 | July 29th 11 | Somehow, someway, DIR EN GREY ALWAYS manages to sound fresh, yet familiar. Whatever genre they chase, they do so with complete excellence. DUM SPIRO SPERO is no exception. DSS is an album that comes across as chaotic at first, but there lies it's boldest brilliance. After several listens, everything comes together to form this masterpiece. A must listen for anyone who loves this band as I do.
Bump |
0.0 | Carnifex | July 28th 11 | Album slipped from me fast, it just annoys me now. No thank you.
Bump |
4.0 excellent | Jake E. | August 29th 24 |
3.5 great | Dylan | July 1st 24 |
4.5 superb | Tool1 | February 26th 24 |
4.5 superb | vannaie | January 11th 24 |
5.0 classic | moku | November 3rd 23 |
5.0 classic | Tori | May 17th 23 |
5.0 classic | Belal | July 3rd 22 |
4.0 excellent | pengui | June 22nd 22 |
5.0 classic | baruga | June 21st 22 |
4.5 superb | xlev | August 4th 21 |
5.0 classic | Laen | August 3rd 21 |
4.5 superb | alamo | March 16th 21 |
4.5 superb | Grandpa | February 13th 21 |
5.0 classic | Uzumaki | January 28th 21 |
4.5 superb | Oobaloo | January 17th 21 |
4.5 superb | Henry | November 28th 20 |
4.5 superb | brvb | August 22nd 20 |
4.0 excellent | Zaleb | July 31st 20 |
4.0 excellent | A.R.O. STAFF | April 30th 20 |
3.0 good | Wolfe | January 24th 20 |
4.0 excellent | Evenoss | January 4th 20 |
4.0 excellent | Spag | December 5th 19 |
5.0 classic | "Tab" | December 2nd 19 |
4.0 excellent | nbats | July 28th 19 |
3.5 great | josh | July 9th 19 |
5.0 classic | Blurbs | December 19th 18 |
4.0 excellent | Zen1th | December 6th 18 |
3.0 good | Aster | December 3rd 18 |
1.0 awful | vonseux | November 28th 18 |
4.0 excellent | Lacking | October 1st 18 |
4.0 excellent | Wongeh | September 26th 18 |
5.0 classic | Aranox | August 1st 18 |
4.0 excellent | Vakian | July 11th 18 |
4.5 superb | elch21 | July 5th 18 |
4.5 superb | AriDoe | May 23rd 18 |
3.5 great | zuzek | May 10th 18 |
4.0 excellent | k4lisk4 | February 23rd 18 |
4.5 superb | ctay145 | October 15th 17 |
4.5 superb | Lestat | October 6th 17 |
4.5 superb | Tom R. CONTRIBUTOR | September 4th 17 |
4.5 superb | YeeHaw | July 11th 17 |
4.0 excellent | ElSomni | June 16th 17 |
4.0 excellent | Hyndez | May 21st 17 |
3.5 great | wub | April 28th 17 |
3.0 good | Elynna | April 14th 17 |
4.5 superb | emmny | April 3rd 17 |
4.0 excellent | SadLad | March 25th 17 |
4.0 excellent | RMHQ | March 15th 17 |
4.5 superb | El Olam | December 25th 16 |
4.5 superb | Swarm | November 14th 16 |
3.5 great | Snide | May 23rd 16 |
4.0 excellent | Greidy | April 23rd 16 |
4.0 excellent | ICDD | March 28th 16 |
3.5 great | Shinya | January 3rd 16 |
4.0 excellent | Kynarr | November 9th 15 |
3.5 great | nemmm | November 8th 15 |
4.0 excellent | Madana | November 1st 15 |
5.0 classic | gtlora | September 15th 15 |
3.0 good | jmh886 | September 14th 15 |
5.0 classic | Geth | August 12th 15 |
5.0 classic | Danxk | April 6th 15 |
4.5 superb | Inferis | January 16th 15 |
5.0 classic | XIWinD | January 3rd 15 |
2.5 average | Naeveo | December 20th 14 |
4.0 excellent | Arctick | October 18th 14 |
5.0 classic | Brabiz | October 15th 14 |
5.0 classic | Ddv94 | October 4th 14 |
3.0 good | dbilidb | September 30th 14 |
4.0 excellent | coolray | August 23rd 14 |
4.0 excellent | msm008 | August 4th 14 |
4.0 excellent | ngk44 | April 16th 14 |
4.5 superb | Tonzx | April 3rd 14 |
4.5 superb | acbpn | February 6th 14 |
4.0 excellent | Sithese | January 2nd 14 |
4.5 superb | Eremita | December 3rd 13 |
4.5 superb | Ulthar | November 2nd 13 |
3.5 great | Dr7 | August 15th 13 |
4.5 superb | Zeg | August 3rd 13 |
5.0 classic | BK201 | July 31st 13 |
4.0 excellent | noriver | July 30th 13 |
4.0 excellent | gegiu | July 15th 13 |
3.5 great | N2B3J | June 30th 13 |
4.0 excellent | kakuei | May 22nd 13 |
4.0 excellent | Jamdbz | May 9th 13 |
5.0 classic | Meruem | April 15th 13 |
3.0 good | infest | March 29th 13 |
4.5 superb | Weedon | March 4th 13 |
4.5 superb | heck | February 25th 13 |
3.0 good | WTSMG | January 24th 13 |
4.5 superb | Escain | January 6th 13 |
4.0 excellent | dre517 | December 21st 12 |
4.0 excellent | juninja | December 18th 12 |
4.0 excellent | kx8 | December 8th 12 |
4.0 excellent | heyadam | November 29th 12 |
5.0 classic | nemuru | November 15th 12 |
4.5 superb | Hajoxsu | November 3rd 12 |
4.0 excellent | Warpt | October 23rd 12 |
5.0 classic | Simon K. STAFF | October 7th 12 |
4.0 excellent | chayka | September 26th 12 |
4.0 excellent | sora236 | August 23rd 12 |
2.5 average | cb123 | July 11th 12 |
4.0 excellent | Alexd93 | June 23rd 12 |
4.5 superb | Setzi | May 31st 12 |
4.5 superb | leycec | May 30th 12 |
4.0 excellent | Daedus | May 11th 12 |
3.0 good | Rail | May 3rd 12 |
5.0 classic | Awakur | May 1st 12 |
4.5 superb | ANJ45 | April 9th 12 |
4.0 excellent | Ruezann | March 9th 12 |
3.5 great | iglu | February 12th 12 |
4.0 excellent | joyless | February 6th 12 |
5.0 classic | Mabbitt | January 21st 12 |
4.0 excellent | Uqnivde | January 7th 12 |
4.0 excellent | btors | December 17th 11 |
4.0 excellent | FadedSun | December 15th 11 |
3.5 great | xorax | December 15th 11 |
4.0 excellent | Jeejee | November 28th 11 |
3.5 great | FLRTE | November 20th 11 |
4.0 excellent | Vesper | November 19th 11 |
5.0 classic | Djjakul | November 9th 11 |
4.0 excellent | 32left | November 4th 11 |
4.0 excellent | 0Mimi0 | October 31st 11 |
4.5 superb | HiLion | October 24th 11 |
5.0 classic | Jenghis | October 9th 11 |
3.0 good | Jruined | September 26th 11 |
4.0 excellent | iZac | September 25th 11 |
3.5 great | Guiltor | September 23rd 11 |
5.0 classic | SlimJim | September 21st 11 |
3.5 great | joec101 | September 18th 11 |
5.0 classic | 669 | September 13th 11 |
4.0 excellent | WeedKrop | September 11th 11 |
4.0 excellent | vakuola | September 8th 11 |
4.0 excellent | Symmetry | September 5th 11 |
4.5 superb | fcmogul | September 3rd 11 |
4.5 superb | blabony | September 1st 11 |
4.0 excellent | GhostK | August 22nd 11 |
4.0 excellent | CWBrown | August 17th 11 |
5.0 classic | Pyreal | August 11th 11 |
4.0 excellent | TT | August 8th 11 |
3.0 good | Rowdy | August 7th 11 |
4.0 excellent | pumi | August 6th 11 |
4.0 excellent | coleba | August 5th 11 |
2.0 poor | Wizard | August 4th 11 |
4.5 superb | cunae | August 3rd 11 |
4.0 excellent | gosk8n | August 2nd 11 |
3.0 good | itchy | August 1st 11 |
5.0 classic | Mauler | August 1st 11 |
4.5 superb | Dummit | August 1st 11 |
4.0 excellent | RedSky | July 28th 11 |
| |
Give Your Opinion on Dum Spiro Spero